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Games you've grown to hate and will probably never finish


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As for games that annoyed me, I agree with the Getaway. I got to the level where you have to drive, take out the van, take the van (while the Yardies are chasing you throughout and ramming you) and sneak into the police station as an electrician to do stuff and I always almost complete it when I get shot, and it shoves you at the beginning of the mission and then I can never even get to the van again without being rammed repeatedly and blown up by stupid gangsters. Grrr. I traded the game away after numerous attempts and tearful frustration.

thats the part I've been stuck on since I bought the game when it was released lol

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Heavenly Sword. I love the game but I hate any part where I have to play as Kai makes me want to throw the controller across the room. I am currently stuck on a little lift trying to shoot enemies while it slowly moves over a canyon and I die constantly... I haven't played in months.

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Red Dead Revolver on the PS2. It got a lot of hype in one of the magazines I read back in the day so I decided to buy it. Man it was just utter shit. After like 3/4 levels I already got stuck because it was just too hard. Not like; I suck too hard, but more like; it's just too hard to fuckin' play a shooter with a PS2 controller. So to this day I've never completed it and I don't intend too. I'm still waiting for a really good western game.

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Guest homerjfry

Metroid Corruption. I got to the part where the Ship has a giant cylinder attached to it and i need to transport it to another area, but i chose for the ship to jettison the cargo and now i need to go back to the area to reattach the cylinder, but i have no idea where that is, so i have given up...

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Curses to Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy. There's one level where the female character is visiting the psych ward of the hospital and then power goes out and they're released from the cells. You have to regulate the character's breathing and stay perfectly still when the patients move past, and you have to go the exact correct route, or risk running into a patient. It's a pain in the ass, especially when the analogue stick occasionally gets slightly stuck in a direction and makes the character slowly side-step while a patient is walking past, thereby ending the game.

Awesome game, that level was scary as shit, but I managed it first time.

I don't hate the game but...

I just could not get into Mass Effect. I doubt I'll ever finish - I've tried to play it two or three times and each time I get bored pretty quickly. Assassin's Creed got repetitive really quick and I am the same way with that.

You suck as a gamer. :@

I don't hate the game but...

I just could not get into Mass Effect. I doubt I'll ever finish - I've tried to play it two or three times and each time I get bored pretty quickly. Assassin's Creed got repetitive really quick and I am the same way with that.

Ha, I was gonna say the same two. I got both for Christmas. I played Mass Effect once and haven't played it again since. I've played Assassin's Creed a few times and wow is that game boring. How a game with a physics engine like that can be so damn boring is just crazy, but it sure is. I'm selling it on eBay right now actually. Anyone wanna buy it? :pervert: I'm gonna try Mass Effect again soon, so hopefully I'll enjoy it more on the second play.

Mass Effect is far superior to AC, so give it a few goes.

Anyway, onto this list.

Kane & Lynch and Assassin's Creeds are the big ones for me lately. Both were awesome to start, then drew on. I ended up trading both in to fund my XBL/Halo purchase. Creed was to repetitive, I was fed up of doing the same thing over and over. Kane & Lynch just got annoying, but I don't hate the game.

Dead Rising got boring as hell, too. Which is shocking, zombies, mall, loads of weapons, where does the fun end? I don't know, but somewhere it ended hard.

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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Yes, I like dicking around. I like causing chaos and mayhem, and the quests are fun to boot. But flight school?

Fuck. That. Noise.


Also, "Arcanum: Of Steamworks And Magick Obscura". I love the setting, the story seems kind of cool and I even like the graphics - but the UI and game mechanics are just so painfully glitched and either ballbustingly hard or laughably easy depending on whether or not you want to absolutely break everything in the game or not. Oh Troika Games, you had it all after Black Isle and then you went and fucked everything up.

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If it was Winter 2004 I'd totally agree with Bushmeister about Flight School, but I finally conquered it around spring 2005 and haven't ever had problems doing it again since.

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Batman Begins for the PS2.

I found it to have incredibly repetitive gameplay that went on forever and ever, and my determination to finish the game was worn down by its lack of varied gameplay and boredom setting in.

Plus my PS2 is packed away in a cupboard, which means it'll never see the light of day again anyway.

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Final Fantasy 12, I've tried three or four times to try and force myself through it and I just can't get interested enough in anything to get through it. Vaan blows, Balthier's cool but not much there story-wise after you find out the major thing, Basch is just kinda there, Ashe is a bitch that I couldn't give two shits about, the rest are along for the ride.

Curses to Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy. There's one level where the female character is visiting the psych ward of the hospital and then power goes out and they're released from the cells. You have to regulate the character's breathing and stay perfectly still when the patients move past, and you have to go the exact correct route, or risk running into a patient. It's a pain in the ass, especially when the analogue stick occasionally gets slightly stuck in a direction and makes the character slowly side-step while a patient is walking past, thereby ending the game.

Awesome game, that level was scary as shit, but I managed it first time.

I will second both of these. FF12 just lacks so much. I even loved the shit out of X-2 because the characters were solid. 12, I just can't get into, and the prospect of all the side-quest dicking around just seems repulsive. Sad, when I consider that side quests were some of my favorite parts of games like VII, VIII, and X. Thank God I have a borrowed copy from a friend who beat the fuck out of it and won't want it back soon.

And Indigo Prophecy was class, but I traded it in once I beat it. Didn't seem to be much replay in it, far as I could tell.

I still have the PS1 version of the Italian Job (based on the original Michael Caine movie), and one level simply made me pitch the controller when I played through it. I haven't been back since, but may do so soon as I play through all the old shit.

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Tomb Raider Legend for being a buggy piece of shit - just found that out yesterday!

Guitar Hero III for being just fucking ridiculous. Raining Blood should be the most fun song in the game to play, not a reason to throw the guitar out the window.

God of War II for being the exact same fucking game as God of War I

What about games you powered through despite growing to hate them? My prime example of that was Crackdown.

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Dead Rising got boring as hell, too. Which is shocking, zombies, mall, loads of weapons, where does the fun end? I don't know, but somewhere it ended hard.

Summer dress, high heels, make up, corridor full of zombies, bowling ball, katana. Win.

Even that couldn't keep me enthralled.

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Pffft, flight school on San Andreas is piss. Boat school is shit. I hardly ever use boats anyway. They're pants.

I still have my GH1 controller, so wouldn't know about that. But GH3 has kinda soured me on the whole series, even GH1 & 2. Stupid note charts to songs I don't like. Slayer, Iron Maiden, Foghat, Heart (had to listen to those two boring beasts for 3 years on the aforementioned GTA), Miss Murder, Paint It Black, Anarchy In The UK, White Zombie... and that blatant advertising for Lynx/Axe ("boom-chika-wah-wah") before the Tom Morello battle utterly FUCKED ME OFF.

Aerosmith Guitar Hero will both suck and blow.

Edited by TheModernWay
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