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The Official Complaint Thread

Captain Eo

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Aside from minor quibbles, the shadowing looks atrocious at times. Namely when I was watching this cabaret chick 'singing' and her entire face was pixelated and splotchy. It affects all shadows in the game, but on people's faces its ugly.

Crashing has been annoying, but hopefully it doesn't do it anymore (hasn't since signing out of the PSN).

I also concur on the radio being pretty shit. I randomly switched stations and I haven't heard much of any of it, and regardless a lot of it just sucks. Compared to the previous two games having great soundtracks, this one just feels... meh. Albeit since Niko or someone is always talking in the car or on the phone the music is seemingly a non-issue.

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Radio stations. Seriously, TWO Reggae? Is that necessary? Not enough diversity which is dumb because there are tons of stations.

Freezing, although it's only happened once.

Getting split up when going to a multiplayer game. It happened to me a lot yesterday and that would be my biggest complaint.

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Not being able to get out of the car while on the phone is a bitch.

I'm sure I've done that. I remember him taking his arm away from his ear when doing so and I was thinking "funny how I can still hear the convo". Then he put it back up to his ear after he got out.

Lack of a custom soundtrack feature. Come on, you could put in your own "tape" back in Vice City on Xbox.

You can - it's the feature in the guide "Select Music" I think it is. It doesn't act the same as the radio - as far as I can tell the music carries on regardless of whether you're in a vehicle or not, but you can still listen to your own stuff.

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Yeah you can do that in any game, but it overrides the in game audio. What I want is to be able to play my own songs in the game, and have them turn into background noise during conversations like music on the radio does

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The car bumping thing doesn't happen to me a lot, I guess I've got used to the driving. I have scratched a cop car a couple of times by accident and thought "shit, just like the last damn games" but instead of getting a star, they just did one short siren WHOOP and that was it.

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No one seems to have noticed that the police searching area circle thingy is somewhat similar to the one that was on Scarface. :shifty:

Or Driver for the PS1, or Mafia.

What's your point.

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I like the soundtrack.....Well Journey anyway. Phillip Glass, Aphex Twin and Jean Michel Jarre is enough for me....

Electrochoc is also cool as is the Juliette Lewis indie/rock/electro station.

I'm gonna get into a funk/jazz/Eastern Euro vibe later. I've never listened to an RnB/Rap station on GTAs anyway and I'll tune into the generic rock station a bit for Iggy.

I hated messing around pressing triangle for ages trying to climb a stupid ladder but apart from that I'm enjoying this one. It's got more gravitas and Nico's character is clearly the best in any GTA game so far...

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In fact, aiming any weapon while driving seems to be more of a bitch than i can remember it being in other games.

Yep, seems you have to press B to look at the target and LB to fire your weapon, all whilst accelerating with RT and steering with the thumbstick. Your fingers end up all over the place and it's just a bit fiddly.

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In fact, aiming any weapon while driving seems to be more of a bitch than i can remember it being in other games.

Yep, seems you have to press B to look at the target and LB to fire your weapon, all whilst accelerating with RT and steering with the thumbstick. Your fingers end up all over the place and it's just a bit fiddly.

All I do is just use LB. It's pretty much the same as Saints Row when you're in a car so I guess I'm used to that.

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In fact, aiming any weapon while driving seems to be more of a bitch than i can remember it being in other games.

Yep, seems you have to press B to look at the target and LB to fire your weapon, all whilst accelerating with RT and steering with the thumbstick. Your fingers end up all over the place and it's just a bit fiddly.

All I do is just use LB. It's pretty much the same as Saints Row when you're in a car so I guess I'm used to that.

Just pressing LB aims it straight at the road for me, usually nowhere near the car. Do you aim with the right thumbstick?

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