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The EWB Bookie 1.5 - Euro 2008 Edition


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Feel like doing this early so that I have a definitive list…

This will be the sign-up thread for the Euro 2008 edition of the EWB Bookie. Again, this will be more like a tester before we do our first full season, just to see how things run along, and if there's anything about the Bookie that we could change.

First off, the rules are pretty much the same as before, except we won't be starting on a certain amount of credits anymore (was 500 previously). Instead, we'll all begin at 0. For each set of games played we'll all use the 20 credits over the 5 bets as normal, but this time they won't affect what credits we've already acquired.

So for example, we start on 0, and work up from there. Any credits you win will be added to your total. Should you fail to win anything ever again, that total will remain the same. The 20 credits you put on work like "free" credits in other words. The reason for doing it like this was just to make the table look better, and it will give an accurate reading of how many credits everyone has won from betting.

What I will say though, is that if somebody fails to place bets twice or more in a row, you will be removed from the Bookie (and possibly future EWB Bookies) immediately. It's pointless signing up and then being inactive.

I'm also looking for a maximum of 25 sign-ups for this, with the previous EWB Bookie players having priority. If they want a spot, they can have it. So if you weren't a part of the original EWB Bookie and want to be a part of this, I suggest you sign-up early.

If you have any questions about how the Bookie is run, feel free to PM me or ask in this thread. I'll reply to your message as soon as possible. To be honest, if you read through the EWB Bookie that's running now, you should be able to grasp pretty much everything.

Chances are I'll be PM'ing everyone a few days prior to when I put up the first set of bets to make sure you're all still interested. On that subject, I would appreciate it if you made it be known if you've decided to "pull out" for whatever reason before this begins.




Sign-Up List - 24/25





Dirty Johnny 27



Farmer Reil




Liam Byrne

Lost Soul





Quasi Juice


Scott McFly




9 to 5

Edited by Baddar.
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Explain it to me more, but yes I am in.

You have a set amount of points, and you bet on the bets he put up. You have to bet 20 points each set of bets, and no less than 4 points per bet.

Winner is the one who has the most points at the end.

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Explain it to me more, but yes I am in.

You have a set amount of points, and you bet on the bets he put up. You have to bet 20 points each set of bets, and no less than 4 points per bet.

Winner is the one who has the most points at the end.

That's pretty much it, yeah. Although as I said at the top, you'll have 0 points when you begin the Bookie this time. So the 20 points you use will be "free" so to speak, and whatever you win with them adds to your points total.

Btw, member list is up to 13, which is getting updated in around a minute or so.

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I'm in. (Y)

So basically your score this time is not a credits total, but a sum of the credits you've won?


I THINK it's pretty straightforward.

You start on 0. If from the first week you put 5 credits on a 2/1, you will then move on to 15 points in the table. Whatever is won cannot be lost.

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