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NFL 2008

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Orton's out for a month with a high ankle sprain according to ESPN's Michael Smith.

So after their bye week Dallas will probably have to win 6 of their remaining 7 games that include three more division games (only one at home) and a trip to Pittsburgh to make the playoffs. 5 may just about do it.

And y2jerichoholic, if you're going to post in here why not try adding something more than GO TITANS, UNDEFEATED WOW WE'RE AWESOMES!!! or just go back into hiding.

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Because I saw Kerry Collins play pretty fucking well when he was asked to in today's game. But I was probably watching a different game ....

Granted, I didn't watch the game, but Collins' completion percentage was the lowest its been for a single game so far this season (48%) and he had no TDs. Judging by ESPN's play-by-play description, I wouldn't say he played pretty fucking well. With only completing 48% of his passes, it's a stretch to even call him consistent. But with no INTs, he's not throwing the game away for his team.

I'm not trying to rag on the Titans. I think they're legitimately one of the best teams right now, but it's certainly not because of Collins. Even with zero INTs, it's hard to say an 18/37 game is efficient or "mistake-free," so there aren't a lot of compliments to throw around for Collins. But their defense is playing well, their rushing game is good, their offensive line gives very few opportunities for sacks, and Collins rarely throws the ball away. So while I wouldn't agree that he's playing all that well, the rest of the team is.

Ok, wait .... so which is it ? I mean yeah, 48% isn't wonderful by any stretch. But uh, zero INT's and not throwing the ball away, and not making stupid throws makes up for some of that lack of completion %. As you said, he literally isn't throwing the game away for his team. As I've stated before, all he's asked to do is not pull an Eli and fuck it up. Again today he didn't. He was throwing especially well in the 4th qt when he was 4-5 for 48 yds in driving the Titans into game winning field goal range. You know, when they needed him and the passing game :)

and judging by earlier conversations in this thread, I guess Chicago and Tampa Bay aren't all that wonderful either considering their play against as woeful of teams as they played <_<

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Wow, Belichick is a douchebag. He decides to throw a challenge on Indy having 12 men on the field, as one is running out towards the sidelines anyway.

The Jets also did this today too, tried to pull a fast one on Buffalo by rushing back to the line and then pulling a challenge on the Bills for having too many on field as two Bills were rushing to the sideline.

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Because I saw Kerry Collins play pretty fucking well when he was asked to in today's game. But I was probably watching a different game ....

Granted, I didn't watch the game, but Collins' completion percentage was the lowest its been for a single game so far this season (48%) and he had no TDs. Judging by ESPN's play-by-play description, I wouldn't say he played pretty fucking well. With only completing 48% of his passes, it's a stretch to even call him consistent. But with no INTs, he's not throwing the game away for his team.

I'm not trying to rag on the Titans. I think they're legitimately one of the best teams right now, but it's certainly not because of Collins. Even with zero INTs, it's hard to say an 18/37 game is efficient or "mistake-free," so there aren't a lot of compliments to throw around for Collins. But their defense is playing well, their rushing game is good, their offensive line gives very few opportunities for sacks, and Collins rarely throws the ball away. So while I wouldn't agree that he's playing all that well, the rest of the team is.

Ok, wait .... so which is it ? I mean yeah, 48% isn't wonderful by any stretch. But uh, zero INT's and not throwing the ball away, and not making stupid throws makes up for some of that lack of completion %. As you said, he literally isn't throwing the game away for his team. As I've stated before, all he's asked to do is not pull an Eli and fuck it up. Again today he didn't. He was throwing especially well in the 4th qt when he was 4-5 for 48 yds in driving the Titans into game winning field goal range. You know, when they needed him and the passing game :)

and judging by earlier conversations in this thread, I guess Chicago and Tampa Bay aren't all that wonderful either considering their play against as woeful of teams as they played <_<

Don't get me wrong; I think the Titans are very good. But it's not because of Collins. I don't think he so much as adds to the team, but he just doesn't subtract. That makes him better than QBs like Rex Grossman (on one of his usual bad days), but not as affective as someone like Eli Manning (on one of his good days).

But really, we have the same general opinion; we're just arguing semantics at this point. :P

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LOL, that is true.

I'm just giving him a bit more credit because he's able to do what vince young couldn't with the same team (minus like two people), and that's win.

But yeah, I guess the Cowboys are a good team myth was shot down this weekend along with the Bears .... ouch, tough break there.

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Both good teams but both suffering from injuries to key players at key positions. Unfortunately neither has the back-ups to fill in even adequately. Although saying that, Rex Grossman did come in to score twice to bring the Bears back from behind against Detroit.

And tough luck Tennessee, you beating the Packers sends them to .500 which means they're not a quality team so the Titans are obviously still riding their easy schedule :shifty:

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I'm not saying he's going to just pick up where Orton left off or even saying it was much of an achievement against a winless Lions team, just pointing out what he did in comparison to the Cowboys where Brad Johnson came in and threw three picks against the Rams.

And whatchu talking 'bout, the Lions are gonna win out :shifty:

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There is so much that is wrong with the Cowboys that it IS funny. Any one of us on the Boards here could probably go in and do what they're doing.

I don't see there being much wrong other than injuries and perhaps a little staleness in the play calling which I'd expect to be fixed after the bye.

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Wow, Belichick is a douchebag. He decides to throw a challenge on Indy having 12 men on the field, as one is running out towards the sidelines anyway.

The Jets also did this today too, tried to pull a fast one on Buffalo by rushing back to the line and then pulling a challenge on the Bills for having too many on field as two Bills were rushing to the sideline.

Just sounds like good strategy to me. If they cant get off fast enough they deserve a flag.

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