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Heroes Season Two

Guest Ringmaster

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Surely that should be inside spoiler tags, Benji? :shifty:

I don't think Claire's/Adam's blood gives you the ability to heal. I think it's a temporary thing. If not, then it means

Nathan's going to survive

which would be pretty cheap. They need to put some serious limits on it, otherwise everyone would just be walking around with a vial of Claire's Blood on them, just in case they get shot. She could bottle the stuff and make millions.

Edited by Jimmy the Exploder
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Not really, since it's something that didn't happen and wasn't actually hinted at being shown in show.

And Sylar absorbs powers by doing something to people physically, I didn't mean everyone would get the healing power from the blood, that'd be stupid.

EDIT: NEW Potential spoiler...

"Volume 2 was originally supposed to end with Nathan collapsing from the Shanti Virus in the middle of his speech. Due to the writer's strike cutting the season short, the scene was rewritten to end on a more dramatic cliffhanger note, with Nathan being gunned down by an unknown assassin."

This could indicate Nathan's survival but that he'll once again be hospitalised.

Edited by Benji O' Doom~!
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Well nathan was shot, but it doesn't say he was killed. maybe he'll get to a hospital in time and survive? I started to really like his character. Nathan and Peter together rueld, although Peter does work so damn well as the loner who no one really understands.

The ending got me jumping around, absolutely fantastic television. Sylar has his powers back, AND has regenative powers!! THE SHIT HAS JUST HIT THE FAN!

Just read the post above after making that final part....So does that mean Sylar doesn't have her power? and it's just temporary? Because I like Sylar being human. Although the whole "shot in the head" will kill them thing just totally makes that power not seem as good.

Edited by Ignition
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Yeah, I don't think Sylar has the healing power that Claire/Adam has. He healed up just like Nathan and Maya and Noah did. The blood just runs it's course, grants them temporary tissue regeneration.

I'm pretty sure Sylar would have to snack on Claire or Adam's brain to get the power long-term.

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Bob looks like such a pedo. I can't help but think it every time I see him.

I downloaded and blitzed through season 1, then downloaded and blitzed through what's been released of season 2. Really cool show. I liked Peter's transformation from bland to bad ass. Claire would get it hard. Nathan turned awesome. Hiro and Ando were really cool. Mohinder annoys the crap outta me. Sylar is quite cool. Noah is the most interesting character in it, he turns heel then face then heel then face so many times it's unreal. Nikki is aightish, bit boring. I like Micah cos I like the actor who plays him, he was really good as Franklin in My Wife & Kids. DL is cool. I like Matt, he's interesting, I like how his power is a lot more than it was at first too. Maya & Alanjdro are boring as hell. Elle is freaaky. Molly Walker is great. I liked Peter's Irish girlfriend's brother too, iono why, but for such a side character he commanded a presence.

Cool stuff, I'm lookin forward to the rest of season 2.

Edited by Renegade
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I assume JtE is saying is that it's not "what's been released of season two" so much as "season two", since this is probably it until the fall unless some major strike breakthroughs happen.

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Yeah, I can't see them putting out "the rest of season 2". They'll just go straight into season 3.
I'm going to be pissed if they go to season 3 and don't show the final 2 episodes of season 2. (For those that don't follow, The tv station that shows Heroes here never showed any episodes after "Cautionary Tales") If someone from down here knows whats going on, Tell me so i don't look like even more of an idiot.
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I dunno, that's weird. I'm sure you can find a way to watch the last couple of episodes.

Anyway, here's an interesting clip I found on YouTube. Matt Parkman looking for a cure to the Shanti virus. I guess Parkman was supposed to contract the virus at some point, but they scrapped it. Hopefully this is something they develop into a storyline in Volume 3, would be very interesting :shifty:

Edited by Jimmy the Exploder
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For those who don't know, G4 re-runs the week's episode on Saturday night, with a 1 hour Post Show on afterward. This week they had the actor who plays Ando on as co-host, with producer Tim Kring, director Allan Arkush, and the actors who play HRG, Maya and the Haitian on as guests.

A few things they revealed:

Originally the plan was for the virus to get loose - ie, Peter didn't catch the vial in time - but they changed their minds and decided to go in a different direction.

When they shot the scene with Elle attacking Sylar, the glass Sylar crashed through was actually CGI; the rest of the glass windows were real. Good thing, because they had to film the scene 3 times due to technical problems (the explosive charges they used for sfx didn't go off the first two tries), and the scene was supposed to be longer but they ran out of time due to having to reshoot twice. (There was going to be more footage of Elle standing in the hallway afterward)

This past episode wasn't necessarily the season finale, just the end of Volume 2. They planned for this season to actually be Volumes 2, 3 and 4, with the breaks throughout the season marking the end of each Volume. If the Writers' Guild strike ends in time, they do plan on trying to do Volume 3 if they can.

The meaning of the helix symbol (which keeps popping up everywhere) was actually going to be revealed in the first episode of Heroes: Origins, but they haven't decided when they'll reveal it now.

The interactive poll for who shot Nathan had "A New Character" in the lead, with "HRG" second.

It was kind of hinted at, but not actually said, that Nathan may not be dead.

The actor who plays the Haitian really IS Haitian, and he originally auditioned for the role of DL.....3 times. The Haitian was originally going to be a Maori.

The actor who played DL is now doing the lead role in a play that Adrian Pasdar is involved with. (I'm guessing he's the producer, or something)

Edited by GhostMachine
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