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The Better Version of the iPod Shuffle Game

GoGo Yubari

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Okay, so. Since I was missing this, I'm bringing this version of the iPod shuffle game back, as opposed to the thing where you give completely arbitrary ratings that don't really say much (YOU LIEK METALLICA 4/10). So here's how it goes;

On your iPod/iTunes/Winamp/Zune/what-the-fuck-ever, put it on shuffle and listen to the next ten songs. Write something about each of them, be it a review of the song, how you found it, how you got into the artist, anything.

And it's as simple as that. Reply whenever you like, as often as you like, discussing and writing about music you like is always a good thing. I'll start it off.

1. "Hidden Track" by Blur

This probably wasn't the actual title. It's a hidden track on Modern Life is Rubbish, and it's pretty... hmm. Not really hugely remarkable, but not unremarkable either, so it's a bizarre anomaly. Catchy recurring lines, decent low-energy tone to it, but nothing amazing. Still, it's Blur, and there are very few Blur songs that I would classify as being actively not good.

2. "Making the Best of It/Come One, Come All/Carnaval" from Ranma 1/2

RANDOM SHUFFLE, WHY HAVE YOU FUCKED ME OVER. Uh. So this is a collection of background music from the Ranma 1/2 anime, starting with really peculiar sounding.... I'm not sure how to describe it. Imagine the kind of music you'd hear whilst walking through a field in Japan and it's sunny. That works, I guess. Followed by marching band music, and then finally, in a stroke of surprising catchiness, some fiesta music or... something. The last one's not bad, actually, but there's better stuff from the OSTs.

3. "Understand Your Man" by Johnny Cash

Well, it's a Johnny Cash song, and it's pretty much what you'd expect. It's nice, though, about a guy who's leaving his woman to... wander around, or something? Still, it's formulaic but a good kind of formulaic; I wouldn't seek it out to listen to, but when it comes up on shuffle I'm not going to skip past it either.

4. "All The Way to the Edge of This World" by The Pillows

And the theme of this shuffle is "decent songs by bands and artists I love," apparently! It'd be nice if I could get one I actually really love, but. This one's pretty solid too, with some very pleasant texture in the chorus, but my second favorite band of all time has made much, much better music than this.

5. "I'm So Bored With the USA" by The Clash

True Story: I knew a guy whose e-mail address was "imsoboredwiththe@usa.net" or something like it. It remains the single best e-mail address I have ever seen in my life.

Also, if you don't feel like shouting along with the chorus of this song, you are lame. I'M SO BOOOOOORED WITH THE U-S.A. I'M SO BOOOOOOORED WITH THE U-S-A, BUT WHAT CAN I DO?

6. "I Am The Walrus" by The Beatles

This is the version off of George Martin's "let's fuck around with Beatles songs" masterpiece, Love. It's worth getting just for bits where he starts inserting tons of tiny bits from lesser-known Beatles songs into more famous ones. He doesn't do it much here, though, where I think the most notable thing he does is make John Lennon's vocal's a bit more stripped down, occasionally making them sound fuzzy and staticy too.

Also, I once argued with a guy who hated The Beatles and attempted to use this song as evidence that their lyrics suck. Which is hilarious because the POINT of the song is that the lyrics make no sense whatsoever; it's simple psychadelia meant to fuck with people who read into lyrics too much. Also, that guy thought that the music by Sonic Team was better. So he's retarded and let's speak of him no more.

7. "Mother's Little Helper" by The Rolling Stones

What a draaaag it is getting olllld. I can't decide whether I actually like the lyrics or not, but I have a tendency to adore things that utilize the word "drag." The song alternates between clever and being kind of ham-fisted, but it carries itself well, so whatever.

8. "Back 4 You" by Jurassic 5

... oh, Feedback. Such a massive, massive disappointment. Jurassic 5 goes generic! But at least they don't completely revert to sucktitude in their aim for commercial success (unlike, say, Weezer). This was the opening track and it's really pretty good. It gives one a sense of false hope for the first half of the album, which proceeds to suck, though the decidedly better second half redeems things a bit. Great beat utilizing pianos here, though.

9. "La Femme Fetal" by Digable Planets

Auuuuuuuuuuuugh. This is pretty much spoken-word poetry about abortion over a beat, as recited by Butterfly. Forgettable, man. Forgettable. It makes a nice statement and all and raises good points for the pro-choice side, but it's the second-weakest track off of Reachin' (A New Refutation of Time and Space). Skippable. So that's what I'm doing.

10. "Ernold Same" by Blur

And we come full circle right back to Blur. As opposed to the prior track, this is a much cooler use of spoken-word, as it's accompanied by mock-idyllic sound track music and is about the dreary, repetitive monotony of daily life. I love Blur's concept albums about modern society, I think their best work was during that period. It's curious and quirky but in a very awesome way.

There. Now you do it. SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT, EWB.

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1. Westbound Sign - Green Day

Nice little three-chord track, easy enough to play. Basically sums up their style from that era: simple guitars, fast pace, upbeat bouncy tone. It reminds me of playing basketball on a weekend, mainly because my dad would play this album really loud on the way to the venue. Good times. It was like six months ago <_<

2. Wake Me Up - Zebrahead

OOO! It links to the previous song! Kind of. I discovered Zebrahead while doing a music project on Green Day (there's the link!) and found them on a list of bands who had been influenced by GD. This isn't one of my favourite songs by the band, but it's okay. There's a drum solo at the start for no obvious reason. Fun.

3. Another Girl, Another Planet - The Only Ones

Shoot me now, but I originally heard the Blink-182 cover of this song before this version. Shoot me again, but I like Blink's better. I sort of view them as two different songs as they have such different styles. This is all spacey and happy as opposed to Blink's more frantic style. Nice little guitar solo at the end though.

4. I Miss You - Blink 182

Urgh. It's okay. Not one of my favourite Blink songs by a long shot, and I still fail to see how it gained more popularity than a lot of their better tracks. I do love the drums though, and Tom's verse (the second) can possibly go down as the most whiny passage of singing in musical history.

5. Castaway - Green Day

Ah. I do enjoy my punk-pop. Another good one with a lovely main riff full of palm muting, although it can get quite repetative. Reminds me of summer. :w00t:

6. Is It Just Me? - The Darkness

I loved the Darkness because they didn't take themselves seriously, yet still managed to produce some great songs. This is one of them. Occasional high pitched singing, singable chorus, delightfully out of place guitar solo. I can't really think of much else to say about it, so that'll do.

7. The Story of my Old Man - Good Charlotte

Great song. Happy yet sad at the same time, and one of those songs that should be played at full volume OR ELSE. One of the best and most underrated songs on GC's best album I reckon.

8. Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana

Meh. I only downloaded this one because it's a staple of my school's annual rock concert (along with Duality, any Oasis song, and um...Gay Bar...). It's alright, although frankly the singers at the concert put more effort in than Cobain. Too much effort. One of the speakers nearly broke BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! I've never really been a fan of grunge, and only embraced the catchier side of Nirvana (that'll be Nevermind I guess).

9. Half the World Away - Oasis

Only discovered this one because it was the theme tune of The Royle Family (which was excellent, I hasten to add). It's a great tune, and it gives a mixture of sadness and optimism. Damn you Noel Gallagher for being so fucking good at songwriting. The main reason I like this song was because it sort of acted as a catalyst for me listening to The Masterplan, Oasis' best song by an absolute lightyear. That's not because the rest of their songs are shit, far from it, it's because The Masterplan is so unbelievbaly good. Go. Now. Listen to it. GO NOW!

10. You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison - My Chemical Romance

Well even if I didn't know what they did to guys like them in prison, I certainly did after listening to the song. Cheers MCR :angry:. It is a great song though, despite making the listener feel needlessly dirty and ashamed (I won't go down on myself, but I'll go down on my friends?! Genious. Horrible genious.)



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1. "A Pound of Silver Is Worth its Weight in Blood" - Tokyo Rose

This is a band that I got into about a year ago. I was sent one of their earlier songs by a friend of mine. It was okay, good but nothing special. I added them on myspace and they said they had added a new song to their player so I checked it out. Funnily enough, it was this one. This was totally different from their older stuff. Faster, catchier and just a whole lot better. I bought the album "The Promise in Compromise" and loved it. Just a really great punky rock album, if slightly emo :P

2. "I Understand It" - Idlewild

I maybe have mentioned it, but Idlewild are my absolute favorite band of all time. Roddy Woomble is a genius and also makes an appearance in my avatar. That being said, this isn't amongst my favorite Idlewild songs. Taken from the album "Warnings/Promises", this was from a period where Idlewild slowed things down a bit, which wasn't welcomed by some fans.

3. "Rendez-Voodoo" - Every Time I die

"Hello? Who's this on the phone for me? Oh yes, hello Mr. Bad Ass Motherfucker of a Song". Just a brilliant, shouty, sleazy song from a band doing what they do best. I got into Every Time I Die when I saw them supporting My Chemical Romance in Glasgow in March 2006. When we were waiting for them to come on stage, my friend turns to me and goes "Who is Every Time Idle?". Bless

4. "The Kids Aren't Alright" - The Offspring

I've never been huge on these guys, but I'll be damned if this isn't a good song.

5. "Cash Cow" - We Are Scientists

"We Are Scientists said We Are Scientists!". I first head WAS playing Burnout 3 (I think) on the PS2 where their song "The Great Escape" features. It took me a while to actually get into WAS, but now I adore them. My best memory of them is standing in a Superdrug in Newcastle with "Nobody Move, Nobody Gets Hurt" playing, thus making looking and female good smell sprays a little more bearable

6. "Grand Theft Autumn" - Fall Out Boy

Fall Out Boy are a band that I have to be in the mood for. I seem to be in the minority that prefers their newer stuff to their older. Anyway, "Grand Theft Autumn" reminds me of my ex if purely for the "Where is your boy tonight/I hope he is a gentleman/Maybe he won't find out what I know/You were the last good thing about this part of town" bits, 'cause when I met her she was still with her ex and he was a douche

7. "Dusk" - Reuben

Some gay from here got me into Reuben :P

8. "Skeptics and True Believers" - The Academy Is

Another band that I used to really like a few years ago but sort of stopped listening to. I found their CD sitting on the floor in my bedroom the other day so I decided to stick it on my iPod and get all nostalgic. I still don't like them as much as I used to but this is still a good song and just reminds me that back then they were the dog's bollocks.

9. "Big Casino" - Jimmy Eat World

Who doesn't love Jimmy Eat World? Gays and terrorists, that's who. JEW are one of my favorite bands ever and are just great for when you want to listen to something that go from easy going to faster and catchy as fuck in a matter of seconds

10. "Prayer of the Refugee" - Rise Against

What a tune. My fondest memory of this song is one day back in August, it was one of my friend's 18th so we took three cars full of people out to some shitty little arse backwards village to go and have our lunch. On the way out, me and my friend Mikey have this going at full blast fucking pelting it down this little country road singing out little angry punk hearts out. Then we danced like fruits to Panic (not Panic!) At The Disco

I enjoyed that ^_^

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Random fact. Last Friday, I was in the Academy, "Diaspora" (Prayer Of The Refugee) came on, me and my buddy rocked the fuck out...I slipped, but as I slipped I full on sliding tackled some random lad and he went flying onto his back. Was sheer brilliance.

1. "Infrared" by Strike Anywhere

Fucking killer tune. The riff is absolutely amazing, it slows down a bit for the verse, but it kicks in right in your face for the chorus. I fucking love Strike Anywhere. Amazing punk-rock band. Gnarly vocals. Great mix of straight up singing and anthematic shouting.

2. "Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven

Randomly, this seems to be the only Finger Eleven song I have. The verse is a bit dull, but the chorus is really catchy. Apparently the rest of their stuff isn't very good, might explain why I only have this, then.

3. "The Lake" by Aqualung

I fucking adore Aqualung. I swear I'd make sweet passionate love to his albums once in my lifetime. Even if it's with myself. A really moody, atmospheric song. The high notes of the piano and occasional ambience in the background, then there's the choir of voices and tribal percussion in the chorus. Weird but beautiful. Reminds me a lot of the gentler Muse tunes, chord progressions and all. Amazing track.

4. "Believe Me" by Fort Minor

This was probably the first rap album I could sit through from start to finish since the "Marshall Mathers LP". And I hate Linkin Park, this is just, really good. This is one of the better songs on the album. Groovy stuff.

5. "Die Painfully" by Witches With Dicks

Awesome band name. Awesome band. Great 'old school' garage-punk sound. Floating synth riff coming in throughout, gives it a haunted house like vibe. Rough sending, but still incredibly poppy and catchy. Great stuff.

6. "This Thing Goes Forever" by The Progress

Late last year I got into this thing called "Into It.Over It", which is basically a guy writing tunes and releasing one a week, for free on his website. Really good stuff. Through that I found his band, "The Progress". It's the gritty indie-emo stuff, similar to Sunny Day Real Estate, American Football, Get Up Kids, Say Anything, Look Mexico, Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start etc. Not as good as a lot of the bands mentioned, but still really good stuff.

7. "On" by Bloc Party

Haha, nice. On Wednesday night, half time in the Man Utd match, me and my mate (who at the time didn't realise he liked Bloc Party outside of "Banquet" and "Flux") randomly broke into song (We do it a lot :shifty:), with this song of all songs. I fucking love Bloc Party. This album's so fucking good.

8. "The Boat" by Chuck Ragan

I adore Chuck Ragan. Hot Water Music were/are amazing. His acoustic stuff is awesome too. This is the live version from the "Los Feliz" CD. I must say I love the fact he released a live album before a studio album. His voice is so gnarly, it's amazing.

9. "Angry Johnny & The Radio" by The Gaslight Anthem

Drive....Maria...it must be a Gaslight Anthem song. One of the best tracks on the simply outstanding "Sink Or Swim"...I love how it builds up around the 2-minute mark with the snare drum and single guitar...amazing. Another little thing I like is how this and "Wherefore Art Thou, Elvis?" from their follow up EP tie in with each other.

10. "Aliens Exist" by Blink 182

I love this album...I love it so much. I love Blink, at one time I'd class them as a guilty pleasure, but now, no, I just flat out love them and will openly admit it. They knew what they were doing. Cheesy, catchy songs, with nothing to them. Brilliant stuff. And as much as it might pain people to admit it, I believe it was Tom Delonge who wanted to 'mature' and develop as an artist, with I believe Hoppus being happy to just sit around, producing the same old shit. But once the band went their seperate ways he was forced not to. I've always felt that, seeing as how much of the "Blink 182" album sounds basically identical to Tom's "Box Car Racer" project.

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1. My Moon, My Man - Feist

I haven't listened to this album for ages but this is a right tune. The Feist album was a weird one for me; I adored it on the first listen and then never really went through it again. This has pretty much convinced me to go through it again. Class track.

2. If Only Everything - Queens of the Stone Age

Another awesome track from an album I haven't listened to for far too long. Not got a lot to say really except it's a good song.

3. Animal - Against Me!

Eh. I don't really like this so I'm not sure why it's still on my computer. Not a patch on Piss and Vinegar from the same album.

4. Adelaide - The Autumns

See, now, The Autumns are awesome. I'm not even sure how to describe them or who to compare them to because I suck at stuff like that but AllMusic says they're similar to The Stone Roses but I don't see it. Anyway, great band and this is a good track by them. Not a favourite but still top notch.

5. Black Sheep - The Pillows

I love The Pillows. I love this song. I used to hate The Pillows for some reason until I downloaded "Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up!" and fell in love with them. I wouldn't call them a favourite band but they're definately a band where I can listen to just about anything from their Discography and like it.

6. St. Apollonia - Beirut

I'll be honest; I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've ever heard this song despite having the album downloaded for months. I'm still not too convinced with Beirut actually and this is alright but nothing great.

7. Sunshine in Happyland - Elle Milano

Elle Milano are bloody awesome and I'm glad they've popped up here so I can pimp them to you all. Like I say, I suck at describing bands so I'll just tell you to go listen to them and love them. This track, despite being a pretty old demo, is what made me love the band in the first place and it's a favourite.

8. 2 Cute 4 U - Findel

Despite sounding like a terrible song, it's a quaint little electro-pop track. I'm sure Findel's "Enter the Shadowlands" is a concept album about a game world but I'm really not certain. Either way, this is a fun little track from a fun album.

9. Pacific Theatre - yourcodenameis:milo

I suppose I owe a lifelong debt to Ollie for linking me to these guys and making me love them. This is from their second album, the better "They Came From The Sun" and it's a total tune. They're Geordies as well which makes them even better. And I totally forgot how awesome the bridge is in this. Top bombing.

10. Shopping Cart People - The Most Serene Republic

God, this shuffle is bringing out stuff I haven't listened to for ice ages. I couldn't even remember what this sounded like before it came on but it's a really good track actually.

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1. She & Him - Sentimental Heart

It is wonderful! Zooey Deschanel is lovely :wub:. I was watching Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy last night, too! Sentimental Heart is actually a really badass song, if people hate the album I will be all :@ at them, 'cause it's chill.

2. Kimya Dawson - Tire Swing

Off of the Juno Soundtrack, it's pretty sweet. Everyone was freaking out about it and I listened, and I liked. Kimya Dawson and the Moldy Peaches are all wonderful. They are all lovely lovely musical talents.

3. Stars - Barricade

Not my favorite Stars song, but it is great. I'm not sure what to say here, there's no real story on it. I just downloaded it off of some blog I go on and liked. <_<

4. The Shins - New Slang

Off of the Garden State soundtrack, everyone I know :wub:'s The Shins, and they are alright. Got this because Garden State was totally bad ass in all kinds of ways. Let it be known to everyone. :@

5. Stars - The Night Starts Here

Ha! One of my favorite Stars song. It is amazing. First time I heard it I was all ":o" and I was singing it for like a week. It's actually amazing. Everyone listen, everyone like. :@

6. Arcade Fire - Neighborhood 2 (Laika)

Honestly, do I even need to explain this one? It's fucking Arcade Fire. They are cooler than cancer, sicker than AIDS. If you don't like the Arcade Fire you are either heartless or black. <_<

7. Feist - Honey Honey

I haven't listened to Feist's album in awhile, I should get back to it. Feist is amazing, even if 1234 was played a billion times in that fucking iPod commercial I am still not sick of her. By now, you've probably heard Feist. That is good in all ways. Now just listen to her more! More!

8. Magnetic Fields - If You Don't Cry

Story about this is I was talking to Ringy and then I was all "Ringy, recommend me stuff." and he was all "Magnetic Fields" and I was all ":o :o". They are actually so amazing I can't put it into words, everyone should listen to Magnetic Fields. They are approved by Quom, Ringy and I! This song is actually amazing, too. 69 Love Songs is just purely amazing. Don't read the rest of this post, go and find Magnetic Fields. GO! For hints, listen to this song, Long-Forgotten Fairytale and Yeah! Oh, Yeah! for starters. They are all lovely.

9. The Weakerthans - Relative Surplus Value

Another band I haven't listened to in a while. The Weakerthans are quality and shows that we all should listen to YI. It is a great album and I like it. Everyone else should try it, well, after they listen to Magnetic Fields. GO GO GO! <_<

10. Kevin Drew - Safety Bricks

So I got Magnetic Fields Epitaph for my Heart here, but I don't think I need another paragraph to pimp them out. So I waited 'til the next song and it is Kevin Drew! Everyone likes Kevin Drew! If you don't like Kevin Drew people probably don't like you, it's a theory of mine. I want kiiiiiiiiiids, with safety bri-iiiiiiiiiiiicks, and a car that's quiiiiiii-iccccccccccck, so we can spliiiiii-iiiiiiiit. It is love.

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01. Rancid - The Wars End

-Not one of my favorite Rancid recordings, but for whatever reason, when they play it live it stands out as totally awesome and I can't help but sing along.

02. Good Charlotte - Say Anything

-Unlike the movie, this song is definately not a classic. Early and new Good Charlotte is something I really enjoy though, and there's not really anything of theirs other than that recent period where they sucked cock that I wouldn't listen to.

03. HIM - Endless Dark

-They've got their regular staples, and the songs that most fans like, but Endless Dark is one of the more underrated of HIM's tracks, but it's incredibly easy to get into and is probably my favorite of the lesser talked about HIM songs.

04. Roadrunner United - No Way Out

-One of my least favorite songs from the Roadrunner United album, but I still like it. Which means that I love the majority of the album. Seriously, if you don't have it, get it.

05. Goldfinger - 99 Red Balloons

-Every punkish band and their grandmother's have covered this song... this is my favorite version.

06. Nine Inch Nails - Bela Lugosi's Dead (Live with Peter Murphy)

-So it's really just Trent, a couple other guys and Peter Murphy, but hot damn. The song is a classic, and it's made even better with added Reznor vocals.

07. The Bravery - An Honest Mistake

-Coming out around the same time as The Killers breakthrough Hot Fuss didn't do these guys any favors, but their efforts were no less good, and despite the fact that this song dominated the radio here for fuck knows how long, I still love it when it comes up in Winamp.

08. Johnny B Morbid - Dahmer and Dahmer

-New Jersey Horrorpunk band inspired by the Misfits and all things Misfits related. All recordings are a one man effort despite having a full band for live shows. Johnny himself is a great guy to talk to, but the songs are hit or miss for the most part. This one falls in the middle.

09. Samhain - All Murder, All Guts, All Fun

-Speaking of the Misfits, original frontman Glenn Danzig went on to form Samhain, which released this awesome, yell the chorus at the top of your lungs, horror anthem. ALL MURDER! ALL GUTS! ALL FUUUUNNNNN!!!!

10. Ozzy Osbourne - Zakk Wylde Solo (Live)

-What more is there to say? It's Zakk Wylde... a little predictable, but that happens when you've heard it more than a few times. Song 11 would have been Michale Graves doing Crying on Saturday Night live at CBGB's... which would have continued the Misfits thing I had going here. Just thought I'd mention that.

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1. Highway to Hell - AC/DC

Well, what can I say? Its a classic rock song, just another one on the longgg list of amazing songs by AC/DC. Everytime I hear this song I just want to hop in a car and drive, and keep driving till the song ends. Its the perfect song for when your on a road trip and heading into... :shifty: ... England... anyway about the song, Angus Young delivers excellent guitar rifts that have made him quite possibly one of the best ever guitarists in the history of music.

2. Gunslinger - Avenged Sevenfold

Off their latest self-titled album, its an album that started out as fairly unspectacular in my eyes and has really recently started shine through with them showing maturity and that they can adapt with time, yeah its a rip-off of The Black Album by Metallica, but it was Sevenfold's chance to try out new stuff. This song is an example for that, the excellent work of Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance on guitars is a key feature in this song, as it seems to always be in their songs. M.Shadows is showing his wide range of vocal abilities in this album and this song is an example of it. The song itself is damn good I think, one of the bets off the album.

3. Duality - SlipKnot

Not the biggest fan of SlipKnot but I don't dislike them either, this is probably the only song I've ever bothered to listened to and its one that really pumps you up with the fast beat, love the song, love the video, well done to the 'Knot on this song, unfortunately I don't have much to say about it...

4. Anarchy in the UK - The Sex Pistols

"I am an Anti-Christ, I am an Anarchist", really can't believe they rhymed those two words together. Otherwise, classic example of the Punk from that era and it shows just how Sex Pistols revolutionised music at the time and had a long standing effect on music, even till this day. Don't have much else to sya about this either...

5. Speak - Godsmack

My favourite Godsmack song, the general beat of the song is really good I've found, the vocals accompany it perfectly and the lyrics are well wrote. Can't fault the song, but again, not a lot to write about it.

6. Scream Aim Fire - Bullet For My Valentine

I love this song so much, and its by a Welsh band which just makes it even better :w00t: the bridge is something I really like, makes me want to join in shouting it, except that would be a bit strange randomly shouting "OVER THE TOP, OVER THE TOP!". The speed is what really draws me to this song, I love fast songs and this is one of those songs. Not a big fan of BFMV, but I do like some of their work so I can't say I dislike/hate them.

7. This Ain't A Scene - Fall Out Boy

... iTunes is officially the work of the devil...

8. The Pretender - Foo Fighters

Not the best song by FF, but not their worst either, as before, I love fast songs and when this song kicks in it is pretty fast, Dave Grohl is really making a name for himself as an excellent song writer I think. Prefer Learn to Fly, Monkey Wrench and Best of You, but is still a good song, hopefully they'll make more songs a long the quality of the previously mentioned 3.

9. Numb - Linkin Park

I'd like to say for the record, the new Linkin Park suck so much compared to the old LP, I miss those days when I would just listen to the Meteora album over and over. One of my favourite songs by them, just behind One Step Closer, Nobody's Listening and Somewhere I Belong. Looking back I kinda see how emo like the lyrics of Meteora are, but I still love the album and whenever I hear the songs I just feel like I need to sing along to them, but a depressed and heartbroken way...

10. Monkey Wrench - Foo Fighters

Well, I mentioned this song earlier and it pops up at the end, love the song, tough as hell to play on Guitar Hero, at least for me anyway, whenever I hear the song outside of the game I just imagine me missing notes throughout the song. The video, well, its weird but I only watch it for the song itself. Personally, I'm not too sure what the song means, probably about a relationship and a guy not wanting to be a tool? Yup, my logic is awesome. Anyway, despite not knowing what it means, still want to shout along near the end of the song.

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3. Animal - Against Me!

Eh. I don't really like this so I'm not sure why it's still on my computer. Not a patch on Piss and Vinegar from the same album.

Not sure if you're an Against Me! fan or what, or whether you just picked up the album. But I fucking HATE the new album. Nothing to do with 'selling out' or whatever (Although there is a dramatic shift is 'sound'...to basically Modest Mouse-lite), it's just boring as fucking sin.

Listen to The Gaslight Anthem...it's basically what "New Wave" should have been. :shifty:

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3. Animal - Against Me!

Eh. I don't really like this so I'm not sure why it's still on my computer. Not a patch on Piss and Vinegar from the same album.

Not sure if you're an Against Me! fan or what, or whether you just picked up the album. But I fucking HATE the new album. Nothing to do with 'selling out' or whatever (Although there is a dramatic shift is 'sound'...to basically Modest Mouse-lite), it's just boring as fucking sin.

Listen to The Gaslight Anthem...it's basically what "New Wave" should have been. :shifty:

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I only have 177 songs on my computer anymore due to a formatting a week ago but here we go.

1. Miyavi - How to love

Okay, so basically, I found out that one fine chick in my class listens to Miyavi and got a few songs from the internet just for the pure interest. Then my other friend sent me loads more. Yeah. Not that bad, really, would help if I knew what the fuck he's saying. <_< My first taste of J-Rock, too.

2. Guns N' Roses - Locomotive

As much as I love Guns N' Roses, I was never such a big fan of this song. Granted, it sound pretty nice, but still is overwhelmed by lots of my favourites from them.

3. DJ Sammy - Heaven

Had to search this one to add on my little sister's MP3 player. Never arsed to delete it, since pretty much every girl on my MSN asks for it every once in a while.

4. The Prodigy - Jericho

Okay, now we're talking. I don't know about you, but I think Chris Jericho could very well come out with this as his entrance song. Walls of Jericho, Walls of Jericho, Walls of Jericho. Some nice beats, anyway.

5. Guns N' Roses - Out Ta Get Me

Aight, getting to my favourites here. Nothing really needs to be said about it. It rocks.

6. Billy Talent - Red Flag

I'll be honest here. This is the only song I've ever heard from Billy Talent. I've always been meaning to get some more from them but never got around to it. Was one of my highest favourites at times, but the amount of coverage it got in the Finnish radio killed it for me. Still though, every once in a while, it's a good one to warm up for a round of Natural Selection.

7. Outset - Climatizacion

I'm pretty damn sure no-one else in here has even heard of this song. Hell, I never knew that there was a group/band/DJ called Outset until I asked my friend for some good techno on MSN and he sent me this and a bunch of others. A nice song to listen once in a while, but gets boring easily because of it's simple beats.

8. DJ Hixxy - I See The Light

Another one from that same bunch sent by my friend. Same story as with Red Flag, essentially was a big favourite of mine but eventually got bored of it.

9. The Prodigy - Firestarter

It was amazing to note that so many songs of this kind I had heard was actually by The Prodigy. What is there to say about it? Awesomes.

10. Guns N' Roses - Civil War

One of my all-time favourites. I love quoting this song, because it's just so right. "I don't need your civil war. It feeds the rich and it buries the poor."



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I used to hate The Pillows for some reason

It's all my fault, isn't it. <_<

"Black Sheep" is an interesting one, since it's possibly the most stripped-down, slow-paced song they've ever done. What are your favorite songs, out of curiosity?

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I used to hate The Pillows for some reason

It's all my fault, isn't it. <_<

"Black Sheep" is an interesting one, since it's possibly the most stripped-down, slow-paced song they've ever done. What are your favorite songs, out of curiosity?

Edited by Jordan Stiva
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I used to hate The Pillows for some reason

It's all my fault, isn't it. <_<

"Black Sheep" is an interesting one, since it's possibly the most stripped-down, slow-paced song they've ever done. What are your favorite songs, out of curiosity?

Favourites from the top of my head are probably "Happy Bivouac", about anything from their "Jazzy" albums, "Swanky Street", "Ride on Shooting Star" and "Moon is Mine". There's probably a load I'm forgetting but, like I say, I like the majority of their stuff, with the only exceptions being their earlier stuff. Not a big fan of their "Stones Roses-ey" stuff really (with the exception of "Moon...".

That's interesting. Which ones are you constituting as their jazzier stuff, since I'd equate that to all of their earlier work (which has grown on me IMMENSELY over the years, especially "Something Like a Romance" which is in my list of Top Five Pillows Songs along with "Instant Music," "I Think I Can," "Thank You, My Twilight," and either "Subhuman" or "Tiny Boat"). Also, "Moon is Mine" is fucking spectacular, definitely one of their best melancholy-sounding tracks (which I think they should make more of, because their recent stuff is still good, and I love songs like "Rock & Roll Sinners" and "Youngster (Kent Arrow)," but I'm more of a mid-90's to 2002 period guy).

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Ok this seems cool, I'll have a go at it!

1. Red Hot Chilipeppers - American Ghost Dance

Old school funky RHCP song. I just wish that they would play songs like this more often on gigs. You can really hear that George Clinton produced the album this is on (Freaky Styley)

2.] Alamo Race Track - Black Cat John Brown

Ahh yes Dutch pride here. Alamo Race Track is an awesome band and they have made a name for themselves in other countries aswell. This song was used on an episode of Grey's Anatomy and was a big youtube hit. Band members are nice blokes.

3. Jolly Goods - Girl move away from here

Hmm I got this one trough an indie/rock playlist. They sound kinda like Be Your Own Pet on Valium. Nothing special I think.

4. Ozzy Osbourne - Not Going Away

From the new Ozzy album. This song basically states what we all thought. Ozzy is still crazy. One of the more acceptable songs on the album as it has a good guitar riff in it. I just prefer Black Sabbath over Ozzy's solo stuff any day.

5. Pixies - This Monkey's Gone to Heaven

Pure awesomeness. This song is just brilliantly put together, from Francis' melodramatic singing to the semi jolly chorus and from the screeching guitar to the extremely simple but effective baseline. I bet that if you play this song while falling asleep you'll get some crazy dreams.

6. The Cribs - I'm a Realist

I"ve nbever really gotten into the Cribs, they make the music I like but it just doesn't do anything for me. This song has a nice sound too it tho.

7. Dinosaur Jr. - It's Me

I actually got into Dinosaur Jr. thanks to you, EWB! I think it was EWB III where I posted a thread about grunge music and one of you recommended Dinosaur Jr to me. (Kudos for that person) I've been hooked ever since.

8. Simian Mobile Disco - Sleep Deprivation

Ahh such a good club track. I can never sit still when this track comes on. Then again I'm usually the one who puts it on. No vocals in this track just an awesome beat accompanied by electronic sounds. What more do you need?

9. Kanye West ft. Adam Levine - Heard 'em Say

But this album on the "3 good singles" rule and I haven't been dissapointed. This song in particular is my favorite of the album. It has a nice flow and seems quite relaxing to be honest.

10. Nizlopi - Wash Away

SO the first time I saw Nizlopi was at Lowlands (a big festival in Holland) and the tent they were playing in was stacked. But this was mainly because it started raining like the world was ending. I couldn't get in anymore and only had my t-shirt on. So this nice girl from Manchester let me stand under her umbrella with her and some other people gave me a raincoat. Ahh those tender moments you think mankind isn't doomed. Anyway that is my memory of Nizlopi and I also bought their album.

This was fun!

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Bob Marley - One Love

Find me a more relaxing artist than Bob Marley. I challenge you. One of his best known songs, and, while not my favorite, its up there. If you don't like Marley, I'm pretty sure you don't like music. Its like Sublime, I've yet to find someone that outright hates him.

Dropkick Murphys - Irish Drinking Song

If you don't like the Dropkicks, you have no soul. Songs like this just make you want to go to a bar, get shitfaced, and since with a big group of strangers. Almost makes you wish you were Irish and from Boston. Almost.

Mushroomhead - Never Let It Go

Found out about them by hearing Solitaire Unraveling on some random music channel, and acquired a bunch of their shit. To be honest, probably 90% of the time I skip over them. I have to be in a particular mood to want to listen to Mushroomhead.

Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved

More Marley, which is strange, because there's 487 songs on this playlist, and probably less than 5 Marley tracks.

Korn - Coming Undone

A track from my go to 'favorite band' that has grown on me. I tend to like their older stuff a lot more than their newer stuff, but this one has really grown on me an is a fine song.

Shinedown - Some Day

Another acquisition of the 'here something you like from a band and get a bunch of their other shit' trend. I heard .45, fell in love, and got a bunch of their other shit. Honestly, this dosen't match up.

Black Sabbath - The Wizard

Awesome, awesome, song. I'm not even sure what I can say, this is just a great song. If you don't listen to it, you should. I mean, fuck, its Sabbath, man!

Eric Clapton - Layla (Acoustic)

I'll be honest, this was the consequence of an acoustic binge I went on, and I'm not even that big a fan of the song. Clapton's great, but the song is a little overplayed.

Eminem - Mockingbird

Big fan of Eminem, but this is probably one of my least favorite tracks by him. Next.

Kid Rock and Hank Williams Jr. - Midnight Rider and Cowboy

This is from one of CMT's 'Crossroads' shows, and actually has the opening to my favorite Allman Brother's track, Midnight Rider, going into one of my favorite Kid Rock tracks. Plus it has Hank Williams Jr. who is personified badass. Did you know he has the beard because he fell off a mountain when he was younger and scarred up his face? True story.

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1. "Hold Your Colour" by Pendulum

The title track of their album. Pendulum often seem to suffer from the fact a lot of their songs sound the same. "Hold your Colour" starts with a melencholy vibe, with the floaty vocals, really setting it apart from a lot of stuff. Then there's the distorted robot voices when it 'kicks in'. Absolutely kick arse song, like most of Pendulum's stuff (Like I said, even though it often sounds similar, it just kicks arse). Couldn't get tickets to see these late last year, they're touring again in support of their new album in a few months, hopefully I can get hold of tickets this time.

2. "You Sexy Thing" by Hot Chocolate

"I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!!! WHERE YOU FROM? YOU SEXY THING!! (Sexy thing you) I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!! SINCE YOU CAME ALONG!! YOU SEXY THING!!!" Everyone must love this song, it's the law.

3. "Without You" by Mad Caddies

"Keep It Going" was one hell of an album, from a band that keeps developing and diversifying. With very much a reggae vibe going on in this album, it really allowed the vocals to shine out. This song's fairly simple at the heart of it, strong vocal line, with a walking bass part with occasional 'horns' coming in, with their riff basically being the same as the vocal line in the chorus. But this proves simple is often good, it's a kick arse song.

4. "Broken Ice" by Umbrellas

"Illuminare", the sophomore Umbrellas album was one absolutely amazing album, chock full of electro twinged indie-pop. This track is from their self-titled debut, which was a bit more straight up indie, without the electrics and atmosphere which the second album had. And at times it's really a little bland. This is still a solid song, but it feels like it could be so much more. The singer's voice is so dreamy though (Which really isn't accented enough on the first album).

5. "The National Anthem" by Radiohead

What a bass line, sounds so dingy and dirty. From the moment it's going to be a good track. It keeps going throughout, but it never gets old. There's a bunch of freaky electronics going on in the background, the drums keep stopping and starting, and Thom Yorke occasionally tossing in some vocals, it flows perfectly, but at the same time the thing sounds so disjointed. Especially the brass/horn section comes in, with their 'improv' styled stuff going on, with crazy trumpet and trombone solo's. Amazing song, actually one of my favourite Radiohead tracks.

6. "Set Fire To The Third Bar" by Snow Patrol

I know people in real life, and I've seen on here, who absolutely adore this song. It's a solid song. But if I were to be honest, it's actually one of my least favourite tracks on "Eyes Open". It kind of falls flat for me personally. It's got a well nice melody, the shared male/female vocals are sweet. But for a band who do 'epic' incredibly well, this really does fall on its arse. It 'attempts' a lame buildup at the end, but it just doesn't happen.

7. "You Get What You Give" by The New Radicals

EPIC SONG! On saturday night I was dancing around somebody's kitchen to this. It didn't have "dg-dg-dg-dg-dg-d-gd-gdgdg" bit at the start though. :o Such a bloody happy, uplifting song. I want more of these kind of tunes.

8. "More Than Words" by Extreme

Haha. Brilliant tune. God bless ballads. I downloaded this after a pub sing-a-long a while back, when it came on the jukebox. We were rather merry at the time, but four of us (including two slightly 'scallyish' lads) sang our hearts out. :shifty:

9. "In Too Deep" by Sum 41

Everyone loved Sum 41. Yes they did. "All Killer No Filler" is hands down one of my favourite albums of all time. I mean, it's not masterpiece, it's just got so many memories tied up in it, that I can't help but absolutely adore it. And I can still throw on tunes like "Rhythms", "Summer", "Fat Lip" and "All She's Got" and I'm just like...wow. "In Too Deep" isn't one of my favourite Sum 41 tracks, but it's fun, the video was great back in the day, you just have to love them at this period...before they became the lame ass C-G-Am-F abusing fucks they are today....see people, that's what happens when you remove all ethnic minorities from your band, you turn to shit.

10. "Dead Dogs Two" by cLOUDDEAD

cLOUDDEAD's an artist I have to be in the mood to listen to. It's basically a similar thing that Styrofoam and Fat Jon did, in that it's legitimate 'electronica', as a base for hip-hop (cLOUDDEAD came before). There's also a twinge of Electric President in their stuff, including the 'high pitched' styled vocals. Definately where I'd say Electric President got the influence for "Metal Fingers". Sweet little song, when I'm in the mood. As it's often just not 'exciting' enough.

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1. Only Lovers Gonna Be Left Alive by the (International) Noise Conspiracy

As a young impressionable youth, this song was incredible. It was new, it was challenging, it was revolutionary. Dennis Lyxen half screaming, half singing "only lovers gonna be left alive" made me truly believe in the world.

2. Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand

At first, I hated this song. At that stage in my life, I was deeply addicted to punk and didn't want to think about anything else. After a while, I realised how truly brilliant the song was. Was it rock? Was it dance? What was singing he about? Who did he want to take him out? So ambigious, but so good.

3. The Little Heart Beats So Fast by the Field

One of the most overlooked and beautiful bands ever.

4. Beautiful by Damian Marley

My dad loves this song. He is a big fan of reggae, so I told him to check out Damian Marley. Although he isn't a big fan of rap, he loves teh reggae and I think that speaks volumes about Damian Marley's work. He is a shapeshifter and never fits into one category.

5. Where's Your Head At by Basement Jaxx

One of the most exhilerating songs ever. It is just this amazing combination of moods, sounds and styles to create this jumbled up, almost schizo song.

6. Can't Stop by Maroon 5

Call me a sucker for a falsetto, but Maroon 5 IS my new guilty pleasure. There new CD is great when its great, and this is one of those upbeat dancey tracks. Call me crazy...

7. Anyone Else But You by Michael Cera and Ellen Page

I don't know why, but I find this to be a fantastic song. They aren't good singers, they can't carry a tune, but its somehow amazing.

8. Dance Hall by Modest Mouse

On sheer intensity alone, this song scares me. But I just think the song is eery in every sense of the word.

9. Toop Toop by Cassius

Pure rock and dance sex. They play this song at my work, and everytime I nearly have to stop myself from dancing. Truely great track.

10. Just Another Story by Jamiroquai

Although I do like Jamiroquai's more recent work, this right here is what sets him apart from his peers. The guy can make a bitching ass tune that makes you shake your hips. Fucking amazing.

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Guest tiarnantman

Tourniquet, by Evanescence

Dark, cool and sort-of religious. I love. Am I too lost to be saved?

Look After You, by The Fray

Ugh, The Fray bore me in general. They're alright in small doses, and this songs pretty nice in its own way. I like the chorus, and it's a nice song to listen to when your alone and whatnot.

Any Dream Will Do, by Same Difference

Joseph meets super-happy X Factor siblings. Yum. And Sarah looks like Emma Watson, so extra points.

Dance Inside, by All-American Rejects

I've recently started liking the Rejects more and more. I mean, I know they're dead-mainstream, but so what? Their songs are good, and this one's no different. I really, really like it.

Soul on Fire, by HIM

I'm not exactly in the mood right now, so this song isn't very fun to listen to right now. However, when I'm in the mood it's a good song to listen to.

Stand My Ground, by Within Temptation

Heh, Within Temptation, haven't listened to them in a while. This is the type of song that's very good when you haven't listened in a while. The Eurovision-like semi-dark lyrics don't help though.

Call Me When You're Sober, by Evanescence

Yes, yes, yes. Evanescence = Awesome. Likewise, CMWYS = Awesome. Three cheers for Ev.

We've Changed

Can't say I like it much. I like one Strata song, so thought I'd download some more of their stuff. I've been disappointed. This just isn't very good.

Enjoy the Silence, by Lacuna Coil

Ugh, go away. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I need to deleat it. Hurts like violence? Shut up.

Soldier's Poem

A great ending. It's Muse, but it's almost like Queen. Totally different from the rest of their stuff. Short but sweet. A great song with beautiful lyrics. 9.9/10.

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