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...Yeah that's probably something where missing out on season 5 would confuse.

They did grow up together in modern times. The Roman thing is...actually I forget how and why he got there, but it involved waiting around for a couple of thousand years. :shifty:

Actually tomk probably covered it. All a bit wibbly wobbly. And a bit timey wimey, if you will.

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To anyone who hasn't seen much (or any) of Doctor Who except for Matt Smith, there's one big problem I do have with Smith era Who, though it actually started happening during Tennant's run: sonic screwdriver is way overused. Its turned from a simple tool that can do a few tricks into t h e Doctor's equivalent of Batman's utility. They actually destroyed t h e sonic screwdriver during Peter Davison's run as t h e Fifth Doctor because they believed it was overused. Unfortunately, it was brought back during t h e Colin Baker period, but has been severely overused during t h e new series (not so much during Eccelston's run or Tennant's first season, though).

If someone wished to start at Season 5, I would advise them to also look at "Blink" from S3 and "Silence in t h e Library" from S4. "Blink" will give you a good reference point for an enemy that is used a few times in S5 and S6 and "Silence in t h e Library" is where River Song is first met and is quite crucial if you want to know what t h e hell is going on with her storyline.

Hey. Who turned out t h e lights?

*edit* for some reason t h e word t h e is coming up as t' when i type it properly, so I've had to go back and edit. what da hell?!

Edited by GhostMachine
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I liked it, predictable, but well done. My one concern is that now people will start again with the "his name is Doctor Who" bullshit <_<

Yeah, the twist was predictable, but it makes me wonder. Does she already know him? Because we know she's going to be the next assistant, but I can't see a Dalek being the next companion. Especially a dead Dalek. So 'Chin Man' may already be her affectionate name for him.

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Two things I noticed in this episode.

The fact that the Daleks don't know the doctor may have set in motion the propehcy talked about in the last series finale.

Seems like we have another River Song scenario going on with the girl that the doctor already knows her fate before she meets him

Edited by A Member Of The Dominion
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Two things I noticed in this episode.

The fact that the Daleks don't know the doctor may have set in motion the propehcy talked about in the last series finale.

Seems like we have another River Song scenario going on with the girl that the doctor already knows her fate before she meets him

Whoa, deja vu. Thought I'd read my own post twice :shifty:. Naw but seriously, I think you're right. I just hope it isn't too similar to the River storyline, because a) we don't need complicated shit for the sake of it, b) already seen it. But, as always, I have faith in Moffat, so hopefully it takes us down as-of-yet unexplored areas/stories.

ALSO! Was it just me or was the chap who pushed them down the 'gravity tunnel' the guy from game of thrones (Sir Ilyn or something?)

Edited by Dingle
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