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I think Ruki was joking. If memory serves, that whole "he's on the cart!" deal was a photoshop job.

...I don't think I'm joking?

I totally remember that scene or something. Or maybe I'm going crazy :crying:

Edit: HA! I'm not crazy!!!!

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I watched along with the subs and I don't remember that happening at all.

EDIT: Either way, the official word from Sunrise is the opposite.

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Yeah, sorry, he's dead. That's a red herring.

Well, I knew he was dead. He got a fucking sword through the chest.

I just assumed that was some kind of heaven for him, or something.

Not that he deserved to go to heaven.

Now I kinda wanna watch Code Geass again.

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Was that outside a convention or something?

On that note only one week til I go to a convention. Should be a good time. Jason David Frank is a guest!

A coffee/LAN Center. Found it on Reddit.

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Okay I just watched SAO episode three.

It was a strange episode. Felt a little bit like filler, but also it was weird because we've covered a full year of people being trapped in the game. I don't quite know why time is moving so quickly. I did like the little bit of development Kirito's character has gotten. His independence and arrogance led to death for the Black Cats and I think he's slowly learning more of how to really play the game and be around and with other people. So that's something. Really average episode though, didn't do a whole lot for me.

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SAO Episode 3

Decent episode, shame that beating the evil Santa resulted in an item that only does battle rez. Still, how much do you want to bet that later in the show, this item goes back to save his ass?

Also, wasn't expected his guild to get wiped out like that.

Accel World, Episode 15

Ash Roller returns! Who's apparently been dueling him on and off again. Sucks that Haru lost his wings, but hey, these things happen. I just wish he'd stop being so fucking emo about it, tell Black Lotus and whatshisface so they can go promptly stomp the ever loving piss out of Nomi.

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Oh my god...find the English dub for Ghost Stories!!!! Even just the best of on YouTube. Hilarious!

Didn't I say that like 20 pages back? :angry:

I dunno, did you? :shifty:

And Accel World...

Fuck, he is getting super emo and it is super annoying :/

Part way through SAO (I think I am liking it more than AW)

A rare item that brings back the dead? That would never work! THey died in the real world, thus, they would be disconnected and buried!

Oh! Within ten seconds. Makes more sense.

That was a sad episode! :(

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I'm caught up on Sword Art Online and Accel World after my holiday and I'll give thoughts, got a few of my other shows to catch up on and then I'm sorted.

Accel World

I hate Nomi! And for that I like him. He's a great character because he inspires emotion, even if it is dislike. Haru is far too emo for my liking and him losing his wings is interesting. I'm sure he'll get them back. Weird to see Ash Roller back involved too. Although I'm sure the storyline will be the typical: Haru loses wings, hits rock bottom, becomes inspired, wins them back and defeats Nomi - probably for the sake of a Chiyu/Kuroyukihime etc. but oh well.

Sword Art Online

I was enjoying Episode 2, and then they went to fight the boss and it all got a bit whiffy. I mean, why choose to die like that for one? (As people have mentioned) and it didn't seem like a Lulu 'make everyone hate me move' in the sense that Lulu did it with seemingly knowing it, whereas Kirito seemed to just.. do it randomly. I liked Asuno, although the cloak deal seemed a bit odd. And then for the third episode... was I supposed to care about those characters who died? The obviousness of the tropes used just seemed far too numbing for me to be bothered. So when he is overcome with grief at the end it just seems a bit 'meh, obvious, I don't share any of his pain.'

I was really psyched for the program and I feel it will be good but it's almost a slow burner and needs a bit of time to improve and really inspire. I just hope they don't try to force things through in such a quick space of time "I'm nice", "Now I'm really bad", "Hey I just met you.. :shifty:", "Now you're dead and I'm overcome with grief.." Give the watcher time to try and share and feel the same emotions as the character is and how we're supposed to, not just go through the emotions.

Maybe I'm just angry and cynical.

Edited by IAceI
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SAO Episode 3

Gotta agree, there were a ton of obvious tropes used in this episode. When Kirito joined up with a guild full of people 20-30 levels lower than him, my first thought was that they were all going to die. Especially so for Sachi after Kirito's little speech under the bridge about how he won't let her die. Nice seeing Klein again, though.

Speaking of Klein, the battle between his guild and the Divine Dragons made me realize that PKers are probably held in the utmost contempt in SAO because they're essentially murderers. That'll make for some interesting plots, I imagine they'll eventually introduce some nefarious, infamous PKer later on in the series and put him at odds with Kirito and his friends.

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Fine! I'll be the only one who liked episode 3


But, yeah, we need some PvP stuff. I expect it'll happen closer and closer to level 100.

Here's a question: Does everyone get out when the final boss is beat? Or just the party that beat it?

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I think we may have a PKer sooner rather than later, because (putting this in spoilers just in case):

Episode 4's title, translated to English, is "A Murder Case In the Area"


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I didn't dislike the episode as such, I just found it obvious and it didn't make me care about any of the characters. I'd never even given thought to the possibility of a PKer either, not even when the guild turned up..

hope if there is a PKer in the next episode he's better than them lot were..

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So anyway, I finished Sakamichi no Apollon.

All in all it was very close to a 10/10 for me. It had its few flaws, some of the events felt rushed, there were a couple episodes that just seemed very samey to me. This was in the middle of the series (like 6-9 if I recall) where the same sort of drama happened in each. Minor problems though. All in all I loved the ending, three friends who had gone their separate ways all coming back together after 8 years. A movie detailing what each of them were doing (or a second season) in those 8 years would be nice to see as this is one of the shows that actually made me care about the characters.

Also I start an anime convention today. Should be a blast all weekend.

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