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The Stupidest Lines


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From Mortal Kombat Annihilation:

"This dude's tryin' to merge the two dimensions, and y'all wanna check out his CRIB!?"

-Jax, a.k.a. one of the American Gladiators, a.k.a. HEY LOOK IT'S A BLACK ONE GUYS

This may be my favorite bad line ever. It's a ridiculous thing to say, and the poor guy says it so poorly, that... yeah.

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If we're talking Nicholas Cage, Moonstruck surely wins:

"Chrissy... bring me the big knife!"

Sin City, while awesome, had a few:

"She smells like angels ought to smell." (twice!)

"The Valkyrie at my side is laughing with the pure bloodthirsty joy of the slaughter!" (even ZP Theart couldn't write that, and his lyrics suck pretty badly ¬_¬)

Also, pretty much every line Ah-nuld speaks in The Running Man.

Oh, and:

Anakin: "You're so beautiful."

Padme: "It's only because I'm so in love."

Anakin: "No, it's because I'm so in love with you!"

I've never wanted to be stabbed in the eye so much as during that scene. I wonder if George Lucas says as many lame things in real life as he makes his characters say in the movies.

Here is Sub-Zero! Now, Plain-Zero!

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Another one during a better movie. In Spider-Man 2, Doc Ock says, roughly 400 times, "The power of the sun in the palm of my hand." I know the line makes sense in the context of the movie, but was anybody else expecting one of his robo-tentacles to reach for a bottle of Sunny D at that point, or was it just me?

Oh, speaking of Spider-Man, I can't forget this gem from the first one.

Aunt May's kneeling and reciting the Lord's Prayer:

"And lead us not into temptation, but--"







Loved that scene. So over-the-top it was ridiculous.

Edited by JP Sousa is Not a Shark
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Speaking of Arnold, pretty much everything he says is a bad line but there's just something lovable about him in the 'better' films; Eraser, Terminator, etc...

"You've just been Erased" is so bad; then again he does fall from an airplane without a parachute, land on a car and survive in this film. The delivery works though.

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If we're talking Nicholas Cage, Moonstruck surely wins:

"Chrissy... bring me the big knife!"

Sin City, while awesome, had a few:

"She smells like angels ought to smell." (twice!)

"The Valkyrie at my side is laughing with the pure bloodthirsty joy of the slaughter!" (even ZP Theart couldn't write that, and his lyrics suck pretty badly ¬_¬)

Also, pretty much every line Ah-nuld speaks in The Running Man.

Oh, and:

Anakin: "You're so beautiful."

Padme: "It's only because I'm so in love."

Anakin: "No, it's because I'm so in love with you!"

I've never wanted to be stabbed in the eye so much as during that scene. I wonder if George Lucas says as many lame things in real life as he makes his characters say in the movies.

Take that back! :crying:

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Aunt May's kneeling and reciting the Lord's Prayer:

"And lead us not into temptation, but--"







Loved that scene. So over-the-top it was ridiculous.

Bahahahahaha I forgot how absolutely amazing that whole sequence was. Seriously, it was cheesy as hell the way they'd set it up, and it made me laugh to no end when I first saw it, but oh how well did it work in the movie.

Weapons are not only encouraged, they're allowed.

- Dave Batista

This is a thread for terrible lines in movies... was this a quote in a movie? And, if so, where might I find this movie so I can see just how terrible of an actor Batista more then likely is? >_>

Edited by The Mask of Neutrality
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From Mortal Kombat Annihilation:

"This dude's tryin' to merge the two dimensions, and y'all wanna check out his CRIB!?"

-Jax, a.k.a. one of the American Gladiators, a.k.a. HEY LOOK IT'S A BLACK ONE GUYS

This may be my favorite bad line ever. It's a ridiculous thing to say, and the poor guy says it so poorly, that... yeah.

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Aunt May's kneeling and reciting the Lord's Prayer:

"And lead us not into temptation, but--"







Loved that scene. So over-the-top it was ridiculous.

Bahahahahaha I forgot how absolutely amazing that whole sequence was. Seriously, it was cheesy as hell the way they'd set it up, and it made me laugh to no end when I first saw it, but oh how well did it work in the movie.

Weapons are not only encouraged, they're allowed.

- Dave Batista

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Aunt May's kneeling and reciting the Lord's Prayer:

"And lead us not into temptation, but--"







Loved that scene. So over-the-top it was ridiculous.

Bahahahahaha I forgot how absolutely amazing that whole sequence was. Seriously, it was cheesy as hell the way they'd set it up, and it made me laugh to no end when I first saw it, but oh how well did it work in the movie.

Weapons are not only encouraged, they're allowed.

- Dave Batista

This is a thread for terrible lines in movies... was this a quote in a movie? And, if so, where might I find this movie so I can see just how terrible of an actor Batista more then likely is? >_>

Unfortunately for you Norro, Benji said 'any kind of screen' including 'movies and television'.

Aha, didn't catch that before. Thanks for clearing that up, because I was honestly confused to all hell if Batista actually DID play a part in a movie, what with the recent wrestlers-starring-in-movies craze.

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From Mortal Kombat Annihilation:

"This dude's tryin' to merge the two dimensions, and y'all wanna check out his CRIB!?"

-Jax, a.k.a. one of the American Gladiators, a.k.a. HEY LOOK IT'S A BLACK ONE GUYS

This may be my favorite bad line ever. It's a ridiculous thing to say, and the poor guy says it so poorly, that... yeah.

"You like that? It's my Animality."


Oh god, I can't believe I remember that shitty movie!

...I think I'll go watch it again.

"Who took out Sindel?"

"I did. After she blasted you, I snuck up behind her."

Bear in mind, the "sneaking up behind" bit happened off camera. Raiden fought three irrelevant ninjas, and all we saw was an unconscious Sindel.

That movie is so fucking good.

Oh, also, the best explanation ever for a sequel.

Sonya: "I thought we'd closed the portal!"

Raiden: "That which is closed can also be opened again!"

Edited by JP Sousa is Not a Shark
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Weapons are not only encouraged, they're allowed.

- Dave Batista

This is a thread for terrible lines in movies... was this a quote in a movie? And, if so, where might I find this movie so I can see just how terrible of an actor Batista more then likely is? >_>

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