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So with the new TV season starting...

Guest Mr. Potato Head

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Simple premise, really. List every show (new or returning), you're planning on watching, explain them a bit if you want to.

My list:

Back to You - Yeah, it'll probably be Frasier with a different supporting cast, but I'm willing to give it a try.

Reaper - I've already forgotten the premise of this one. :shifty: I remember that Kevin Smith's behind it, though, so I'm watching based on that.

Aliens in America - I read a review in the Toronto Sun stating that it's what Little Mosque would be if it lived up to all the hype. Granted, it's airing on the Sun's TV station, so I'm taking that with a grain of salt, but it looks like it could be good.

Corner Gas - Should be fairly self-explanatory.

The Office - Big fan of this show.

Carpoolers - It's going to be either hilarious or awful. I'm hoping for hilarious.

That might not seem like much of a list, but it's not including the stuff I'll watch only if I have nothing better to do (Mercer/Air Farce/22 Minutes, FOX Sunday nights). And there's really no conflicts - I have a class during AiA, so I'll have to find some alternate method for watching it. Overall, though, if I stick with all these, it'll be the most TV I've watched regularly in years.

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I only watch reality shows for the most part like Survivor and The Amazing Race. I can't watch anything on Wednesday or Friday nights due to prior commitments. As for scripted shows I'll probably check out Reaper, Journeyman, Aliens in America and Chuck although I don't have high expectations that any will last for long since I have no luck picking the "right" shows every year.

I want to try and catch up on Scrubs and Heroes since I liked what I saw last season. I also figure to watch Dexter since that's a show I would have been all over last year if not for scheduling conflicts. I also look forward to Burn Notice coming back since this week is the final episode of season one.

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I watch too much TV.

New shows: Chuck, Journeyman, K-Ville, Pushing Daisies, Reaper, The Big Bang Theory, Cavemen

Non-New: Prison Break, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, Bones, House, Smallville, My Name Is Earl, The Office, Scrubs, 30 Rock, Survivor, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Dexter, Brotherhood, Corner Gas, Little Mosque On the Prairie, This Hour Has 22 Minutes, The Mercer Report, 24, Lost, Notes From the Underbelly, One Tree Hill.

At least a third of these will probably be dropped from viewing for their turning shit, and others will perhaps be added for their being pilots I haven't seen. I'm particularly looking forward to The IT Crowd (should it ever air), Dirty Sexy Money, Life, Big Shots, New Amsterdam and Moonlight. The only pilot I saw and thought particularly sucked was Aliens In America, which I thought was flat and one dimensional.

So yeah. I watch too much TV. But it's better than watching too many movies. At least TV is free.

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I plan on watching more of The Office, now that it's on TBS. I've only seen two or three episodes, but I liked them.

Chuck looks amusing, but I don't see much staying power there. It looks a bit high-end production-wise and if it doesn't find a big following quickly, it'll be gone. I'll definitely check it out though.

I also recently fell in love a little with Burn Notice and I'm looking forward to catching re-runs of the early eps.

Oh, and Cavemen for all the unintentional comedy.

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House, CSI, CSI: Miami, CSI: New York, Criminal Minds, NUMB3RS, My Name Is Earl, The Office, aaaaaand is Standoff coming back??

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House, Heroes, CSI (the original),and Law & Order (the original) from returning series.

The only new shows I am interested in are Journeyman, Back To You, and that vampire detective show (Moonlight, I think its called?) despite it sounding like a total Forever Knight rip-off. Chuck looks interesting, but I've already heard a lot of bad things about it.

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We won't get them until next year, but: House, Heroes, Prison Break, Lost, Southpark, Scrubs, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, Supernatural, and Entourage (whenever they get around to doing season five).

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Guest Ringmaster

I'll watch everything I watched last year. HIMYM, Heroes, PB, 24, House, Found, Scrubs, My Name is Earl, The Office, 30 ROCK, all those Showtime/HBO/FX shows plus a whole lotta crap I'm forgetting/won't watch weekly. Then I'll give a shot to anything new that comes along this year, regardless of how lame it is. Except those really womanly looking shows or reality TV 'cause you'd have to be a real piece of shit to watch any of that.

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Returning Shows: How I Met Your Mother, Heroes, Prison Break, The Unit, The Office, Numb3rs, Family Guy, Dexter, Brotherhood, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Little Mosque On the Prairie, Lost, 24, The Shield, The Wire

New Shows: The Big Bang Theory, Chuck, Journeyman, Reaper, Pushing Daises, Life,

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Guest Ringmaster

I feel like such a fucking faggot for watching Gossip Girl. S? B? This is so gay I no longer feel gay for watching Gilmore Girls.

Though Kristen Bell is narrating so I will masturbate every time she speaks and watch every week. Plus the cleavage on this show isn't bad.

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