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"Damn, that's still cool" moments in movies...


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Last of The Mohicans: Uncus's death slide down the mountain at the end followed by the girl jumping, and then pissed-off Daddy kicking ass.. It always makes me tear up and it's some good quality violence.

Yeah, that's a great scene. I love the music going along with the battle before and during.

I'll always love the "Warriorrrssss Come Out To Playyyyyyy" scene from the Warriors. I like taking beer bottles and emulating it myself.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not a movie but in Buffy at the end of 'Two To Go' in Series 5 when Willow says that "no one can stop her" and then BAM! she's knocked back by a big ball of magic energy and Giles is standing in the doorway and he says "I'd like to test that theory". Damn that makes me mark out every time.

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In The Departed when Matt Damon walks back into his apartment and Mark Wahlberg is standing there and Damon says, "Okay". Then gets shot in the head.

Almost everything in this thread has been excellent, and the above is just a great example.

One of my favourite moments is in Batman Forever. I know its super campy, but when Two Face and Riddler are attacking Wayne Manor and Two Face knocks out Bruce Wayne - Two Face wants to murder Wayne to kill Batman, but Riddler stops him and delivers a line that I have always loved: "Doooooon't Kill Him! Then he won't LEARN nothing!" before leaving a clue for Wayne.

On that same vein 'Your entrance was good, his was better. The Difference? Showmanship'. Jim Carrey was great in that film

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One scene that literally gives me goosebumps is the charge of the Rohirrim in The Return of the King (watchy

). The music really adds a lot to it and in the context of the trilogy it's a huge moment - it marks the culmination of both Eowyn's and Theoden's character arcs and you can basically sum up the movies' message in this one scene: even though all hope is lost, they decide fuck it, we're Middle Earth's only hope so we'll charge into battle anyway.

I could watch that scene all day.

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In the Bourne Supremacy, Jason Bourne taking on another Treadstone agent, who has a knife, with a rolled up magazine...... and kicking his arse. And the last bit....

"You ought to go home Pam. You look tired", then Landy looking out of the window, trying to spot him, as Moby kicks in. Fantastic.

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Not a movie but in Buffy at the end of 'Two To Go' in Series 5 when Willow says that "no one can stop her" and then BAM! she's knocked back by a big ball of magic energy and Giles is standing in the doorway and he says "I'd like to test that theory". Damn that makes me mark out every time.

Fuck yes.

Large amounts of Batman Forever make my personal markout list. Yes it's garish, campy and daft - but so is Jack Sparrow. Seeing Tommy Lee Jones as Two Face made me into suck a mark for him...

I'm amazed that no-one's mentioned the lobby scene in the Matrix yet. Or are people sick to death of it now? :P

Darth maul - Double-bladed lightsabre

Also, Yoda drawing his lightsabre with the Force

Heath Ledger's entire Dark Knight performance is going to be up there soon - but also from DK I liked Cillian Murphy's two second Scarecrow cameo.

Having Ron Burgundy turn out to actually be a reaosdnable human being and killer flautist in Anchorman was something I didn't see coming - so the whole scene in the club and then the fantastic sex scene really made a fan out of me.

Two from Dodgeball - the whole Lance Armstrong scene went over the heads of everyone I saw it with, but I was laughing my head off. And then at the end, with the foul throw, and how it was the exact same rule the fat guy had explained in detail - but in the background - about fifteen minutes earlier... Perfect payoff.

And from Iron Man, when Pepper walks in on Stark and he says something like "Oh, this isn't anywhere near the worst thing you've caught me doing". Just brilliant.

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  • 1 month later...
I liked the end of the first Saw aswell, always makes me smile him just getting up off the floor and walking out >.>

Me too! Well, all of the SAW movies are still cool to me. But I'm obsessed...

Also all of "Ready to Rumble". I love the nostalgia from it.

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Since someone brought this back, here's a few that haven't been mentioned:

The Baby crying stops a battle in Children of Men

The ending to the 6th Sense

Memento- Lenny's "does the world still have meaning when I close my eyes?" monologue and accompanying visuals- his wife being alive and his "I did it" tattoo over his heart.

The final duel from the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly- way more epic than some of the stuff mentioned here.

Lawrence rescues Ali from a sandstorm, Lawrence of Arabia. Incredible.

The end of Throne of Blood where the MacBeth character is turned on and is hit by dozens of arrows while he goes absolutely nuts.

The musical number from the Big Lebowski.

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The entire ending sequence to Last of the Mohicans was simply epic. From the slide down the mountain, to the girl, to mad daddy ... the score was done more than perfectly and the story unfolded in amazing fashion. I have to make mention again.

Also the entire last bit of Dusk till Dawn which includes "Psychos don't explode when sunshine hits them. I don't give a fuck how crazy they are. They were fucking Vampires Ray ..." that shit is awesome.

Also, the majority of the movie the Ice Harvest. "one night driving a Mercedes and you're already an asshole"

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"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next."


"BENJAMIN... BARKER!" *slash* *blood*


The ending of Pan's Labyrinth, too. "No. He won't even know your name." What makes it even better is that it relies entirely on Vidal being an evil villain, rather than a cool villain who you could potentially feel sorry for. Cool villains are a lot easier, but Pan's Labyrinth does a great job of making Vidal an utter cunt.


Also, while not technically a movie, every time I see Stephen Mangan's 'Fuck you, you ugly bitch!" scene from Green Wing, I'm reminded that it's clearly the best 'fuck you' ever delivered on TV.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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