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That is correct.....it's.....fucked.

Ok, I know the episode was supposed to be a random Excaliber one, but I think someone took a few liberties with the sub. This doesn't seem like the subs usually are, like it's someone completely different. A lot more vulgarity that usual, and around the end it even starts saying "I'm not typing that again, fuck that sword!".

I was laughing throughout the whole thing, but it just seemed like a REALLY crazy sub.

Edited by VinnyT
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Man, I'm growing to dislike the Geass dub. Especially since when characters pronounce "Diethard" it comes out sounding like "d-tard".

Also, Geass plot synopsies (spoilered for just in case):

17 - "The Taste of Earth": As the battle for Japan draws closer, Lelouch meets Suzaku at the Kururugi shrine to ensure Nunnally's safety. However, Schneizel has his personal guards follow Suzaku, and they take the opportunity to arrest Lelouch.

18 - "The Second Decisive Battle of Tokyo": Schneizel learns Zero's identity as the decisive battle in Tokyo Settlement begins. The battle for Japan intensifies when the new Guren Ganesha's Eight Extremities-Type enters the fray.

19 - "Betrayal and Brothers": Amidst the carnage in the battle of Tokyo Settlement, a Britannian special envoy visits the Ikaruga.

20 - "Emperor Assassination": Lelouch escapes a dilemma thanks to Rolo, but the world is changing and he has only one path he can take.

Episodes 18 and 19 interest me the most, especially 19. I'm kind of wondering what the "betrayal" part of the episode title is about.

Edited by Cloudy No More
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... Ruki, VinnyT, you wonderful, wonderful naive fools >_>

That was a joke sub put out to mess around with people. It happens nearly every episode, someone does it. The real subs aren't out yet, there aren't any 4chan references in the real one... man, this week's sub-joke wasn't even that subtle either, they made it entirely apparent it was fake :P

You might want to re-watch the episode again when the real subs come out, guys >_>

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Yeah, I had a serious "... wow Lulu you fucking retard" moment when I saw that. Unless he inexplicably has some sort of master plan that requires that, it's a bafflingly stupid decision on his part considering that he knows that Rolo killed Shirley.
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I'm assuming he has a plan, and it looks like now Suzaku and Lelou's positions are reversed with Suzaku no longer hating Lelou and Lelou being emo/hating Suzaku/not trusting anyone.

Also POSSIBLE MAJOR SPOILERS. POSSIBLY. They're only rumours at the time and many people are claiming they're false, but they make for interesting talking points so fuck it.

- Schneizel supposedly learns of the Emperor's plans for the world and betrays him. Meanwhile, on the other side, the Black Knights betray Zero and Zero goes back to China. OOtBK's betrayal of Zero doesn't seem very far-fetched with the way Ohgi and Toudou's group have been acting lately. Anya is rescued by the OOtBK after a battle. the Knight of Twelve dies (who is that, anyway?) and the war becomes something of a threeway between Zero, Schneizel and the Emperor.

The biggest one, however, is that Nunnally dies. Remember - these are all RUMOURS. She supposedly dies. Many people claim that it's been proven that they're fake, but still - like I said - they make for some interesting talking points.

Oh, and the last episode will supposedly be an hour long affair to signify that the series is "really ending".

Any guesses as to who the Britannian envoy to the Ikaruga will be?

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Regarding Lelouch and Rolo...

Is Lelouch really even aware of Rolo's anti-Nunally jealously streak? After all, Rolo fed him a line about Shirley coming to kill Zero/Lelouch after she got her memories back...rather than the real reason he killed her.
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Well, I picked up a magazine with an article on Gurren Laggan in it, and it has some spoilers, unfortunately. (I've only seen the first episode....subbed) So I have one question:

Which episode does Kamina get killed off in?
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Well, I picked up a magazine with an article on Gurren Laggan in it, and it has some spoilers, unfortunately. (I've only seen the first episode....subbed) So I have one question:

Which episode does Kamina get killed off in?

8 or 9 I believe. Too early :(

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Jesus Christ Suzaku. Get over it already.

Euphy is Diana and he is the Daily Express.

Fuck that, while he's entirely too melodramatic about it he has every right to hate Lelouch's guts for it, especially since Lulu had to go the "I did it FOR MY CAUSE :angry: :angry: :angry:" justification route instead of admitting that he fucked up and didn't want her to die.

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