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I know people like that.

I don't associate with their insanity, though. ¬_¬

Yeah. I think I'm just gonna ask her what her problem with R1 is and hope it's not something as asinine as I imagine. :w00t:

And Ruki, Nina is so very out there. Wait 'til you see her role (it's a lot smaller than it was in R1, so far) in R2. :P

EDIT: So I talked to her and it seems that she's disappointed in the series because it was hyped beyond belief to her as "Fangirl euphoria" and a "roleplayer's dream" so I guess I wasn't terribly far off. :P

Edited by Cloudy Of The Rebellion
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I don't see how Geass can end with R2 unless they CRAM the last half of the season. There's so many characters and plots right now, an end out of nowhere would just feel rushed. As much as I love the show I just wouldn't feel happy with an ending unless everything was answered and we find out what happens to everyone, even Nina. OK I lied I don't care about Nina. I'd still like to know SOMETHING about Europe.

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She was worse in season 1 of course, but that doesn't change the fact that her entire character consists of being a Racist, Creepy, Obsessive, Maniacal, Nuke-Creating Bitch. None of those traits are good things. :shifty:

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She was worse in season 1 of course, but that doesn't change the fact that her entire character consists of being a Racist, Creepy, Obsessive, Maniacal, Nuke-Creating Bitch. None of those traits are good things. :shifty:

Watch the series end with Nina killing Lelouch. So much hatred would ensue. :w00t:

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It's just a blessing that she's as incompetent at creating nukes as she is.

Yeah, but she's currently honing it (not giving anything away here).

Plus if she did kill Lelou it would probably be something silly, like Lelou underestimates her and she shoots him in the back of the head while he's having a showdown with Suzaku or something.

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Just watched the opening scene....and already confused

Ok, so Lulu is alive...but...but....why is she the gym teacher?! She knows he was Zero!

I really like the opening theme.

I like most all of the themes for Geass, but I think of all them I prefer the FLOW song ("COLORS"?) and "Kaidoku Funou" by Jinn.

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To rank them, I'd put the Kaidoku Funou first. Then the one-off one for eps 24-25 (because it's so hilariously Gundam). Then the first one for R2.

I'm not sure which out of the original opening or the newest one I dislike more. They're both really quite bland, and certainly in the new one doesn't seem to fit the current tone of the series.

Conversely, I do like both of the ending themes by Project ALI though (the original and the new one). I was especially amused by the fansub of the most recent episode which simply said "FUCK PROJECT ALI" rather than attempt to translate the ending theme lyrics. Heh.

Edited by stokeriño
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Don't worry, stoker. It'll be changed three or four times before series end. :shifty:

I don't mind the Ali Project theme either. It's not bad.

Edited by Cloudy Of The Rebellion
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Not unless they do another "You must wait three months to get the finale!" stunt. It seems to be pretty standard to switch openings every 13 episodes these days, but no more than that. Presumably because having another song gives them another CD to sell which means more valuable merchandise money.

Edit: And I meant ALI Project, not Project ALI. Curious dyslexic moment there from someone who isn't dyslexic. ¬_¬

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My girlfriend...we had an argument about fanfics, she is currently reading one that is apparently good enough to be a novel.....but it happens to be a KH fanfic, with Cloud/Squall pairing. Made my head hurt. And she was also reading this thread, so yeah.

Edit: Enjoyed the first episode, still a few questions which I am sure will be answered in the coming episodes.

Edit 2: Fucking hell, downloaded episode 2 and 3, and neither had subs. Which confuses me, since episode one was from the same people (Eclipse), and it was the only ones I can found that had a decent ratio. Bah!

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All of mine from Eclipse have subs too. I think I even have episodes 2 & 3 of R2 by Eclipse, I'll check.

EDIT: Yup. I have episodes 2 & 3 of R2 done by Eclipse, with subs.

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