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Rocky Horror Picture Show


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Considering this is a cult classic, I was wondering if anybody else has seen it on here.

I actually first watched it about two years ago and then a year ago. Back on 06 I watched the first half, and a year ago I watched the second. I have to say, I do not see why this movie has gained such a following. The first half is decent, but the second half is just horrible for me. Didn't really get any joy outta the second half. Only reason I decided to watch it was because I was curious to how the movie ended.

So yes. Does anybody on here actually like the movie?

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I've played Riff Raff in a pseudo-stage production a couple of times, so it shouldn't come as much surprise to hear that I'm a huge fan of RHPS.

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Rocky Horror is one of my favorite musicals. It's so easy to just sit down and get involved in. I didn't see it for the first time until I was 18 though, which is a shame.

Rumors are running pretty rampant that there's a planned remake in the works. I'm not totally against the idea, but the article I read on DreadCentral mentioned new songs, which I strictly say no to. There are things that can be improved for the new generation of fans, but the songs are not one of those things.

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I love the movie. Own it on DVD and have the soundtrack boxed set that has the Musical Recording, the Movie Recording, a Karaoke CD, and the entire movie with Audience Participation. I also got something called "The Rocky Horror Punk Rock Show" the other day, which is supposed to be punk rock bands covering the songs.

Here's the deal about the remake: The executive producer is coming back. They are using the original script. They are supposedly adding new songs. And now the kicker...MTV Films is handling it...

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Rocky Horror Punk Rock Show is good fun - I've had it a couple of years now, dig it out for DJ sets around Halloween and for after-parties to the stage productions, tends to go down quite well. I'm not a fan of Alkaline Trio, but their "Over At The Frankenstein Place" is probably one of the stand-out tracks, along with The Independents' "Sword Of Damocles" and Apocalypse Hoboken's "Sweet Transvestite".

Groovy Ghoulies' "Time Warp" and Pansy Division's "I Can Make You A Man" are real let-downs, though. Not nearly as good as they could have been. Secretion's "I Can Make You A Man (Reprise)" almost makes up for it, though.

I'm totally against a remake, though, I really hope that never happens. I'd like to think Richard O'Brien wouldn't allow it - and it's not like he's short of cash from it as it is - but there's so much of a cult surrounding Rocky Horror as it is, that there's really no good that can come of a new version - it would either try to pander to the existing audience and be far too self-referential, or it would try too hard to be risque, when part of the appeal is that Rocky isn't especially risque any more, just incredibly camp...it's become part of mainstream culture, albeit a very odd part of it. I just don't see what a new version would achieve. The only way it could work is if it doesn't deviate at all from the original script, if Richard O'Brien remains as Riff-Raff, and if the only "new" song added is "Once In A While". But then...there'd still be no point to it all, would there?

Edited by Skummy
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I love RHPS. In the 80's I used to go every Friday and Saturday night. I used to perform up front with other fans, deck out in my Magenta costume. This parlayed it's way into a job at the movie theater, performing on weekends for two years.

If you just sit and watch the movie at home, you miss the real fun. By it's self it's an okay movie with fun songs. The real greatness is in the audience participation. This makes it glorious. Where else are you allowed to attend a film, dress in lingerie, throw assorted stuff at people or the screen, spray water at people, and shout things throughout the entire movie, without people getting pissed? I love Tim Curry. I think he, along with Robert Smith caused my fetish with trannies/dragqueens. :wub:

I went again a few years ago, to a theater version. I had just as much fun as I remembered. I wish they still played it regularly around here.

Edited by Synjynpsychobitch
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