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I think I wanna watch GL again, I think it was the best anime of the year that I've watched. But to be fair, I can't remember what I watched...I'm also, almost done Chrono Crusade, and have two more anime (Hellsing and Black Cat) before I have nothing new :(

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Oh shit

Turn 23 plot summary spoilers

In the extended preview for the episode it looks like Nunnally is thumbing a detonator, and then there's this:

TV Weekly summary for R2 23 says that Nunnally volunteered to press the FLEIA trigger and bear all of her brother's sins. I wonder if she believes whatever Schneizel's told her? She can, after all, detect when people are lying because of their heart rate or whatever - so maybe Schneizel's told her the truth and TWEEST he's the good guy all along. Who knows.

Here's a summary summary:

Nunnally decides to carry the burden of launching F.L.E.I.J.A. On the other hand, Lelouch, determined to bring revolution to this world, is prepared to confront his beloved sister, but is suffering because of it. To make him remember his original goal, Suzaku gives him some harsh words, then heads off towards the battlefield alone. Schneizel and Lelouch clash in the sky above Mount Fuji.

TURN 24 & 25 summaries (OBVIOUS SPOILERS.)

24: Lelouch engages in a difficult battle with the floating fortress Damocles and confronts his sister. Meanwhile, Suzaku confronts Kallen.


25: Everything is for the promise between Lelouch and Suzaku, the Zero Requiem. Farewell Lelouch. Is this the last day of Zero? Good bye Suzaku. Farewell war time. And then…?

AND A QUICK THEORY that's making the rounds (possible spoilers) and GEASS ENDING SPOILERZ:

Nina will kill Schneizel to redeem herself for FLEIJA, and the Sword of Damocles is supposed to play a big role in the climax.

And here's a magazine excerpt (doesn't spoil anything):

The reason why Schneizel doesn’t seem like an antagonist is because he doesn’t have that dazzling ambition and greed in his character. He doesn’t wish to be a god or anything. On the other hand, he says that he “would” become a god if people expect him to. That’s just his character. But still, if he decides to do something, it has to be exactly the way he wants. The relationship between Britannia and the rest of the world must reflect upon his ideals. Which is why he would do anything to capture Lelouch, whose ideas go against his beliefs.

All got off the Code Trainwreck blog. Wow, that was a lot of text for Code Geass. I'll, uh, be leaving.

Edited by Cloudy Kururugi
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I been watching Gungrave lately. I'm up to episode 8 and it's like, episode 1 is from a completely different show that episodes 2-8(and probably more), and the show episode 1 is from is kinda dumb, and lame. Episode 1 is set seven years ahead of the other episodes. So, watching it is this weird situation where you're enjoying what you're watching, and want to see more but dreading the point at which it'll change over to the style of the first episode.

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Gungrave is okay, but not that great. I saw it way back when G4 actually aired anime late at night.

Sci-Fi showed Gurren Laggan episodes 9 and 10 last night. I forgot about it and was watching something else, so I missed 9 but did watch 10. Hope I don't have to wait much longer for Simon to grow some balls and get over

Kamina's death
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Gungrave is okay, but not that great. I saw it way back when G4 actually aired anime late at night.

Sci-Fi showed Gurren Laggan episodes 9 and 10 last night. I forgot about it and was watching something else, so I missed 9 but did watch 10. Hope I don't have to wait much longer for Simon to grow some balls and get over

Kamina's death

Didn't we already go over this?

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I can't wait for GhostMachine's reaction to

Episode 11, and Simon's ascension into godhood
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So, finished off Chrono Crusade. The battles were shit, story, not so bad. The ending...

I enjoyed that both Rosette and Chrono died, and not sure why, I liked that she was scared, that she wanted to live longer. But...what confused me was the whole thing with Remington in 1980/1981 or whatever, and then Aion being there....anyone care to clear that up for me?
Edited by Ruki Kōzuki
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The GoGo Yubari Cynical Opinionated Bastard Review of Soul Eater 17

- Aaaand we're opening up with Excalibur which is never a good sign. You ended last week's episode with the obvious cliched HUUUUUGHES trope of the apparent death... again... of Sid, and you follow up with an Excalibur acid trip? Uhhh. Dammit, Soul Eater, your plot is compelling but your comedy only works like 33% of the time at most.

- ... oh my god, this episode is going to only be about Excalibur, isn't it. Why. Why would you do that now when the plot is at its most interesting.

- Oh, they're bringing back the geek from the test episode for this one too. Well. Um. At least he's geting some mileage because I'd sort of assumed we'd never see him again after that episode he was brought in for for overwhelmingly convenient purposes. At least the dialogue is funnier than Soul Eater usually manages.

- ... was that a West Side Story riff? Okay, that was good. As are the complete non sequitur morals.

- Oh, look, it's the actual primary cast. Remember them? They still exist. Aaaand that served no purpose. Sigh, filler.

- Alright, yeah, this has completely worn out its welcome. The sight gag of Excalibur's beard was funny, and the recurring disclaimers from the series were... okay, but ehhh. You can only do "it's funny because his character design is ridiculous and you're putting him into serious situations" so many times and now it's been beaten into the ground.

- ... wait, okay, the song was funny.

- Auuuuuuuuuuuugh so it was completely useless filler after all. I hate you, Soul Eater.

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that episode sucked.

Edit: Apparently the Battle Royale manga had a sequel, Battle Royale II: Blitz Royale. Can anyone tell me if it's been translated and if it is any good?

Edited by Ruki Kōzuki
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I do remember Battle Royale II's manga being done in a "chibi" style of art, which I heard actually lended to the series because it made it more disturbing as a whole. I myself haven't gotten my hands on it, however.

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Soul Eater 23

... wow, that was amazing. Everyone else's hallucinations were fear from the madness, but Black Star's one hallucination wasn't *fear* from the madness... he was so driven for greatness that it drove him mad into thinking he'd succeeded long before he ever got the chance to.

Next episode looks phenomenal. I fear Shinigami-Sama might be biting the big one, but at least we get to see him go down fighting. Not surprised by Medusa's death, but holy fuck was it ever handled wonderfully. Stein's descent back into madness was great, especially how careful he was being in scouting her, yet still making himself appear reckless.

My only concerns are: where were Maka and Soul? They didn't make it in time despite not having to go against anyone along the way. Also... without Medusa, I'm assuming Werewolf and Eruka Frog will pledge allegiance to the Kishin or something. Krona's just gonna wind up with Shibusen's team, I think (read: I hope... Krona as a good guy would be awesome, especially if he and Ragnarok keep fighting with each other in fights).

It just blows my mind that things have heated up so much and we're still just a couple of episodes away from the halfway mark of the entire series. I can't wait to see how they're going to progress the series as a whole without stretching things out too far or doing too many filler episodes :P

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Soul Eater 23

That's pretty much how Black Star HAD to be handled. He doesn't get scared, so his ego was the thing that instead was his downfall. I loved it!

I'm sure Maka, Soul, and Krona are walking towards Asura, but they really had nothing to do this time. When they jump in next episode it'll make up for it.

And Medusa's dead. Not that it matters since this new guy is GOING TO KILL EVERYONE (maybe). I'm pretty sure this is where Werewolf is going to die. Shinigami-Sama isn't really going to die (at least I don't think he really could anyway) Will he be extremely worked over and exhausted? Yeah, but he's done this whole thing before. I mean, if Sid can keep coming back every 5 episodes then I'm sure THE GRIM REAPER is fine.

And will we learn who the blonde kid was that Stein whupped? That's the real cliff-hanger :shifty:

How many episodes were made? I was under the impression that the show was currently running in Japan.

Edited by VinnyT
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Vinny: They're planning something around 52 episodes for the series on a whole. So yeah, we're almost halfway through, but not yet.

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r2 turn 23

it really seemed like an uneventful episode. just settings things up and some " HAH take that" from lelouch and schneizel. we get reassured Schneizel is EVIL and the VILLAIN, even though the whole world thinks it's Lelouch. So Nina has to save the world? ahahaha that's amusing. no hax suzaku guess that's coming up. the black knights are pretty retarded to be following schneizel who shows no regard for them at all, and nuked them to begin with.

I doubt Cornelia died but atleast someone came to their senses. still seems Anya might switch sides. Oghi needs to die already, but I guess it'd be better after they realize how Schneizel really is. Lelouch's side really seems low on capable pilots, I mean they have Jeremiah, Suzaku and C.C I guess? would of been better if a few knights of the round had sided with him and died here instead.

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Turn 23

Well, people's predictions about Nina were right - looks like she's going to have to save the world. Watch, as predictions further come true and Nina will be the one to kill Schneizel (or Lelouch). Schneizel, though, what a magnificent bastard. I guess Cornelia and Guilford can be paired now in.. heaven, eh, GoGo? :crying: Then again, with Geass, you never know. She might not really be dead.

But man, Schneizel. What a magnificent bastard. "Then, I shall become a god.."

Oh, and what the hell. Lelouch showing the ever-so-slightest bit of a redeeming quality. Wow. And was that Chiba blushing at Toudou? And it looks like Villetta is pregnant. Cool. Now don't ruin Ohgi/Villetta too soon, Sunrise. :@

Turn 24 extended preview translation..:

"If Suzaku and I joined forces, we could achieve anything. That’s how it was supposed to be. But Schneizel’s menace - that true threat - lies in a (sheer) lack of attachment. Just what tactics will the man who knows Geass and has obtained Freya adopt in his boundless ambition? Will strategy no longer work on a battlefield dominated by Freya? The final gamble, that very card, lies in Schneizel’s own heart…"

Here's the preview itself:

That face CC makes at the end is fucking creepy

Also, I'm just speculating, but based on the extended preview I'm gonna go ahead and say that in Turn 24,

Tamaki bites it. You see him shield someone (Kallen, I think) for a brief second with his Knightmare and then a few seconds later it's a shot of Kallen inside the Guren, crying.

Edited by ALPHA Cloudy
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elfen lied was pretty good, just kinda short and I didn't really like the ending. I'd never watch Lucky Star though, it looks and sounds like crap.

Watched the first 7 episodes this weekend, and it's pretty good (Elfen Lied). Although, I got some shitty subs, and it gets cut off halfway. Also, the opening music is fucking horrible! I hate it so much.

And Soul Eater this week was class. Loved it from start to back.

Edited by Ruki Kōzuki
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