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Thoughts are below:

Yeah, that was pretty bad. The acting was fairly strong throughout but the plot was just balls. The Vigil were a really cool looking concept, and then they didn't do much except try to cast

Protego against the Doctor and fail. The 'Mummy' turned out to be completely pointless, and the actual Big Bad was... a giant glowing fire pumpkin? OK then...

Really, this episode's only real redeeming feature was the speech at the end with the Doctor & Clara. Ah well, Cold War looks terrific for next time, so that's something to hopefully look forward to

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Worst ending since the "let's all say Doctor" deus ex machina in season three. In fact, it's probably worse, because at least that had John Simm. This episode was awful. Methinks this is going to be a Martha-season.

Not worse than that episode's ending. Come now.

That would require, I dunno, instead of people saying "Doctor" he was revived by the tears of sad pokemon. :shifty:

I liked the previous ep more than this one, but neither have been an especially strong showing. Even if taken on the basis of a lot of episodes which run along the lines of "well 98% of the show will be taken up with some nonsense that may not come off that well, but hey there are a few nice sentences of character/plot advancement dialogue tucked away towards the end"...not a lot seemed to come of it.

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Possibly the worst episode of Who since the RTD era? The end certainly the same amount of silliness and lack of invention as the worst stories from that era of Who and it was a return to the 'sonic screw-driver saves all,' style of deus-ex-machina from that period of Who as well. The first 30 minutes were just boring. The only good thing about it was The Doctor's speech/rant at the Old God at the end,
Last weeks episode was fun filler, The Idiots Lantern with the Internet, but I thought that Clara felt like a real character and that Coleman and Smith had good chemistry. Tonight - almost entirely down to the script I think - Clara came across as a cheap Rose Tyler clone and she had zero chemistry with Smith.

Still, next week is a Mark Gatiss IIRC who's generally a good hand, and has the Ice Warriors to look forward to...

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Possibly the worst episode of Who since the RTD era? The end certainly the same amount of silliness and lack of invention as the worst stories from that era of Who and it was a return to the 'sonic screw-driver saves all,' style of deus-ex-machina from that period of Who as well.

While I get what you were saying otherwise, I do like the fact that you've basically rewritten Moffat's 'Who' so that it didn't include love defeating the cybermen or the Doctor constantly waving a magic wand around that seemingly does whatever's needed at all times.

I liked bits of this episode. It kinda had an old school feel for much of the episode (although not all the way through), some of the CGI was great, the Vigil were freaky, it was nice to have such an alient society and, of course, Matt Smith pulled it out of the bag with that speech which could have sounded rather forced if not for him. He really is well and truly above the show at this point. It was a bit of a miss but if you're going to have a miss at least let it be colourful I suppose.

Next week looks promising, I'm not expecting a great episode but it looks looks pretty solid.

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I didn't think it was that bad, though it was another "character development is better than the plot-of-the-week" episode. Congratulations, you just saved millions of people...by destroying their Sun? Oops. Too much Sonic Screwdriver stuff, too.

The Vigil were great, shame they couldn't have got more. They had a great look, and I hope they show up again in some capacity.

The reference to the Doctor's granddaughter made me yelp with glee. I actually thought Clara and the Doctor had good chemistry in this episode, and the "are you joking? It's massive" line made me laugh. The Doctor's speech was bad-ass, and although it's much the same ilk as that which Tennant gave every other episode, it's been a while, and it's one of the best of the "THE DOCTOR IS SO AMAZING GUYS" speeches I've seen. Smith delivered it beautifully, too - though it's kind of at odds with Moffat's insistence that the last season finale was explicitly designed to put a stop to that kind of deus ex machina storytelling.

The TARDIS being locked when Clara tried to get in was interesting. You'd assume the Doctor was in there for some reason, but the way Clara said that it didn't like her...maybe the TARDIS purposefully locked her out? We've established that the TARDIS has its own personality, and it could definitely mistrust an impossible woman getting close to the Doctor...especially if the TARDIS knows who she is.

Oh well, next week looks good.

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Doesn't he usually give companions a key? Can't remember if Clara got one last week.

Christmas Clara got one, but this Clara didn't. She isn't even allowed to stay on The TARDIS full time, The Doctor drops her home like it's a day out or something. Really odd

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Doesn't he usually give companions a key? Can't remember if Clara got one last week.

Christmas Clara got one, but this Clara didn't. She isn't even allowed to stay on The TARDIS full time, The Doctor drops her home like it's a day out or something. Really odd

And shouldn't she be able to understand alien languages? isn't that a thing after traveling in the TARDIS?

Or maybe this is the thing with the TARDIS hating her.

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You've all made some good points. It's forced me to rethink my opinion on the episode...


I think I need to re-watch it, I'm seeing a lot of people saying this, and I thought it was ok. Nothing spectacular, but decent enough filler and development stuff.
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