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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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Sometimes you really are a fucking moron. This is one of those times.

You must have been looking in the mirror when you made that comment.

Holy shit you're dense.

See M.E.G/Kyle for explination. (Y)

Just, wow. (oddly enough, I live on the East Coast now and DID see quite a few of the Steelers games this year)

To keep this on topic though. The Bills aren't making a coaching change and I completely agree with that. In some instances NOT making the overhaul is actually better. I think it fits here. The Bills are real close to being a playoff team and only minor tweaks are needed in the offseason to get there. They've done extremely well in the draft the last few years and have a great core that should be maturing together. Yay for Ralph Wilson giving it a chance.

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LOL @ Denver.

Unless they get Cowher (doubtful), then that was a dumb move. It did make my day, though. Fuckin' Donkeys.

Is it bad that I'd happily take two HCs from within the division, one of which got fired, one of which is likely too, as coach of the Raiders. Shanahan as Raider HC would be epic, though unlikely. I'd rather have Herm, though. Or Jim Fassell. Not Kevin Gilbride, though.

Oh, and Maxx is, once again, a typical Crygirls fan.

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The Rams will have to get a new tight ends coach; Jim Chaney is the Tennessee Volunteers' new offensive coordinator.

Its nice that I can look to you to see what it'll be like to be a fan when your owner's mind completely goes.

WORD! *high fives Maxx*

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In real news, the Broncos just fired Shannahan. Wow.


Yeah that was a shocking firing.

It is if you knew about Denver Bronco football. I've been a fan my whole life, and I'm completely blown away. I was speechless (my father called me as I was leaving work to tell me the news). I couldn't begin to comprehend Shannahan being out in Denver. He's been such a mainstay in Denver, and I seriously thought he'd have the job for as long as he wanted it. It's indeed a sad day to be a Bronco fan, but maybe this will bring on happier days, filled with playoff appearances. In fact, let's call Cowher.

I was serious. My rolleyes smiley was in response to his.

Week 2: Pitt gets a lucky INT to end the first half after Cleveland drove 71 yds, ends up being the difference in the game.

Week 4: Lucky fumble return for TD to put them up and get the momentum in the game, otherwise they lose to Baltimore who controlled the game to that point. (Oh, and it was Flacco's third career game)

Week 11: Lucky fumble again that gets them a safety and provides the winning margin.

Week 14: Lucky interception return for TD gives them the game.

Week 15: score with :50 seconds after a miracle 92yd drive and then get another lucky INT to seal the game.

That's five of their wins (by a grand total of 19pts). The Steelers don't rank above 17th in ANY major offensive category yet are the #2 seed. They easily could be 7-9 or worse.

Clearly though, these types of things only matter when speaking about teams other than the Steelers. Clearly, Pittsburgh is just good and not lucky.

:rolleyes: Right.

Did I not say that this could be done with every team? I never once brought the Steelers up, but I think it tells a lot about the Colts. At the same time it also says nothing. They are one-dimensional offensively and haven't been great on defense. The only time Peyton Manning won a Super Bowl his defense carried him there by playing amazing down the stretch of the season.

While the media and fans everywhere worship the shrine of Peyton Manning and talk about how "the Colts are hot" and "on a roll" they downplay the Steelers' ability to win in the playoffs. Meanwhile, the Colts haven't exactly been impressive during their winning streak. So essentially, they're like the Steelers.

But you need to decide what wins you think tell you more about a team, winning close games against the Patriots, Cowboys, Ravens or winning close games against Detroit, Cleveland, and Jacksonville.

Obviously the Steelers have problems offensively. But there's not a team in the playoffs that doesn't have problems. The Steelers could be one-and-done in the playoffs or they could win the Super Bowl, they're an enigma even to Steelers fans.

Edited by Evil Chase K
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Yes how dare the media doubt a team's chances when their star QB may not even be starting. Damn you media, show Charlie Batch the respect his deserves!

Edited by Maxx
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Yes how dare the media doubt a team's chances when their star QB may not even be starting. Damn you media, show Charlie Batch the respect his deserves!

Ben's fine. Low grade concussion. He'll be playing. But it's not even that, people see the Steelers as a flawed team. And they are, but so are the Colts. To act like they've been dominant and playing the best football during their winning streak is stupid.

And Charlie Batch is on IR. ^_^

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Yes how dare the media doubt a team's chances when their star QB may not even be starting. Damn you media, show Charlie Batch the respect his deserves!

Ben's fine. Low grade concussion. He'll be playing. But it's not even that, people see the Steelers as a flawed team. And they are, but so are the Colts. To act like they've been dominant and playing the best football during their winning streak is stupid.

And Charlie Batch is on IR. ^_^

The Colts haven't lost since October. Big Ben just got his brain turned into pudding a few days ago, and he's not that consistent to begin with. And you lost to the Titans in Tennessee and the Colts at home already so you know, there's reasons why people are talking down Pittsburgh's chances.

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Yes how dare the media doubt a team's chances when their star QB may not even be starting. Damn you media, show Charlie Batch the respect his deserves!

Ben's fine. Low grade concussion. He'll be playing. But it's not even that, people see the Steelers as a flawed team. And they are, but so are the Colts. To act like they've been dominant and playing the best football during their winning streak is stupid.

And Charlie Batch is on IR. ^_^

The Colts haven't lost since October. Big Ben just got his brain turned into pudding a few days ago, and he's not that consistent to begin with. And you lost to the Titans in Tennessee and the Colts at home already so you know, there's reasons why people are talking down Pittsburgh's chances.

And I don't disagree with that, but what I'm saying is that Indy hasn't exactly been impressive either. Yeah they're winning, but when the Steelers beat the Pats, the Cowboys, and the Ravens in a row all the talk is "oh well they barely won" as soon as the Colts barely beat Detroit, Cleveland, and Jacksonville the talk is "Wow the Colts are hot right now!". If won team gets criticized for barely beating good teams the other should be criticized for barely beating bad teams and vice versa.

I don't have the exact stats but San Diego lost all or most of their games by a combined 36 points (I think that's the number). They also won 5-in-a-row and have statistically the best passer in the AFC. No one talks about them.

So the overall point of my post was that Indy hasn't been anywhere near as good as people are saying. I was merely providing evidence to back that opinion.

Maybe I'm completely wrong and Indy shows up in the playoffs with a running game and a defense (they did it before) and they cruise to the Super Bowl. But so far, the Colts haven't shown me that they're anything but a good team with flaws that could be catastrophic in the playoffs. And the same could be said for Pittsburgh, Tennessee, San Diego, Baltimore, and Miami.

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Normally I'd be pulling for the Colts to win the AFC Championship (because of Peyton Manning; when he retires or goes somewhere else, I'll stop giving a damn about them), but there are two reasons why I am not:

1. I just don't think they can win the Super Bowl. *Maybe* against the Eagles, when McNabb does his inevitable choke job....

2. The Titans are also in the playoffs.

However, I wouldn't mind seeing the Colts make it if the Giants do, too, so we can have the Manning Bowl.

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Being a huge Atlanta fan obviously I want the Falcons in the Superbowl, however unlikely that may be, but still it's been a great year regardless.

Honestly for some reason I'm feeling the Chargers knocking off the Colts and am going with San Diego/Carolina/Philly in the Superbowl.

Full predictions

San Diego over Indy

Miami over Arizona

Philly over Minnesota

Atlanta over Arizona

San Diego over Tenneessee

Pittsburgh over Miami

Philly over Giants

Carolina over Atlanta

San Diego over Pittsburgh

Carolina over Philly

San Diego over Carolina

But why not us Falcons all the way.

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Sorry to break it to Colts fans but they aren't going to the Super Bowl. If the Colts win against the Chargers - which I don't think they will - they will face the Steelers in the divisional round. Yes, the Colts beat the Steelers in the regular season but the Steelers will be boasting the number one defense. If the Steelers and when the Steelers stop Peyton Manning, the Colts have nothing to rely on. Their defense is meh. If they somehow surpass the Steelers, which is unlikely, they would face the Titans. Sure, people will say "they shut them out in Week 17" but who did the Titans play? Their scrubs. The Titans would stop Peyton Manning I'm sure, and the Colts run defense would not be able to stop Chris Johnson & White. If the Colts could surprisingly beat the Titans, their is a good chance they would face the Eagles, Giants, or Panthers in the Super Bowl (three best teams in the NFC). The Eagles would blitz Manning all day, the Panthers have shown they can defend the long pass but definitely not the short, and the Giants would rush the hell out of Peyton and force him into mistakes. However, they won't have to worry about all of that because they will not beat the Chargers this week.

Also, deangelo, I hope you don't seriously think Chargers can make the Super Bowl and then even knock off the Panthers in the Super Bowl? Ha. No. The Chargers defense would get killed by Steve Smith, DeAngelo Williams, and Jonathan Stewart. I've heard of upsets but that is a far fetched one in my opinion. The Chargers defense really need Merriman back. My Super Bowl prediction at the moment is to see the New York Giants Vs Pittsburgh Steelers. That would be an awesome match up. However, if the Eagles beat the Vikings and beat the Giants, Eagles would face Carolina in Carolina's stadium. If happens, it'll be Carolina Panthers Vs Pittsburgh Steelers. If Carolina gets eliminated, Eagles beat Giants, and it ends up as Cardinals/Eagles or Falcons/Eagles, Eagles will make it. Cardinals would be facing a fantastic defense in Philly (Cardinals will beat Falcons by the way) and Kurt Warner wouldn't take the pressure. Atlanta is boasting a rookie QB. That is all that needs to be said. Matt Ryan is good but this is his rookie year .. he can't take the pressure. If he was playing for a team like the Titans, Steelers, or Giants, probably he could because they have great defenses that take the pressure off. Against any other team in the NFC Playoff Picture (Eagles, Vikings) that defense would fail and put major pressure on Matt Ryan that he just can't take. It's shown time and time before.

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Fact is, the Colts started the season as well as ... the Browns. To quote the great Jim Mora

Playoffs?! Don't talk about playoffs! Are you kidding me? Playoffs?! I'm just hoping we can win a game, another game!"

That is how the season started for the Colts. Then they ran off like a billion games in a row. Yes, that is impressive. Everyone has been stroking Pittsburgh all year and touted them as a Super Bowl favorite. Nobody has changed their minds about that, but clearly with Indy on as hot a streak as can be and Pittsburgh getting their ass handed to them by Tennessee ... then yes people are going to say "OH but the Colts are hot !" Toss in the fact that they'll more than likely be healthy in the first round of the playoffs for the FIRST TIME all year, and then couple it with the possible issues for Pittsburgh and their health and you get what we call COMMON SENSE. One team looks MUCH better going into the playoffs than the other. Saying that is only a logical response to what happened during the season. But of course, if the end result isn't "OMG STEELERZ OWN OYUR SOLESXXXXZZZ !" then it's wrong, stupid, or biased idiocy.

I'm not a Colts fan and I hate Peyton Manning. However, judging by how they played over the second half of the season I'd rather not face them. The Colts are only getting better, the Steelers are not. I know what the Steelers are capable of no matter how good it is. They're a KNOWN, the Colts aren't. Combine that with the talent on that team and the people getting up to speed after injury and you've got what is most likely the most dangerous team in the AFC side at least, if not the entire playoffs. Their biggest problem though, is that they're playing a team that has done the exact same thing as them.

But I guess though, just like the Titans who are the #1 seed, the Colts really didn't do much since they played nobody. And by nobody it includes their first round playoff opponents the Chargers, and then the #1 and #2 seed Steelers @ pitt and Titans. Yes, they only barely beat shitty teams since October. Yes, the Steelers only beat good teams down the stretch, to include Washington/Cleveland/Cincy.

I understand you're a fan and you want to spin things in your team's favor but holy shit this is ridiculous.

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Shut your playoff chat, season's over >_>

Real news, looks like the Bears front office got a clue.

Has Bears GM opened door for McNabb, Cassel?

All over Chicago, the Bring Donovan McNabb Home project resumed Tuesday after Jerry Angelo made it clear he hopes to upgrade the Bears at quarterback. Angelo went to great lengths to express confidence in Kyle Orton but, more than anything in a 30-minute news conference at Halas Hall, the Bears general manager established quarterback as the team's top off-season priority. It was a stunning departure for a GM who has made a career out of prioritizing defense and a strong running game. "I know that there's going to be a lot of talk about our No. 1 receiver [but] guys, it starts with the quarterback," Angelo said. "We have to get the quarterback position stabilized. And we're fixated on that." Hello, Matt Cassel? Anybody for Jeff Garcia at 39? Would the Bengals trade Carson Palmer? To many in town the development conjures up images of McNabb, who has a year left on his contract but constantly is rumored to be leaving Philadelphia. The idea is irresistible to anyone who has seen McNabb's resurgence in the second half of the season. But understand how difficult it would be to pry McNabb out of Philadelphia. As for Cassel, a bidding war will commence and his representatives likely will demand he be handed the No. 1 job.

Chicago Tribune

Now, obviously this is all rumour and conjecture at this point in time, but you may not realise how big Angelo admitting that he needs to sort out the QB position is. For years, we've had to put up with the "Rex is our guy" line from Lovie and Angelo, basically refusing to admit anything was wrong. Now, if they're at the very least looking at their options, and it's a very good offseason to do so with possibilities such as Cassel, McNabb and Palmer's names all being thrown in the player movement rumour mill.

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Fact is, the Colts started the season as well as ... the Browns. To quote the great Jim Mora

Playoffs?! Don't talk about playoffs! Are you kidding me? Playoffs?! I'm just hoping we can win a game, another game!"

That is how the season started for the Colts. Then they ran off like a billion games in a row. Yes, that is impressive. Everyone has been stroking Pittsburgh all year and touted them as a Super Bowl favorite. Nobody has changed their minds about that, but clearly with Indy on as hot a streak as can be and Pittsburgh getting their ass handed to them by Tennessee ... then yes people are going to say "OH but the Colts are hot !" Toss in the fact that they'll more than likely be healthy in the first round of the playoffs for the FIRST TIME all year, and then couple it with the possible issues for Pittsburgh and their health and you get what we call COMMON SENSE. One team looks MUCH better going into the playoffs than the other. Saying that is only a logical response to what happened during the season. But of course, if the end result isn't "OMG STEELERZ OWN OYUR SOLESXXXXZZZ !" then it's wrong, stupid, or biased idiocy.

I'm not a Colts fan and I hate Peyton Manning. However, judging by how they played over the second half of the season I'd rather not face them. The Colts are only getting better, the Steelers are not. I know what the Steelers are capable of no matter how good it is. They're a KNOWN, the Colts aren't. Combine that with the talent on that team and the people getting up to speed after injury and you've got what is most likely the most dangerous team in the AFC side at least, if not the entire playoffs. Their biggest problem though, is that they're playing a team that has done the exact same thing as them.

But I guess though, just like the Titans who are the #1 seed, the Colts really didn't do much since they played nobody. And by nobody it includes their first round playoff opponents the Chargers, and then the #1 and #2 seed Steelers @ pitt and Titans. Yes, they only barely beat shitty teams since October. Yes, the Steelers only beat good teams down the stretch, to include Washington/Cleveland/Cincy.

I understand you're a fan and you want to spin things in your team's favor but holy shit this is ridiculous.

Did you even read what I said? I will be the first to admit that the Steelers have problems on offense that could prevent them from winning a single playoff game. All I was trying to say was that the Colts haven't been impressive at all this year. Sure they haven't lost since October but in most, if not all of those games, they caught major breaks to beat teams they should have dominated.

I would argue that the hottest and most dangerous teams in the playoffs in the AFC are in order:

San Diego - could just as easily have gone 15-1 or 14-2 if things broke their way.

Pittsburgh - Super Bowl defense, toilet bowl offense. If they can get offensive production they'll be very dangerous, it's a veteran team who knows how to win big games. Especially when they're close.

Baltimore - A defense like that will always give you a chance to win. The question is whether or not Joe Flacco feels the pressure of the playoffs and plays like a rookie.

Indianapolis - They have Peyton and well...Peyton. Like the Steelers they could be very dangerous if they can get even one aspect of their game going. For the Colts it's defense or a running game. But as one-dimensional as they've been this season, they're gonna need something to win.

Miami - Pennington deserves MVP consideration. He's played largely mistake-free football and has helped guide the Dolphins to a huge turnaround. They don't have the talent to be taken seriously as a Super Bowl contender, but I think they could surprise some people if they can avoid turnovers.

Tennessee - Yes the number one seed is the least dangerous. Why? Well for numerous reasons. First of all, how many starters did they rest against the Colts? That will 3 weeks of no meaningul football for those players who were rested. Ask the #1 seeded Colts of years past how that worked out for them. Also, they still don't really do anything amazing. When you watch them play beit live or on film, they don't blow you away with anything they do. They execute well but there aren't any parts of their game that really scare you. They're an extremely beatable team which sounds stupid because they have the best record in the AFC but it's true. The questions for them will be can Kerry Collins survive 3 weeks of inactivity and stay sharp and can the Titans win a game if they get down early? Also, will Albert Haynesworth be healed enough to be a factor in the playoffs?

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Shut your playoff chat, season's over >_>

Real news, looks like the Bears front office got a clue.

Has Bears GM opened door for McNabb, Cassel?

All over Chicago, the Bring Donovan McNabb Home project resumed Tuesday after Jerry Angelo made it clear he hopes to upgrade the Bears at quarterback. Angelo went to great lengths to express confidence in Kyle Orton but, more than anything in a 30-minute news conference at Halas Hall, the Bears general manager established quarterback as the team's top off-season priority. It was a stunning departure for a GM who has made a career out of prioritizing defense and a strong running game. "I know that there's going to be a lot of talk about our No. 1 receiver [but] guys, it starts with the quarterback," Angelo said. "We have to get the quarterback position stabilized. And we're fixated on that." Hello, Matt Cassel? Anybody for Jeff Garcia at 39? Would the Bengals trade Carson Palmer? To many in town the development conjures up images of McNabb, who has a year left on his contract but constantly is rumored to be leaving Philadelphia. The idea is irresistible to anyone who has seen McNabb's resurgence in the second half of the season. But understand how difficult it would be to pry McNabb out of Philadelphia. As for Cassel, a bidding war will commence and his representatives likely will demand he be handed the No. 1 job.

Chicago Tribune

Now, obviously this is all rumour and conjecture at this point in time, but you may not realise how big Angelo admitting that he needs to sort out the QB position is. For years, we've had to put up with the "Rex is our guy" line from Lovie and Angelo, basically refusing to admit anything was wrong. Now, if they're at the very least looking at their options, and it's a very good offseason to do so with possibilities such as Cassel, McNabb and Palmer's names all being thrown in the player movement rumour mill.

I haven't seen anyone throw Palmer's name around to possibly leave Cincinnati except that guy. The Bengals are stupid, but they're not that stupid. While I firmly believe they'll never win a championship with a guy like Palmer at QB, they would be stupid to let him go at this point. He and TJ Houshmandzadeh are basically all that team has.

Edited by Evil Chase K
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Anybody who knows a damn thing about the Colts knows how scary the Chargers can be. They're the kind of team that could run rings around the defense, and even without Merriman, there's just enough pass rush there to make Peyton hurry things a bit. Trust me, Colts fans are nervous and have every right to be. But, like was said, the Titans' main guys will be coming off what is essentially a two-week vacation, the Steelers' O-line is held together with Duck tape, the Dolphins have only a few guys who know what the playoffs are even like, and the Ravens are sending their rookie QB into the playoffs for the first time. AFC's a fuckin' crapshoot right now. Would not surprise me to see Baltimore pull a 2006 Steelers and stomp all the way as a #6, or to see Tennessee get a 20-point drilling by whoever they play first.

Also, anyone who pays attention to the Colts knows EXACTLY how frustrating a lot of those wins were. I left the bar I was watching the Cleveland game in at halftime, because that game was an abortion. When I found that they needed a defensive TD to beat the Browns, of all teams? Yeah, I wanted to puke in my mouth, even though a win is a win, right?

We all know what our respective teams can do when they're on, and we know how ugly they can look when they're off. It's just a matter of who's going to make it off the bus. But saying, "I know with absolute certainty that X team is going to lose," is the height of retardation. Even those backslidin' Cardinals could throw for 400 and stuff Atlanta. Who the hell knows? I will say that if Indy gets past the Bolts, I like their chances a lot better.

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