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Movies you should see...


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The Star Wars films.

A New Hope - Saw the Special Edition in theater.

Empire Strikes Back - Haven't seen the whole thing in one sitting but seen enough of it in pieces to know what's going on.

Return of the Jedi - Ditto.

The Phantom Menace - Just saw a few months ago.

Attack of the Clones - Saw opening night in theater.

Revenge of the Sith - Haven't seen yet.

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Same here, need to watch all of the Diehard films. Also need to get around to watching Death Proof(watched Planet Terror), Back to the Future II(it's the only one I haven't watched recently all the way through), Boondock Saints, and probably numerous others. Hell, I didn't even watch Shawshank Redemption until Christmas Break, which was unacceptable to my ex who made me watch it.

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I don't think I've seen Back To The Future either.

And while I don't consider these films I "should" see, it's a regular talking point with a few of my friends that I've never seen any of the following: Snow White, Aladdin, Peter Pan, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Pinnochio, Dumbo, Bambi, Lady And The Tramp, Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmations, The Jungle Book, Aristocats, The Fox & The Hound, Beauty And The Beast, Mulan, Pocahontas, Hercules.

So, yeah, I'm fairly Disney-less.

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The Big Lebowski. Also, until recently, I had not seen or even remotely heard with The Matrix: Revolutions was about. <_< But then I just bought the whole set with all three DVD's and saw them through in one setting. I*m guilty of the Diehard thing too. Throw Rambo in there as well.

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Natural Born Killers (towards the top of my "DVD's to watch pile" thats sitting at the side of me), Se7en (which is towards the bottom of said pile), pretty much any old Woody Allen film, Donnie Darko, or any of the Lethal Weapon movies. They're the main ones.

EDIT - Add The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Jaws, Blade (not properly, I've seen little bits) and there was something else I thought of that I REALLY should watch, but I've gone and forgotten what it was again...

Edited by timmayy Aaron XXIV
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And while I don't consider these films I "should" see, it's a regular talking point with a few of my friends that I've never seen any of the following: Snow White, Aladdin, Peter Pan, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Pinnochio, Dumbo, Bambi, Lady And The Tramp, Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmations, The Jungle Book, Aristocats, The Fox & The Hound, Beauty And The Beast, Mulan, Pocahontas, Hercules.

Dude, forget all the others. That's the ultimate Disney film.

Anyway I've been told I really need to see more classics like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I'm guilty of the Rambo series too even though I see it for 10 bucks the other day and didn't pick it up.

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