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Seen the movie...fucking loved it....that is all.

I liked the way they ended the movie, with all the open endedness, because hours after the movie, me and my friends were still trying to piece things together. I loved the camera work, I felt like I was there the whole time...and for a lot of the movie, I just turned to my friends and said, "This is fucking amazing." I would love to see it again, I would love a sequel , and...well, I just love this movie. Also...regarding the ending scene....is there video online or anything? Because I didn't catch anything falling into the ocean, and sadly, we didn't stick around for after the credits...

Edited by Ruki
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It fucking owned.

As someone who followed the viral advertising from Transformers until now, it definitely lived up to the hype.

And I don't know why, but I just happened to be looking right in the part of the screen where you see the satellite or whatever it is falling into the ocean.

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You remember that every now and then you would catch glimpses of Rob and Beth's day together, I think it was April 27th. Well, after the whole I love you's, it went to the end of their day when they went to Coney Island. Rob asks Beth to say one last thing before the battery runs out or something and she says it was a good day. Something along those lines. Well, during that part Rob points the camera out to the ocean and you see a cruise ship or something. The falling object is there.

The whole movie was filmed over that day. Thats why it pops up every now and then...

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Good god Kats, don't say that or you'll have him asking which part Tarantino directed.

The reason you see the beginning at the end is because it's a flashback, used for dramatic effect. I guess.

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Found this on the web

The Viral campaign has been detailing the back story to the movie in some detail. The harvesting of Seabeds Nectar, the blatent environmental damage Tagruato have caused, the destruction of Chaui station, the transportation of a creature of unknown origin that breaks free & is chased by military ships and aircraft, the destruction of that creature (or one like it) and its eventual attack on New York... The movement by Tidowave against tagruato, Jamies missing boyfriend who was on Chaui when it was destroyed....

Each of the viral sites is linked in that way, and I think the photos that have all appeared in the last week are probably the most important to the actual events that take place in NY as they explain why its there (something not done in the movie)

As for the stuff from Slusho, I finally get the Cheese! After seeing Hooman's interview with Matt Reeves, he mentions it was an original name used for the project while they were filming. There may be more to it than that, but thats the most obvious link I can find.

I'm pretty sure they didn't nuke manhatten, seems more like they just carpet bombed the fuck out out of it. Afterall, nuking Manhatten would probably end up doing alot of damage to the people who had managed to evacuate.
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There's no need for smarmy remarks, I ain't seen it so I'm tryna get a clearer picture. ZOMG Tarantino directs it! LMAO UBER L33T G33KS!

Hey now. I'm on your side here >_>

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I haven't seen the movie, hence can't actually say anything about it, but from what I can gather with the way the movie is shot (handheld camera), something like a flashback would in essence spoil that construction, right?

So, what if instead of a flashback, the camera was just taping over the video tape of "that day"?

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that's what it is... the video that the entire movie is "filmed on" was a tape that rob and beth had made the previous month... and is accidentally being taped over.. so when we see flashbacks, we're seeing a gap in the filming of the present, and seeing the original video on the tape from the month before.

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So, what if instead of a flashback, the camera was just taping over the video tape of "that day"?


And as for the term "Cloverfield," I assume that was the name given to the whole area ala Ground Zero for the WTC. I coulda swore at the beginning of the film it said "camera recovered from Cloverfield - the area formerly known as Central Park."

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So, what if instead of a flashback, the camera was just taping over the video tape of "that day"?


And as for the term "Cloverfield," I assume that was the name given to the whole area ala Ground Zero for the WTC. I coulda swore at the beginning of the film it said "camera recovered from Cloverfield - the area formerly known as Central Park."

Edited by JairusCain
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So, what if instead of a flashback, the camera was just taping over the video tape of "that day"?


And as for the term "Cloverfield," I assume that was the name given to the whole area ala Ground Zero for the WTC. I coulda swore at the beginning of the film it said "camera recovered from Cloverfield - the area formerly known as Central Park."

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