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So, finished another Doctor Who season last Friday (I can't remember what season...maybe 3? The one with Martha Jones). Absolutely loving this show! Blink is probably one of my favorite episodes. Probably going to start the next season (The titanic? What?!) in a few days or so.

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So, finished another Doctor Who season last Friday (I can't remember what season...maybe 3? The one with Martha Jones). Absolutely loving this show! Blink is probably one of my favorite episodes. Probably going to start the next season (The titanic? What?!) in a few days or so.

What did you think of the season three finale, Rukikles? I loved most of it, except for the stupid psychic god BS with The Doctor as one of my least favourite deus ex machinas ever. You're in for a treat with the Catherine Tate season up next, I think that was my favourite because except the Christmas special (which is my least favourite Who episode of the modern era), there's no bad episode there, and there's several great ones.

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I know the question wasn't directed at me, but that is my absolute least favourite deus ex machina certainly in Doctor Who history, possibly in the history of fiction. It's appalling, and only a step above "if we all just clap our hands now children".

It was a fantastic first part of a two-part finale, but was the strongest indication that RTD just had no idea how to conclude a story. He could set it up brilliantly, but it always fell apart at the conclusion. Throw in the allusions to the Doctor being a Messiah figure, and it ruined what had otherwise been a fantastic episode with some brilliant performances from pretty much the entire cast

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The whole "Doctor Who?" thing going on makes me wonder if Moffat is going to be doing his own version of the Cartmel Masterplan. (Look it up)

I'd rather it be something like that than revealing the Doctor's actual name.

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I'm not a fan of that. It's original purpose was to bring mystery back to The Doctor, which has already been done. I've come to the point where I hope they never revive the Time Lords as a race, because The Doctor's loneliness has become such a key aspect of the modern series. Despite failings which were more person, it was his greatest failing, it's his reminder never to cross that line and consider life expendable, especially since it's purpose (destroy the Daleks) wound up failing.

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So, finished another Doctor Who season last Friday (I can't remember what season...maybe 3? The one with Martha Jones). Absolutely loving this show! Blink is probably one of my favorite episodes. Probably going to start the next season (The titanic? What?!) in a few days or so.

What did you think of the season three finale, Rukikles? I loved most of it, except for the stupid psychic god BS with The Doctor as one of my least favourite deus ex machinas ever. You're in for a treat with the Catherine Tate season up next, I think that was my favourite because except the Christmas special (which is my least favourite Who episode of the modern era), there's no bad episode there, and there's several great ones.

I know the question wasn't directed at me, but that is my absolute least favourite deus ex machina certainly in Doctor Who history, possibly in the history of fiction. It's appalling, and only a step above "if we all just clap our hands now children".

It was a fantastic first part of a two-part finale, but was the strongest indication that RTD just had no idea how to conclude a story. He could set it up brilliantly, but it always fell apart at the conclusion. Throw in the allusions to the Doctor being a Messiah figure, and it ruined what had otherwise been a fantastic episode with some brilliant performances from pretty much the entire cast

I loved most of the finale...2.5 episodes of it! The first half of part 3 was great, then the shitty "If you wish hard enough all at the same time, he'll be cured and make magic!" part happened, he was magical for a bit which was lame, and then everything went back to being enjoyable. Gonna miss Captain Jack though :(

But overall? Very enjoyable finale!

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The whole "Doctor Who?" thing going on makes me wonder if Moffat is going to be doing his own version of the Cartmel Masterplan. (Look it up)

I'd rather it be something like that than revealing the Doctor's actual name.

Yeah, I'd hate it if they reveal the Doctor's actual name. I'm not a big fan of he Doctor actually getting married (again) but revealing the name would be awful. That's just tampering with a myth that doesn't need to be played about with. That said I certainly don't want something resembling the Cartmel Masterplan either, which is a big pile of wank. I don't want a Doctor who's a God of Time Lords, bugger that. I'm somewhat surprised that with him being the Last of the Time Lords they haven't made a thing of somebody asking him "why do you think the universe kept you?" which I think would add a bit more mystery, but then they shouldn't go any further than that.

I haven't been fond of introducing a 'Doctor Who?' arc from the start really. I tend not to like the way Moffat does arcs, I find they're overbearing and ultimately don't have very satifactory conclusions, the latter of which would be fine if they wern't so overbearing to the rest of the plot. The 'Doctor Who?' one has been the worst of the lot so far because it's said so many bloody times. And it's always done in a very "Doctor Who? Eh? Eh? That's the name of the show! Eh? Eh? Ain't that clever? Eh? Eh?" kind of way. And more to the point I don't see how you can conclude it in a satisfying way. You don't want to reveal the Doctor's name, the joy isn't in discovering his backstory and if anything that ruins his character a little,but if you keep building it up and then don't deliver anything of note it's going to fall really flat. But Moffat does have great ideas sometimes, and I've enjoyed his fairytale feel to things so maybe he'll pull something out of the bag.

I just want more episodes like the specials really, the Doctor romping around being a guy who's romping around. The plus side with getting rid of the Ponds though is you at least hopefully get the Doctor away from the soap opera stuff. There was soap stuff with RTD but there the Doctor tended to be on the periphery of it, not caring and just wanting to explore the universe. With Moffat he married the kidnapped daughter of his best friend and now appears to be having a bit of a fling with someone else. Hopefully he won't though.

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I don't normally get into expanded universe Doctor Who stuff, but...


Big Finish have announced their release for the 50th Anniversary.

Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann all appearing in a multiple Doctor story, along with Geoffrey Beevers as The Master, and the return of Leela, Nyssa, Peri, Charley Pollard and Ace!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Fish finger custard. That's what sold me. Everything else in that opener was just a nice bonus.

Exactly! Oh my god, I loved that scene.

"I love yogurt, yogurt is my favorite......I hate yogurt. It's just stuff with bits in it."

Just finished the Van Gogh episode last night. I miss Rory.

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