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The Anime Thread


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Regarding Gunslinger Girl: It's a great series and brilliantly animated (can only speak for the first series as that's all I've watched). Only 13 episodes but I think the characters are developed very well, also some of the animation is of the highest quality: it's beautifully drawn.

Watch an episode or so and then consider getting it, as I guess it's probably an acquired taste, but I certainly liked it.

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Since Saturday I have downloaded 50 gigs of anime....Zombie Loan, Code Geass (both seasons), The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Highschool of the Dead, Azumanga Diaoh, and in the process of getting Galaxy Angel. I like this new site ^_^

...although my u/d ratio? .115

Pretty sure mine is .000


Ruki, is the site (no naming) the one I'm thinking of the one that a mutual friend uses? :shifty:


Mick, I still want to know what the hell you were talking about!

And I now have a fuckton of anime to watch!

-Angel Beats

-Azumanga Daioh (redownloaded)

-Code Geass (re-downloaded)

-Cowboy Bebop (re-downloaded, likely to watch with girlfriend)


-Galaxy Angel


-One Piece (4 episodes in. I figure...watch a story arc, watch a new series, come back, rinse, repeat. How many episodes are most arcs?)

-Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

-The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (A Movie, but whatever)

-Eden Of The East

-Final Fantasy Unlimited


-Zombie Loan

-Ichigo Mashimaro (I heard it was like Azumanga Daioh)

And currently downloading another 5-6 series. I wanna download as much as I can before my unlimited internet goes bye-bye.

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I love One Piece. I really want to get back into it but ugh, the week long wait compared to how little happens per chapter in the manga really killed my interest in keeping up with it a while back.

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Only thing that bothers me is the download I got...episode one and two? The audio/video was out of sync, and my god, does that piss me off.

Episode 3 was fine...episode 4? I can't quite tell yet.

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Yes. Yes it is.

Be warned, there is a LOT of fanservice. Lots of bouncing boobs and panty shots.

Too late, just watched it.

And what is this "Be Warned", Ruki? :shifty:

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I haven't watched One Piece in ages, I used to like keeping up with it when I was more it's target demographic audience but never felt the need to keep up with it. Does it really differ that much from the other popular anime that take 300 episodes to really do anything?

That said I really did love Kuro (was it Kuro?) with the specs and massive Wolverine claws. He was cool. :D

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Enjoyed High School of the Dead; I wish it was a proper 24-26 episode series, there's lots of possibilities given a Zombie apocalypse, but 12 episodes and an OVA that barely delivers on fanservice (That's sixteen minutes long, what the hell, guys :shifty:) isn't enough for me.

As for Samurai Champloo, I'll get there eventually; it just seems to be one of those that I cannot get into for the life of me. Now to figure out what to watch next.

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Enjoyed High School of the Dead; I wish it was a proper 24-26 episode series, there's lots of possibilities given a Zombie apocalypse, but 12 episodes and an OVA that barely delivers on fanservice (That's sixteen minutes long, what the hell, guys :shifty:) isn't enough for me.

From what i've heard, it was announced at some anime convention that they are working on Season 2.

EDIT: Actually here's a video of it.

Edited by The Sandman
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Needed to buy my dad some birthday presents* and have treat myself to Code Geass: R1 and Gurren Lagann. I've seen them both already but no longer have them saved on my computer and I quite like the idea of actually owning the DVD's of anime I like; so have opted to purchase them while buying my dad's stuff on amazon.

I've virtually forgot most of what happens in both so it will sort of feel like watching them anew, although memories are starting to flood back in bits about characters and story-arcs.

I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for part two of Code Geass. I also want to add Gunslinger Girl and Gundam Wing to my collections, but can do them later as I want to watch - and buy - some new anime in the meantime. I think I'll purchase Death Note (as I can't see me disliking it) and I'll start to see what's new that I can watch online and then things that I like, I can purchase.

The collection has begun! (Now to refrain from nostalgic Dragonball Z purchases to immediately bulk it out.)

*My dad was bought Rolling Stones DVD's, not anime, in case you were wondering. :shifty:

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I haven't watched One Piece in ages, I used to like keeping up with it when I was more it's target demographic audience but never felt the need to keep up with it. Does it really differ that much from the other popular anime that take 300 episodes to really do anything?

That said I really did love Kuro (was it Kuro?) with the specs and massive Wolverine claws. He was cool. :D

That part of the series was so long ago, I had to look it up to remember who you were talking about! I love One Piece, but I much prefer the Manga. I think I got up to like Episode 200 of the Anime but the lack of good translators (well, there was a group translating the first 100 episodes and a group translating the latest episodes, but I couldn't find any of the middle ones I needed) left me without any desire to continue, though now that I think about it I might finally start watching again from where I stopped, because I remember the Skypeia Manga arc being awesome.

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I told you; it was back when I was closer to their target audience. I'm 21 now, I figure it must have been around 5-6 years ago now? I just have a quality memory (and we probably got it later than USA anyways).. but yeah, I always just thought it was a bit .. er.. 'childish' compared to other stuff I suppose. Would seem like more effort than it's worth to even try and get into it.

Same with Naruto and all of them that I'd have to start from scratch with. I suppose I'll have to make an effort on Full Metal Alchemist and the like some day though, won't I?

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Anyone watch the Marvel Anime stuff on G4? Is all Anime this ridiculous? Logan threw a beer overhand then had a 4 minute fight scene on the roof of a big building and talked to his buddy for a second before the beer landed in his hand while they were down on the street

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Anyone watch the Marvel Anime stuff on G4? Is all Anime this ridiculous? Logan threw a beer overhand then had a 4 minute fight scene on the roof of a big building and talked to his buddy for a second before the beer landed in his hand while they were down on the street

I read 'bear' instead of 'beer' and immediately started downloading :lol:. Then I noticed my mistake :(.

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Eh, I actually prefer the Shonen style cartoony over the top Naruto style stuff, it holds nostalgic value to me and I really do like how ridiculously dramatic it all is. The fights tend to be awesome too.

Yeah, the One Piece dub was fucking awful. It really depends, One Piece looks more childish but it's more of a simplistic charm rather than actually childish. Where as shows like Naruto feel like they try real hard to be a bit more mature and end up being total teen angst 'mature'.

Also Pris, apparently the Wolverine anime is like... the worst thing ever. So if you were looking to try some out, probably not the best one to start with. :P

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My plan of buying some anime with my dads birthday presents appears to have backfired, as the building storing the anime appears to be currently on fire. Lovely.

Also do waterstones do manga? Or just the biggest ones? And is there anything I must check out. Never really interested me previously but I love an excuse to have a wander around waterstones so if anyone has any ideas I may nip in at the weekend for a look about. Not sure it's something I want to get into just yet though.

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