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Die Hard


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Which is everyones favourite? It's one of few series of films that's genuinely hard for me to decide a favourite, for the longest time "With a Vengeance" was the top dog and "Harder" was last, but the more I watch Harder the better it gets and the more I watch WAV the less the sheen of the Willis/Jackson partnership gleams. The first is forever awesome and Alan Rickman is the ultimate bad guy, absolutely quality, the scene where he pretends to be American is quality. Four I've not seen enough to judge, but it was awesome, simply for the explosions, one film never made me want to escape terrorists more :shifty:

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For the longest time I was told 3 > 1 > 2, and for an equally long time I told those people "your opinions are bad and you should feel bad" because they were wrong. The correct order is simple, it is 1 > 2 > 3 and the entire thing is about a thousand leagues ahead of anything else on the market. Despite having 4 downloaded for weeks now, I still haven't watched it so I can't rank it. Even though I love Jeremy Irons - and seriously, anyone who doesn't hasn't seen the Lion King - he's not in Rickman or what'shisface's league.

Edited by Starty Marty
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The first has been and will always be my favourite movie ever, but 4 is surprisingly good. I had reservations going into it, but I think they preserve the McClane character really well. It doesn't feel like a Die Hard movie, but I think it's good that it's moved on. I never got the hate for Die Harder, I think all three films are really good, easily my favourite movie trilogy of all time. I'd feel bad watching the bit in the first one where the reported interviews McClanes kids, due to how hot Lucy McClane is in 4.0 :shifty:

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I'd feel bad watching the bit in the first one where the reported interviews McClanes kids, due to how hot Lucy McClane is in 4.0 :shifty:

You may also be interested to know she was the best thing about Final Destination 3 as well. There was one thing that was fairly constant in the reviews of 4.0 though, and that was how Tim Olyphant was really generic as the villain. Does that have any basis?

Yes. He's more like William Saddlers baddie in Die Harder than any of the others, but with less gravitas.

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Die Hard With A Vengeance.

Die Hard.

Live Free or Die Hard.

Die Harder.

Die Hard With A Vengeance is in my top 5 favorite movies of all time, I've loved it since I first saw it roughly 10 years ago. And Jeremy Irons is awesome.

Die Hard is just the classic, essential action movie. And Alan Rickman > *.

Live Free or Die Hard was surprisingly good, a lot better than I expected. I miss the swearing, but the DVD will have it, so I will have the DVD.

Die Harder is a great movie, with a good twist, but it just doesn't compare to the others.

Edited by Ash J. Williams
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The first one is just amazingly good. It can't be topped. I didn't like the 2nd all that much, it seemed kinda boring, I'll have to watch it again to make full judgement though. The 3rd really surprised me, usually a series of films loses quality by the 3rd movie (with a few exceptions) but the 3rd was great. The 4th was very good as well.

1st is best, followed by 3rd, followed by 4th, and lastly is the 2nd.

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Die Hard's great, and Alan Rickman is immense. Never seen Die Harder. I missed the first half an hour of With a Vengeance, but what I did see what great, so I imagine I'd really like it if I saw the whole film. Live Free (or Die Hard 4.0 as it was over here) was enjoyable. Out of the 2.75 that I've seen, Die Hard is my favourite, and I'll finish by again pointing out the Rickman love.

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For me, Die Hard is the best film quality wise. However, if we're going in order of favouritism mine would go: Die Hard: With A Vengeance, Die Hard, Die Hard 4.0 and finally Die Harder.

Though, for me 1 & 3 are damn close on both quality and enjoyment level, with 4.0 being all 'round good. 2 suffers from having crap villain(s).

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Die Hard > Live Free = With a Vengeance > Harder

I was ridiculously impressed with Live Free, especially since I was expecting a complete disaster. Nothing ever comes close to the original though.

That's pretty much the way I feel except I thought Live Free was a bit better than With A Vengeance.

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I don't think I've ever seen With A Vengeance. I've seen the start, but we're talking literally ten or so minutes here.

For me, the first film is the best by a country mile, followed by Die Hard 4.0 (we weren't allowed the cool name over here), and Die Harder is still a good action film but the others are vastly superior.

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The first one, just for the line by that smug guy

'Hans! Bubby!'

then he gets shot in the face sometime after...

EDIT: And it had Paul Gleason in it, and he was the fuckin man!

Edited by gazzpriest
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