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....well....fucking ass. I really wish I didn't just delete those :(

Also, what codecs might I need?

Edit: Downloaded GG subs, and no subs...rawr. So yeah...codecs would be great :shifty:

Edited by Ruki
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Couldn't tell you what codecs I use, 'cuz I don't have any idea. I use jetAudio to play videos and have never had to worry about codecs with it.

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Dooooooo it!

And I'm so glad my girlfriend hates pairings almost as much as I do.

Edited by Cloudy Of The Rebellion
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At least you guys have girlfriend's who like anime...

I met my girlfriend at an anime convention :shifty:

...and I think I'll take Cloudy's advice from yesterday to watch them...because dammit, I NEED TO WATCH IT!

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At least you guys have girlfriend's who like anime...

I met my girlfriend at an anime convention :shifty:

...and I think I'll take Cloudy's advice from yesterday to watch them...because dammit, I NEED TO WATCH IT!

:D Good deal then. You'll be caught up when this week's episode comes out.

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Thank God Lorina isn't into that. She doesn't find anything attractive about two men going at it, and finds it even more awkward when they look like women >_>

I honestly have no horror stories to tell about her tastes in anime and whatnot, really. We mostly share the same ones actually :P

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My girlfriend doesn't care about anime in the slightest, but she still hates pairings and fanfics/slashfics. And I do too. It takes so much restraint for me to not call someone a retard for bad shipping/pairings/pairing up rivals/generally just faghagging it up. OMG! SUZAKU X LELOUCH! No. No. You're a retard and please get off on pairing up characters from anime I dislike/don't care about and keep that crap away from stuff I like.

Also.. does anyone see a "Suzaku/Lelouch shipping subtext" at all in Geass? That girl I was talking about earlier said she was disappointed because all her fangirling, slash fic writing, need to have their hands cut off friends told her that there was such a subtext in R1 and she didn't see it (surprise! you can't see things that aren't there).

And then all her friends are irritated because Sunrise is "pushing too many hetero pairings on us". Shut uuuuuuuup. Never write your shitty roleplays and slash fics agaaaaaaaain.

Okay.. rant over. Totally spent way too many letters and all on that, but I'm trying to find a way to waste a few minutes and bitching about fangirls and shippers is where it's spent.

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This is the website/codec pack you want, but unfortunately it seems you can't use it right now because...yeah, click the link and see. ¬_¬

Combined Community Codec Pack

Oh,snap! I downloaded from them last night. I think I pushed them over the bandwidth limit. Sorry :shifty:

And what's worse than anime fanfiction is anime/harry potter/labrynth crossover fanfics. My girlfriend's friend incessantly writes stories that she describes like "...so Snape rapes Jerith, and then Naraku...". And all the other characters are directly based off of her and her friends. And she can't even write a coherent sentence. Thank god she doesn't post them anywhere public.

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Geass 14 time

So rolo told Lelouch and Lelouch planned to blow up Rolo with a bomb as revenge? aww too bad we didn't see rolo die this time. kind of disappointing Lelouch wasn't at the funeral and it did make him seem suspicious. it does suck he gets blamed though. suzaku is seriously so retarded, didn't lelouch risk his own life trying to pull shirley up from falling off the building? why would he risk his own life then just shoot her? and what a new low for Suzaku just when I got a little hope for him last episode, he forcefully drugs kallen to get what he wants?

so the rat is proverbially out of the bag about him being Zero again. interesting the black knights questioned the attack there but they obviously didn't know about the kids having geass. loved Cornelia providing the assist on taking down V.V., but Lelouch didn't get his reunion with Cornelia but instead his father. what did Charles mean by redemption? I get the idea he wants Lelouch to join him in his attempt to kill the gods. ahh can't wait for next episode :(.

Edited by mystikz
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Geass 14

Fuck Lulu, fuck Suzaku, Cornelia li Britannia is officially why I watch Geass.

Really, really ham-fisted, uncomfortable episode this week. Lulu is officially no better than Suzaku; both have taken personal loss and used it as a means to become utter bastards with their own annoying quirk (Lulu's smugness, Suzaku's self-righteousness). I don't particularly want either to die because there's no satisfaction in it.

Rolo, conversely, should die, and his death better be damn fantastic.

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Bwahaha, I forgot Ruki was however-many-episodes behind before I clicked that spoiler. I found the anti-climax quite amusing. >_>

And yes, she is. Swerve Lelou. Ultra swerve.

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