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Blue Dragon


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I picked up Blue Dragon the other day (it was half price if you bought any other 360 game, and I was intending to buy Stuntman anyway).

I love japanese style RPG's. I love turn based battle systems and I basically love everything about the genre. BUT I've read some seriously mixed reviews about this.

I think the official UK 360 mag gave it 9/10 but gamespot and the like only gave it 6 or 7. I've also seen reviews giving it 4/10.

So, has anybody played it, and, more importantly, is it actually any good?

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From what Ive read its veeerrrry JRPGish (Japanese style RPG). What this means is that its linear. The reason that this is getting mixed reviews is because a lot of people these days enjoy open ended games as thats almost what they've been conditioned to expect, especially from RPGs. I haven't played it, but good god I want to, it looks mighty good for what it offers, and looks to be a good time waster to just throw on.

Edited by Robster
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Yeah, that's kinda what I was getting at.

I mean, is it only getting poor reviews because people are marking it down for things that are staples of the genre?

Basically I've been ploughing my time into FF12, but I'm not really getting on with the battle system. So, I'm looking for something else to get into while my missus is away on holiday.

I reckon it'll be awesome though.

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From what I've heard, it's also got a lousy plot and really shallow/annoying characters.

I'm kind of torn on it myself. I enjoyed the battle system in the demo, but I could definitely see myself getting sick of the art style, and of the characters if there's not a solid storyline to keep it all going.

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If you like Japanese RPG style and Dragonball Z, this is the game for you.

The style of drawing and animation is very DBZish, but the story is nothing like it. It does get boring at some times, but what JRPG dosen't? It takes me forever to finish any Final Fantasy game (console or handheld) because your basically doing the same thing over.

The voices in English are annoying, so just switch them to Japanese. You get the subs and everything so its just like watching anime in Japanese, just you get to kill crap and say things you might not get while in combat.

I like it, but its just going to take me forever to actually beat it. (3 discs on a next gen? Are you fuckin kidding me?)

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I started playing it last night for a couple of hours.

It seems ok, but doesn't really grab you straight away like other RPG's i can think of (well, FF). Also, whilst the graphics are certainly nice, they're very sparse.

Storyline seems pretty standard fare at the moment, but like you said, I'm 2 hours into a 3 disc game, so its got all the time in the world to pick up.

Battle system seems ok, if a little generic. And it's kinda annoying that you have to fight the same robot thing about 50 times at one point, although it does wonders for your stats. It gets better when you unleash your shadows too.

The one thing I do really like is the music. I believe it's composed by the guy who did the FF tunes, and it shows. Really good. Also, when you get to the first boss battle it kicks into this 80's hair metal song, totally unexpected and totaly, totally awesome! (Y)

Also, as frowned upon as it is, I prefer my anime with english dubs, so the English voice over is perfectly fine to me.

Overall I'd say its kept my interest so far, but really needs to kick up a notch to hold me for the long run.

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  • 10 months later...

I picked it up for $20 when I bought my 360 last month and have enjoyed it. Then again I am a fan of JRPGs so that was something I expected. It's not the greatest game of all-time by any means, but definitely worth what I paid for it.

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