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Lance Armstrong


One of the biggest sports stars?  

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In terms of a top tier for worldwide fame, I'd put Tiger Woods, Muhammed Ali, David Beckham, Michael Jordan and Michael Schumacher (but it'd be interesting to see where some of these guys rank 20, 30, 40 years from now when they're long retired).

Muhammed Ali isn't long retired? :P

Key word there is some.

Armstrong would probably come on the second tier where most people would've heard of them but they haven't had the same effect as others (yet, anyway). Roger Federer and Pele would probably go here too.

Don't be ridiculous, Pele is definitely top tier, he's the most famous football player ever. If he's behind David Beckham it's not by much.


If you asked the average joe, more would probably be able to tell you who Beckham is than Pele. But yeah, considering some of the names in the top one Pele might slip in there.

Edited by Zaz
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It's funny. Different countries would have different lists of famous sports stars.

I couldn't care less about Gretsky for example, he's made no difference whatsoever in my life or the life of 99% of the UK. Same with Babe Ruth. We just like him cos he's called Babe.

My list would include:

Don Bradman, Ian Botham, Bobby Moore, Pele, Johan Cruyff, Marco Van Basten, Eddy Merckx, Ali, Bjorn Borg, Michael Schumacher.

I don't particularly like all of them though.... :P

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you asked the average joe, more would probably be able to tell you who Beckham is than Pele. But yeah, considering some of the names in the top one Pele might slip in there.

If Beckham is the most famous sportsperson ever, Pele is second. People will stop caring about Beckham though, whereas Pele will always be famous.

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you asked the average joe, more would probably be able to tell you who Beckham is than Pele. But yeah, considering some of the names in the top one Pele might slip in there.

If Beckham is the most famous sportsperson ever, Pele is second. People will stop caring about Beckham though, whereas Pele will always be famous.

IMO, Beckham is more famous for a couple of reasons. Quite a few people who don't follow soccer wouldn't know who Pele is, whereas a lot of people know who Beckham is as he's not just one of the most famous sportspeople, he's one of the most famous people in general. Pele played out his career from 1956-1977 and his main club was Santos, so how many people around the world do you reckon got to see him play? Even the World Cup games then wouldn't have been broadcast to the amount of countries it is today. Whereas Beckham played out the majority of his career at the most famous club in the world where most of his games would have been broadcast on TV through Europe at the least. He's even had a Hollywood movie with his name in the title. The question isn't who is the best, it's who is the most famous, and this just doesn't apply to how people who follow that sport perceive them. It's how well they're known within general society.

Hell, the main reason I'll remember Pele is because the Footy Show once parodied his erection troubles commercial >_>

And if Beckham is the most popular, I wouldn't have Pele in second. Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods would be ahead of him for mine.

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I voted 'no'.

No doubt he's the most famous cyclist ever, and he had a small part in Dodgeball, etc.

But that's like being the most famous boules player ever. Nobody gives a fuck about boules, just like nobody really cares about cycling in the grand scheme of things. If we're talking global, mainstream fame, he's nowhere near the top stars in other sports.

In footballing terms, he'd probably be comparable in terms of fame to a lower-Premierships club's captain. If you say the names of people like Dean Windass, he's "That guy who plays for Hull". Benjani is "one of the black blokes from Portsmouth". Lance Armstrong is "that cycling bloke what had cancer".

He's known, but he's not famous.

It all depends on perspective though I guess. I mean, the definition of 'famous' for a start. I define 'famous' as 'internationally known superstar who is known to most people in the developed world'.

David Beckham is 'famous'. Pele is not. It's almost impossible for sportsmen/women from pre-1970 to BE famous, as 'fame' as we know it today, or at least as I define it today, didn't exist back then. Just like, as an abstract analogy, National wrestling promotions couldn't really exist before National TV networks and PPV came in in the 80's. The only exception I can think of being Ali.

Pele, Stirling Moss, Frank Bruno, Lester Piggott, etc etc weren't/aren't 'famous'. They were just really good at their sport.

Mike Tyson is famous. He got headline news, albeit for the wrong reasons, but everyone knows him now. Tiger Woods is famous. Michael Schumacher is near the bottom of the 'famous' table, but I'd still put him there. Not Nigel Mansell or Damon Hill, though.

Fame for a sportsperson depends largely on the fame of their sport. It's a hell of a lot easier for a footballer to become famous than for, say, a cricketer. Just because football is a global thing. Every country in the world enjoys it to some extent, whereas some sports are specific to one country, so worldwide fame is obviously hard to achieve.

Ice Hockey is a great example. That's pretty much a Canadian thing, and as a result while Canadians would considered several people to be well known, anyone from elsewhere, unless they're specficially a hockey fan, will only know Wayne Gretsky. And yes, I would put Gretsky on the 'famous' list.

I guess the real definition of famous is becoming known for more than what your job is. Thus people like Paris Hilton are famous, because they've become well known despite not actually having a job. Will Smith is famous, because he's become known as an actor, then a rapper, then an acting rapper, and now a serious actor, and has been loved in all of those roles. Now he's a 'celebrity'. Which I guess is the same thing as 'famous' - being known for more than just your job.

Pele was a great football, but he wasn't anything more than that. Beckham was a great footballer who married a Spice Girl and became the figurehead for various advertising campaigns and is now considered a role model.

I guess under this new definition, Lance is famous after all... hmm...

Edited by Farmer Reil
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I voted 'no'.

No doubt he's the most famous cyclist ever, and he had a small part in Dodgeball, etc.

But that's like being the most famous boules player ever. Nobody gives a fuck about boules, just like nobody really cares about cycling in the grand scheme of things. If we're talking global, mainstream fame, he's nowhere near the top stars in other sports.

In footballing terms, he'd probably be comparable in terms of fame to a lower-Premierships club's captain. If you say the names of people like Dean Windass, he's "That guy who plays for Hull". Benjani is "one of the black blokes from Portsmouth". Lance Armstrong is "that cycling bloke what had cancer".

He's known, but he's not famous.

Benjani is at Man City :blush:

I think Armstrong is up with the top sportsmen ever it doesn't matter that it's not the biggest sport around but to absolutely dominate it as he done is unbelievable, it's like with Steve Redgrave not many people know about rowing but the fact he one that many gold medals is amazing.

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you asked the average joe, more would probably be able to tell you who Beckham is than Pele. But yeah, considering some of the names in the top one Pele might slip in there.

If Beckham is the most famous sportsperson ever, Pele is second. People will stop caring about Beckham though, whereas Pele will always be famous.

IMO, Beckham is more famous for a couple of reasons. Quite a few people who don't follow soccer wouldn't know who Pele is, whereas a lot of people know who Beckham is as he's not just one of the most famous sportspeople, he's one of the most famous people in general. Pele played out his career from 1956-1977 and his main club was Santos, so how many people around the world do you reckon got to see him play? Even the World Cup games then wouldn't have been broadcast to the amount of countries it is today. Whereas Beckham played out the majority of his career at the most famous club in the world where most of his games would have been broadcast on TV through Europe at the least. He's even had a Hollywood movie with his name in the title. The question isn't who is the best, it's who is the most famous, and this just doesn't apply to how people who follow that sport perceive them. It's how well they're known within general society.

Hell, the main reason I'll remember Pele is because the Footy Show once parodied his erection troubles commercial >_>

And if Beckham is the most popular, I wouldn't have Pele in second. Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods would be ahead of him for mine.

Pele is a legend everywhere that football is the biggest sport. I wouldn't expect people from America or Australia to be able to appreciate it really. Pele didn't marry a Spice Girl, no, he's just remembered for being the best player ever of the most widely appreciated sport in the world. Nobody will remember Beckham for being one of the best footballers that lived, they'll remember him (and this is worldwide) for being that bloke who helped make the game more modern with his exploits outside of the game and driving the kids in China crazy. People are more likely to know of Pele than Beckham in say thirty years. And I'd be shocked if more people knew of Michael Jordan than Pele. Absolutely dumbfounded.

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Pele is a legend everywhere that football is the biggest sport. I wouldn't expect people from America or Australia to be able to appreciate it really. Pele didn't marry a Spice Girl, no, he's just remembered for being the best player ever of the most widely appreciated sport in the world. Nobody will remember Beckham for being one of the best footballers that lived, they'll remember him (and this is worldwide) for being that bloke who helped make the game more modern with his exploits outside of the game and driving the kids in China crazy. People are more likely to know of Pele than Beckham in say thirty years. And I'd be shocked if more people knew of Michael Jordan than Pele. Absolutely dumbfounded.

I would bet all the money I had that if you went to any room full of people under the age of 50 in any country in the world, excluding the US and Brazil, and had Michael Jordan and Pele walk in at the same time today that the vast majority of those people would gravitate towards Jordan. In the modern media era there has not been a bigger sports star than Jordan. The man is synonymous with his sport. He retired about a decade ago (we're skipping the Wizard era) and yet his sneakers still sell more than anything else on the Nike roster which proves he has longevity since you don't see him on your TV regularly. I know that he's had video games, movies, and clothing lines named after him. His jersey is easily the top seller in NBA history. His logo and his nickname are easily recognizable and if you want to see Jordan highlights they are readily available anywhere. Jordan is an iconic figure with a name and face that everyone who has a TV, internet access or has picked up a sports magazine in the last 20 years has to know. Pele is a great name no doubt, but Jordan's surpasses him by a wide margin.

Edited by naiwf
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I voted no,

Simple Explanation: the question asks if he's one of the biggest SPORTS stars. And, although he IS a sportsman, it is not that which he is most recognised for.

He is more known and celebrated for his bravey in over-coming obstacles, and going through the pain barrier.

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I know Lance Armstrong and everything he has done with cancer and his biking wins. But I doubt if I walked into him on the street I could tell you who he was.

You wouldn't be the only one. Before the NYC marathon last year he was running through Central Park on a regular basis to stay in shape and I remember a local sportscaster asking him if he thought that was dangerous and he joked that ever since he broke up with Sheryl Crow that he didn't really have to worry about being mobbed by fans or the paparazzi. Honestly, he's the kind of guy who could walk down NYC streets and not be harassed if he wasn't wearing a yellow jersey. I have one of those plastic yellow Livestrong bracelets since my mom is a cancer survivor and most of the people who ask me about it know that he's associated with it, but wouldn't be able to pick him out of a line up either. He's quite possibly the least recognizable famous athlete I can think of.

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Wait a sec, Beckhams more famous than Pele because his names attached to a film? Has no one actually seen Escape to Victory? Its a damn sight better than Bend it, Space Jam and Steel put together!

Michael Caine (West Ham and England captain...): Where did you learn how to do that?

Pele (Caribbean amateur...): When I was a bwoy, in Trinidad.

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