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Pretty much, yeah. That's about the way things are going.

As an aside: AAAAGH, Nia, why must you be so freaking adorable?! Seriously, I think Gainax created one of the cutest damn characters I've ever seen in an anime. When she actually broke out of the Anti-Spiral coding for a moment in Episode 22 and asked Simon if he was coming for her.... GAH!! It was an incredibly sad scene :(

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It seems like that Eppu Normaali are trying to tell you something through the following lyrics:

Vain tahroja paperilla älä siis suutu, ei niistä asiat miksikään muutu. Ei se että meillä oli hetkemme, ei se että meillä oli retkemme.

Nothing compared to Zone of the Enders, which are not just gibberish...but Finnish gibberish.

Tiernopar ehlkdu rapardu

Lukarmisi porer tirer lupar

Vierllosa tlarsi tumirpar

Ehkulur latu retie marar

etc. etc.

Edited by stokeriño
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Thank God for Episode 23.

Just when I thought I couldn't hate Rossiu's character any more, they go and turn the episode into something that makes me like the character again. Seriously, when Simon decked him, that was just what I'd been waiting to see.

And the new outfits? Holy shit they're oldschool. Anyone else reminded of old mecha animes when they saw them? Still can't wait to see Simon's final outfit-- the one we saw in the first episode's glimpse of the future-- in action soon enough.

Oh, and by the way, for those of you who weren't aware: there's a new trend going on, a phrase developed off of Gurren Lagann, particularly Gainax's budget spending. "40%".

In episodes 24, 25, and 26... Gainax used 40% of their entire production budget for Gurren Lagann to make them. 40% of the ENTIRE. BUDGET. Was used in the final three episodes. Holy shit

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Thoughts on 23:

I loved 23, mainly because I'd been waiting for someone to smack Rossiu for a very long time.

But I loved it for something else too, it showed how fast paced the anime was, and how it has genuinely seemed like a lifetime since they were back at Rossiu's village, when in reality, it was what...18 episodes? In that time so much has happened, and in a world where Animes' like Naruto and Bleach exist, Gurren Lagann is a breath of fresh air for how it maintains strong character development, but still keeps up its high-octane ass kicking theme that I've come to absolutely love.

And you can tell from the epic build-up to the next episodes that Shit.Will.Go.Down.

Edited by Robster
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We need to get some non-spoiler talk in here, stat...

I picked up another half dozen mangas last week, three of which were NANA mangas, and I would just like to say - I hope those responsible for the translation get burnt. Severely and repeatedly.

Upon inspection, the NANA manga was adapted for English release by an American publication known as 'Shojo Beat' (tag line: 'Manga from the Heart'), which it informs me is a magazine specialising in Shoujo (aka girly) mangas. That's all well and good. I have to say I haven't heard of any of the other mangas they serialise ('Absolute Boyfriend'? The fuck?) - but hell, it doesn't matter. They can only have so much money for licensing.

It's not the translation itself that's the problem. No, "Translation - Koji Goto" (from the credits at the back) is off the hook on that one. The mangas and anime are virtually identical in content (for as far as the anime progresses anyway), and I've already seen the latter so I know it's spot on.

No, what really fucks me off is the work of one "Allison Wolfe", who is credited with the dubious job description of "English Adaptation". The fanbase of this magazine consists of young teenage girls - which in itself is not surprising - and clearly they must be concerned about making the material 'connect' with this market because Ms. Wolfe has made every effort to give all, yes, ALL the characters appalling teenager dialects. I'm sorry, but the odd "man" or "dude" here on there I could live with...but peppering "like, whatever", "yo girlfriend", "totally rad" from cover to freaking cover is just awful.

RAWR. :@

The other mangas I got were Evangelion vol.10 (the ENTIRE book is just ep.23 of the anime!), School Rumble vol.6 (bit dull to read since I've seen about 30 episodes ahead of where it's up to, but I've sort of resolved myself to buying it now), and Yotsuba&! vol.4 (from the creator of Azumanga Daioh - BUY IT IT'S AWESOME). I need to get the next Fruits Basket and Genshiken mangas, and possibly Fullmetal Alchemist vol.13 if I can be bothered...

Edited by stokeriño
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Speaking of mangas, I've began buying the Hellsing series. So far I have books 1 and 2... I'm really enjoying it. I heard the new Hellsing anime follows the story pretty closely as opposed to the original one, too, so I might be interested in looking into that.

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I never liked Hellsing. This is no doubt largely due to how I find all manner of vampire fiction (Buffy and Angel being the perculiar exceptions) to be mind-numbingly tedious. Not a good stance for a relation of Bram Stoker, I know, but there it is.

Plus Victoria Ceres can be downright irritating at the best of times. :shifty:

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You don't like Hellsing??

Well I can guarantee

that Rashid will not like

that. Afterall he was

the one that made

the awesome Anime scenario,

with anime such as Dragonball

Z, One Piece and others. And

Rashid loooves Hellsing.

Wow it's hard to write like that.

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