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Ah Mouretsu Pirates. So promising, then it seemed to go nowhere. Also he's just a.. thing. Will finish it off one day but felt the first five episodes built up to something that it wasn't. Shame.

Also is anyone watching Space Brother/Uchuu Kyoudai? I burst out laughing several times in that episode. Especially Nanba's green card escapades. Such a great show. When he just stood up, made a noise and said "Michael Jackson" then imagined Kenji moonwalking. It's worth it for that alone!

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Ah Mouretsu Pirates. So promising, then it seemed to go nowhere. Also he's just a.. thing. Will finish it off one day but felt the first five episodes built up to something that it wasn't. Shame.

Also is anyone watching Space Brother/Uchuu Kyoudai? I burst out laughing several times in that episode. Especially Nanba's green card escapades. Such a great show. When he just stood up, made a noise and said "Michael Jackson" then imagined Kenji moonwalking. It's worth it for that alone!

I want to watch that show but I have too much on my plate right now, maybe at some point during a slow season.

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Wait...should I abandon ship on BSP?

Stick with it if you want, I loved the first five episodes or so and then after a while it was just like 'teenage girls do stuff' and wasn't as serious as I was expecting, I'm going to go back and finish it at some point and I loved Marika in it, great character, but it just didn't feel like it was going anywhere. I wouldn't tell anyone not to watch something as what I like/dislike isn't necessarily the same as someone else so it's not worth telling someone not to watch something as you may love it. But yeah, if you find yourself getting bored after 12 episodes or so you can probably imagine it's not going to be worth it.

Ah Mouretsu Pirates. So promising, then it seemed to go nowhere. Also he's just a.. thing. Will finish it off one day but felt the first five episodes built up to something that it wasn't. Shame.

Also is anyone watching Space Brother/Uchuu Kyoudai? I burst out laughing several times in that episode. Especially Nanba's green card escapades. Such a great show. When he just stood up, made a noise and said "Michael Jackson" then imagined Kenji moonwalking. It's worth it for that alone!

I want to watch that show but I have too much on my plate right now, maybe at some point during a slow season.

It's definitely worth watching. One of the sleeper shows of the past two seasons. Everyone watching it is loving it but it's so laid back it doesn't really grab you. It's just there, week by week, being consistently awesome. Either way, as I say, episode 18 had be genuinely bursting out with laughter. I can't find a video of the clip I mentioned but it was brilliant.

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Accel World

Chiyu....WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?!? I have to admit, that was a bit of a surprise! I was worried that "Oh, shit, they already beat the big bad evil guy, where do they go now?"

Although...curious what Naumi was talking about. He's not a Burst Linker, "we'd never call ourselves that"? Or something similar. Is he apart of a gang?

Best episode in awhile, I think.

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Oh cool, it's already out!

Thoughts in a bit.

Accel World, Episode 17:

Chiyu turned heel. It got a mixed response.


She better have a damn good reason for this.

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Sword Art Online Episode 5

What's this? A storyline beginning to unfold? Our prayers haven been answered! And it involes a PK and the slightly more surprising death of whatsherface (more surprising than that last lass who got killed anyways.) People will wanna stay clear of Kirito mind, he's a death bringer. Bit of random fan service just lopped in out of nowhere too. Its like a new show from episode 5 onwards now.

Accel World Episode 17

Oh Chiyu that was.. Odd. Better have a good reason for being such an interfering bint! Of course Haru couldn't honestly have expected to win with such a dull incarnate attack (I still don't fully understand that) and of course Nomi isn't going to die without some work being done by Kuroyukihime. What a fool.

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Sword Art Episode 5:

THE PLOT THICKENS! I'll be honest, I thought Yuroko was the one killing them off, but looks like I was wrong. I did like the shout outs in the episode (Guy that uses lances named Kains? Hmmm :shifty:), and I wonder how they're going to go with it, just to see what diabolical mind is behind these gankings.

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Sword Art Online #5

I'm only halfway through right now, but I'm amused at the fact that Asuna and Kirito were the only two people that went upstairs to check out the murder scene. Were this in any way at all an accurate representation of MMOs, you'd have people running around upstairs, jumping around, making awful attempts at jokes and trolling, and generally being fucktards. :shifty:

EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to say, sleep PKing sounds like the most hilarious, blatant misuse of the VR gear.. ever. I'm going to assume that the game designer intentionally made it that way.

EDIT AGAIN: Oh, and what was with the tight shots on Yoruko's ass? Oh anime. you so pervy. And just as I come here to edit this post to say that, they do the same thing with Asuna.

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Crunchyroll is now available to premium members on the PS3. (H)

Accel World Episode 17

I kinda saw Chiyu turning heel coming earlier, it was something that seemed a bit predictable early on in the series. There's probably a pretty compelling reason behind it--jealousy, frustration, or Nomi's really manipulative. Either way, next episode should have new characters and leave us hanging on this episode a bit. We'll probably get an explanation to why Chiyu did it, but we won't see what comes of it until Episode 19. I'm guessing that will then close the Nomi storyline and we'll gear up for the conclusion. I think this is setting up as a series that deserves a second season, a lot going on and I don't know if there's enough time to tie it all up.

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These previous two are actually really cool, in a weird way. I'm not sure I've ever seen a show take that route before.

Oh shit, I've been meaning to watch this, it was on my list.

*Fate/Zero Rider Voice*


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Woo! A storyline! And some old characters are making an appearance again! An enjoyable episode, but yeah, not big on the ass shots


Why not? :shifty:

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