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I haven't heard anyone say that it won't work without Arnold.

Lots of people have said that a cameo from the Governator would be awesome, but I haven't heard anyone say that it won't work without him.

Besides... Christian Bale could be in a Bananas in Pajamas movie and make it work.

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The official Terminator Salvation blog website

The quote below is taken from the front page of the site, along with concept art.

May 23, 2008

The End Begins

We've officially started principal photography on Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins. Like you guys, I've been a long-time fan of the series and I understand your passion for the Terminator movies -- and it's my full intention to deliver a film that lives up to the previous three installments. I've spent time with James Cameron, spoken to Arnold Schwarzenegger, gone over the story with Jonah Nolan, and enlisted Stan Winston.

Everything we're shooting is designed to be tactile and real, you'll be seeing a whole set of inspired designs you've never seen before, and best of all you'll finally get to see some of the post-judgment day future that was only hinted at in the previous movies.

John Connor will be pushed to the brink. And for me, Christian Bale embodies Connor's strength and tenacity perfectly. And after visiting Sam Worthington on the set of Avatar, I know he's perfect for his role.

As you know, Anton Yelchin is playing Kyle Reese, and his prep has been unbelievable. The guy's been watching all three Terminators incessantly and he's definitely going to capture the essence of the character Michael Biehn created in Cameron's first film.

We started principal photography with a sequence at Griffith Observatory. I've already seen a cut of it -- Anton and Sam are excellent. I'll have more on that soon, and can't wait to share some of what we're doing with you all. Stay tuned for more.


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  • 1 month later...

Alright, maybe it's a little early to post a topic for a film that's expected to be released in 2009, so let's just label this topic Terminator and discuss all of them.

Anyone else seen the teaser trailer for #4?


I know you can't really tell much from a teaser, but the clips seem like the series is going to be quite differant from now on which I like, I was worried about the 4th film being too much like the other 3, which while I loved, there shouldn't be anymore like them.

Bale as Connor i'm really looking forward too after his excellent performance as Batman.

Also wondering if anyone else actually enjoyed Sarah Connor Chronicles and is looking forward to season 2?

I didn't think the series was anything incredible, but it was something I enjoyed watching while waiting for my weekly doses of Lost and Heroes.

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Even when watching Terminator 2 as a young kid I had always hoped for a movie based on the war with Skynet. It always seemed like a natural successor to the first two Terminator movies. Plus, I've always had a bit of an affinity for dystopian themed movies.

The first two Terminator movies rank among my all-time favorite action movies, so I'm curious to see where this one will take us, or how it will stack up to the first two. The third was below average, but not entirely awful. I like the casting of Christian Bale, he seems to be a natural fit as an aged John Connor, where as Ed Furlong still seems too young to play the role, and the guy from the third movie seemed like a big pussy.

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the guy from the third movie seemed like a big pussy.

Yeah, but he redeemed himself as Yellow Bastard in Sin City.

Saw the teaser for "Salvation" last night in front of Batman... short, but looks really cool. Obviously, they're taking the franchise in a much different (needed) direction. Instead of being like T3, where it was an excuse to say "HEY LOOK, IT'S ARNOLD AGAIN!! GIVE US MONEY!" They actually have to work out a plot for this one, so I assume we'll be looking at a much better movie.

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  • 4 months later...

Is McG actually going to make a good movie???

I have researched this quite a lot over the last few months and I can safely say I am very excited for this. McG seems like he has the right idea. Read the wikipedia entry for the movie as he explains his influences and what he is going for. While actually expressing you want to make a film good and actually doing it is two different things, he seems to at least know what he is doing.

Maybe McG has just been dealing with bad scripts and hasn't had a chance to really show off his talents. Nolan and Haggis helped write the thing, so that counts for something.

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McG gets a bad rap... I mean it's not like the guy has ever really had fantastic material to work with, but the first Charlie's Angels was a really fun movie and We Are Marshall was watchable, the guy hasn't really done a whole hell of a lot of film work other than that. I think he's going to surprise a lot of people with this movie and there's no way it can be any worse than T3, so we'll just have to wait till May to find out if he's capable.

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McG gets a bad rap... I mean it's not like the guy has ever really had fantastic material to work with, but the first Charlie's Angels was a really fun movie and We Are Marshall was watchable, the guy hasn't really done a whole hell of a lot of film work other than that. I think he's going to surprise a lot of people with this movie and there's no way it can be any worse than T3, so we'll just have to wait till May to find out if he's capable.

The full trailer is a good indication, because you can usually tell when the promotional trailer editor has little to work with. Indiana Jones 4 for instance, you could tell they limited the dialogue and the trailer was mostly comprised of either voice over or music with random action shots. This trailer seems to tell a bit of a story, which is what most great full trailers do.

Just look back at all the major blockbuster movies that disappointed and the ones that didn't, and you will see a pattern of how the trailer protects the films but showing only the vague shots and sometimes only a few actual scenes. Just like in a wrestling match when wrestlers make it a point to only do what the other is capable of, that is what they do with the trailers.

We will see how this looks with subsequent trailers, but you could tell with The Dark Knight that they seemingly had an endless means of good material (come to find out, the whole damn movie) to put into the trailer.

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Well, when it comes to dialogue and the script in general, I don't think we have too much to worry about considering the team behind the screenplay - Jonathan Nolan (co-wrote The Dark Knight, The Prestige and Memento with his brother), Shawn Ryan (creator of The Shield), and Paul Haggis (Casino Royale, Million Dollar Baby).

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