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The Anime Thread


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There's a shitload of filler in One Piece, by the way. I mean, it's not awful, but seeing as I've read the manga I couldn't stand it.

Honestly, most of the stuff One Piece does to lengthen arcs is pretty good (particularly in the Whitebeard War arc) and I think their actual filler is way better than, say, what Naruto or Bleach does. Of course, their first filler arc (the one with the dragon or whatever that was, which was like... I want to say after the Arlong arc?) was awful and I'd say the only filler arcs that have any real merit are, like... the one set in the Marines base after Skypiea (G-8?), maybe the Foxy arc (the first one, anyway), and the ones focused on filling in backstory for the main characters.

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Fillers an odd thing to me. On the one hand, it's more of something I like, which is something I'd think that I'd want. But where I already know the storyline after the filler and know how good it is (usually), I can't enjoy it because I just want to hurry the fuck on to the next awesome storyline.

Also holy shit, is Whitebeard War in the Anime now? I remember reading that a while ago and thinking it was one of the best stories they've done yet. I find I enjoy One Piece the most when it's a character/main character fight. The Crocodile Saga was one of my absolute favourites stories ever. I loved Crocodile.

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Yeah, they've done the entire Whitebeard War, the flashback arc that follows it (which I skipped because I don't really need to see that in anime form), and I think they're finishing everything up before the timeskip now and I have no clue how they're approaching that yet. Whitebeard War is amazing, I knew when I read it in the manga that it would translate perfectly into the anime and it didn't disappoint.

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No, like I said, they haven't hit timeskip yet. Hopefully the Fishman Island arc is a lot more interesting in the anime than I find it to be in the manga.

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I remember being supremely disappointed with FF: Unlimited, but that was mostly because I was like 13 and thought they massively missed the boat on doing an FF Anime that wasn't a sequel to FFVII. >_>

Speaking off, I really need to get around to watch that OVA for FFVII. Last Crisis or whatever the hell it was called.

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So I've been watching Shiki, and it's awesome. It's about a village being slowly taken over by vampires (the old-school, Dracula type vampires, not the sparkly kind), and the way the episodes build up a sense of dread and foreboding as things slowly get worse is incredible. Definitely worth a look if you're into the genre.

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I need a new manga to follow and would like some suggestions.

Stuff I've really liked

Kodomo no Omocha/Kodocha (My favorite manga and anime ever)

Mysterious Girlfriend X


Maid Sama!

A.I. Love You

Love Hina

Those are pretty much in order from my favorite and down.

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I need a new manga to follow and would like some suggestions.

Stuff I've really liked

Kodomo no Omocha/Kodocha (My favorite manga and anime ever)

Mysterious Girlfriend X


Maid Sama!

A.I. Love You

Love Hina

Those are pretty much in order from my favorite and down.

Mirai Nikki/Future Diary.

I cannot shill this manga enough :shifty:

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I've (re)watched the first episodes of season 1 of Code Geass and it's sort of starting to come back to me. I was going to make a post about the characters, how I thought they were developing and what I made of the English dub (I normally prefer subtitles but wanted to experience it..) however I'm going out for a meal with my family so will simply proclaim the following..


May take in an episode of Usagi Drop when I get home, still really taken in by it. Also Gundam 00 is being released here on anime legends, the first season for about £23 so I may pick it up. I love the Gundam series, it brings out my inner child, but I've only ever watched Gundam Wing really. So think this would be interesting for me.


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Just finished episode 4 of Final Fantasy Unlimited.

Can someone please tell me it gets better? I admit, I was expecting a little more from the series with the FF name...the music is great, animation is ok....but story? Fight scenes? Blah

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Is it worth having a look at Final Fantasy, Ruki? I've never played the games or anything but I have always been intrigued by the storyline from them and it's always something I've thought would be right up my street. That said, would I need prior knowledge of anything FF related? And since it doesn't seem massively ground-breaking at the minute - perhaps it would be worth a miss on my part, at least for now?

On my end I finished off the Gundam Wing series which must be for about the 5th time since I first started watching it. The next time I watch it will be when I get round to seeing if I can get it on box-set, I've browsed the usual haunts but they seem to be missing volumes, and box-sets seem to cost astronomical sums - especially if someone is selling their own copies on the marketplace. Would like to have the box-set for my collection though, would look good. I have the Endless Waltz OVA to watch too, but there's no real great rush for that.

I'm still at episode five of Code Geass: R1 so we've met the main characters and know what they're about mostly. We've had the Kallen naked in the shower scene (I'd actually forgotten all about her as a character until I came back to watch episode one again) and we're seeing Lelouch starting to manipulate everyone. Also been introduced to Euphie, and I instantly remembered how it all ends for her and I felt a little bit sad. But then Kewell kept shouting "Orange" and Jeremiah and I just started laughing.

Still yet to crack onto Gurren Lagann. May watch a few episodes later to at least break into it. Funnily I skimmed back over the first ten pages or so of this thread to see how far back the anime thread stretch (2007!) and people got to talking about Gurren Lagann a bit further on, the universal hatred for episode four was rather funny I'm actually looking forward to watching it now! Only the one series of Gurren Lagann - the way it should be really - so once I get an extended period of time I'll rattle through the whole thing before you know it.

Onto Usagi Drop. I'm completely caught up with the series (episode six) now and I am completely besotted with it. The synopsis is as follows: Daikichi is a 30-year-old male, likes to go out drinking, smokes, works and is your average bloke. He finds out his grandfather has died and at the funeral there is a young girl who turns out to be the illegimate daughter of his deceased grandad and his housemaid. No-one wants to take on Rin so finally Daikichi snaps and takes her in. So basically he's raising his aunt. It's really touching and works well, the animation is nice and there a lot of 'sweet' moments and episodes generally end with me wanting to go watch sport to try and man-up a little bit more.

It really is worth a watch, I can't reccomend it enough but depends how much you want to watch something like that. I mean, there is no murder and there is no semblance of a mecha thus far! But go watch it, even just the first episode.. it's well worth it if you ask me.

Finally, does anyone have any opinions on any of the following anime?


Tiger & Bunny


Dantalian no Shoka

Sacred Seven

Steins;Gate and Tiger & Bunny both started in spring and appear to be quite popular. Tiger & Bunny inparticular seems to be gaining a lto of plaudits and is done by Sunrise so I'm intrigued, plus the storyline isn't close to what I imagined it was going to be - but then I didn't really know what I was expecting anyways!

The rest all started their run this summer and have peaked my interest for one reason or another - mostly the storylines. But Dantalian no Shoka is by GAINAX - who seem quite decent (they did Gurren Lagann, I recall?) and Sacred Seven is by Sunrise so they have my attention moreso because they go along with the good plot-lines too.

Stuff that gets recommended will get checked out, and if I have time the other stuff too. Since Beez's stock all went up in flames I'm looking for new stuff to watch as I will need to wait for new released on the Beez front. Does anyone know if the September 26 release date for Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is USA or Europe/UK?

Edited by IAceI
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I'm torn between buying Death Note the whole series on DVD or buying the manga. I have only seen the first 6-7 episodes of it before and i'd have to pay about 40 euros for the DVD Box, i believe buying all the volumes would cost more. Any advice EWB, which is better?

Edited by The Sandman
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I'm torn between buying Death Note the whole series on DVD or buying the manga. I have only seen the first 6-7 episodes of it before and i'd have to pay about 40 euros for the DVD Box, i believe buying all the volumes would cost more. Any advice EWB, which is better?

Honestly, it's up to you. The contest is more or less the same, though there are some minor differences. If the anime is cheaper then the manga, then go with that.

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Is it worth having a look at Final Fantasy, Ruki? I've never played the games or anything but I have always been intrigued by the storyline from them and it's always something I've thought would be right up my street. That said, would I need prior knowledge of anything FF related? And since it doesn't seem massively ground-breaking at the minute - perhaps it would be worth a miss on my part, at least for now?

Honestly? I don't think I can continue with Final Fantasy: Unlimited. I was falling asleep during the last episode, nothing aside from the music is special. As for needing prior knowledge to anything FF related? Nope, not at all. The only things that have been 'FF'-ish is the music, a Chocobo, and the summoned monsters that kill enemies in one hit and end the battle <_< (and that is the ENTIRE battle). I would say: Pass.

But then again, that is only after 4 or 5 episodes. there are 20+ (and apparently it was supposed to be 50+...so it gets rushed near the end, or so I've heard).

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