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Best dalek line:

"This is not war. THIS IS PEST CONTROL!"

In fact, the entire exachange is awesome:

Cyber Leader: Daleks, be warned. You have declared war upon the Cybermen.

Dalek Sec: This is not war - this is pest control!

Cyber Leader: We have five million Cybermen. How many are you?

Dalek Sec: Four.

Cyber Leader: You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?

Dalek Sec: We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek! You superior in only one respect.

Cyber Leader: What is that?

Dalek Sec: You are better at dying. Raise communications barrier!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just rewatched the mostly wretched but not entirely awful 1996 Dr Who movie again today and its a shame this thing sucked and led to nothing because McGann was a pretty good Doctor. Eric Roberts was one overacting motherfucker though.

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Yeah, the story is a bit too much generic sci-fi - it lacks the charm and the quirks that make Dr Who entertaining, but it's not entirely without merit. Paul McGann was awesome as the Doctor, the Victorian/steampunk design for the TARDIS' interior is beautiful, and the opening sequence of Sylvester McCoy sat in the TARDIS reading H.G. Wells is as perfect an opening to a Dr. Who movie as you can get. And McCoy's death scene is magnificent.

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I almost feel that the film tried to hard to please fans. People might disagree with me on this but it really did feel like it had taken fan wishes into consideration but had ignored the essence of the show. McCoy's death, while nice and touching didn't really do the film many favours, it had the harder and gritter edge that fans often harp on about, Paul McGan (who was fantastic) had a costume that definately seemed designed by a fan and there was a whole emphasis on making it less goofy, less eccentric and more adult which a lot of Dr Who fans seem desperately to pine for. But when taking these factors into consideration they ignored the heart of the show.

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There are Dr. Who fans who want the show to be less goofy and eccentric?

Goofy and eccentric is Dr. Who. Even moreso than the sci-fantasy elements, hell, even moreso than fucking time travel, goofy and eccentric is what Dr. Who is.

I know fans wanted it to be more adult - but only in the sense that it didn't fucking insult our intelligence like RTD insisted on. A fan who wants Dr Who to stop being goofy and eccentric doesn't get Dr. Who, end of story.

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I've read forums where people appear to have pretty much that opinion. I agree with you, Doctor Who should be goofy, but there are those who would prefer Doctor Who take a more 'serious' approach. That's what I think helped inspire the producers of the movie to make it the way they did.

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So Ive rewatched the 1996 movie, all of "Series 1" starring Eccleston, and up to "Fear Her" of 2 with Tennant and...aside from the much maligned "Love And Monsters" (which I love, I mean come on ELO, Scooby Doo running, and Jackie Tyler going all cougar whats not to love but I digress) and "The Girl In The Fireplace", Tennant's first series really really isnt very good. I mean Tennant is great, but the episodes themselves are pretty awful. I dont think I remembered how bad Series 2 was. Heres hoping the two part finale is better than I remembered.

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So Ive rewatched the 1996 movie, all of "Series 1" starring Eccleston, and up to "Fear Her" of 2 with Tennant and...aside from the much maligned "Love And Monsters" (which I love, I mean come on ELO, Scooby Doo running, and Jackie Tyler going all cougar whats not to love but I digress) and "The Girl In The Fireplace", Tennant's first series really really isnt very good. I mean Tennant is great, but the episodes themselves are pretty awful. I dont think I remembered how bad Series 2 was. Heres hoping the two part finale is better than I remembered.

The Idiot's Lantern was a pretty good and unique take on 'monster of the week', and the two part 'Impossible Planet' and 'The Satan Pit' were very good (especially the former).

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Yeah, Idiot's Lantern isn't too shabby and the first of the Ood two parter is exellent and I really enjoyed the finale too. The odd episode was tripe, but as a whole I think it's one of the stronger of the RTD series.

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I finished rewatching Series 3 and Voyage Of The Damned. I originally wasnt a Martha Jones fan, but now Ive decided S3 is my overall fave of the new series up to that point. The two part finale wasnt the best aside from Simms brilliant performance, but overall the series was so very welk done. The Family Of Blood two parter was probably the best.

Voyage Of The Damned was pretty weak, and not nearly as good as the previous two Christmas Specials though. Now to see if I dislike Donna this go round or not.

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Decided to rewatch the Ecclestone season of Doctor Who again. Not as bad a consistency of episodes as I remember. I think the Slitheen episodes were just that bad that it paints my memory of the whole season. Generally it's quite enjoyable. In fact, now Moffat is in his second series, I'm starting to notice that his run has had roughly the same ratio of stinkers to good episodes as RTD had.

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The more I've re-watched Doctor Who, the further down I end up pushing Tennant in my estimations.

I find it difficult to be objective about this because I realise a lot of it is probably my judging the episodes rather than the man himself. I also suspect the part of it might simply be over-familiarity with him in contrast to Ecclestone and Smith.

But yeah. Currently preferring the other two over him. Hmm.

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The more I've re-watched Doctor Who, the further down I end up pushing Tennant in my estimations.

I find it difficult to be objective about this because I realise a lot of it is probably my judging the episodes rather than the man himself. I also suspect the part of it might simply be over-familiarity with him in contrast to Ecclestone and Smith.

But yeah. Currently preferring the other two over him. Hmm.

I sort of know what you mean, because now I watch the Matt Smith stuff, and I find myself at times prefering him to Tennant. I think part of it comes from my dislike of a lot of RTD's writing and style

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  • 2 weeks later...

Started watching the show on Netflix a few weeks ago, onto Series 5 right now with Matt Smith. Loving the show thus far. I skipped over a couple of episodes, the ones that didnt actually feature the Doctor and focused more on some other characters (like the LINDA one or something). Really missing David as the Doctor, I must say. The dynamic he had with Rose was amazing and the finale for series 4 was incredible. Him saying, "I dont want to go" was a great line even though it is so simple.

At first I loved the 9th doctor and when he went out and Tennant came in I was iffy, but I ended up loving Tennant. Not sure if the same will happen with Smith, but he has won me over with the series 5 premier with the food gag at the beginning and the "who da man?!" line.

It is really hard to rank the three, disregarding that Im only a few episodes into the Smith stuff, since they all have their own thing that makes them memorable and amazing. Had the 9th doctor had another series I probably would rank him higher, but with Tennant having so many episodes and the time to develop more and whatnot it's hard to place anyone but him in my top spot, for now anyway.

Though I find Rose to be the best companion of the bunch, maybe outside of Jack and Mickey, but Amy Pond may give her a run for her money, if only because of the red hair and the Scottishness :wub:

Would I be correct in assuming that the Smith era of Doctor Who doesnt really have too many moments where characters from past series make an appearance?

Has anyone here watched the classic Doctor Who stuff, and if so would it be worth trying to check out?

Edited by Vitamin E
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The Smith stuff so far hasn't had much at all in the way of recurring characters from previous eras. River Song, basically. And a couple of the alien monsters have been from classic Who.

Comparing the three 'New Who' Doctors, Tennant is still my doctor, though Matt Smith is pushing him so bloody close and could over-take him, he just gets better and better and better with each episode. Ecclestone is in my top 11 doctors of all time.

And onto the topic of what Classic Who to watch, it keeps being discussed every few pages or so, so have a trawl through the thread. Talons of Weng Chiang is essential, as is Caves of Androzaani. I'd also recommend Spearhead from Space, Terror of the Autons and City of Death. Like those and I could name 10-15 other good ones that you might enjoy.

EDIT - When you say you skipped some of the episodes which didn't feature the Doctor heavily - you DID watch Blink, right? RIGHT?

Edited by Yoshihiro timmayyama
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