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The perfect double header...

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So Rodruiguez and Tarantino produced their "grindhouse: double bill of movies. Think you can do better?

Which two movies, in your opinion, would work well being watched one after another.

The simple rules are:

1) They can't be sequels or in the same 'series'.

2) They can't have the same director.

3) They can't have the same lead actor.

I have two.

The first one I can't take credit for as I've read about it being suggested. It's "The Cooler" and "Intacto" as a study on luck and the effects of it.

The second, I would title the "I'll just lie down in a darkened room now..." double bill - "Crank" and "Shoot 'Em Up". Crank's the better film but Shoot 'Em Up holds it's own alright and they're two short, fast moving and entertaining movies.

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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I used to have a VHS tape with Ronin and Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels on it. Nearly wore it out. I always thought it was a great double bill with a mix of action, suspense, and comedy in all the right proportions.

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Gimme some time to figure out a good one, but I can give you a horrible one right now. A few months ago on AMC, in between their Death Wish marathons and playing Red Dawn every other hour, they kept advertising this double-header:

Enter The Dragon and Catwoman

Yup, Bruce Lee and Halle Berry. What a pair.

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Deepthroat and Debbie Does Dallas.


On a more serious note....

Enter the Dragon and Bloodsport

Little bit of kick your ass style stuff.

Leon and Grosse Pointe Blank

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It's a stupidly obvious one, and probably not in matching with what is likely going to be "guy" films, but Baz Luhrmann's "Romeo + Juliet" and and Scott Brothers' "Tristan & Isolde". Also, Garden State and Elizabethtown are so similar that if you watched them one after the other the scenes would merge.

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I'd say Scarface followed by Hitch

Because after some serious Al Pacino swearing, you need a bit of Will Smith Lovin' :wacko:

That and umm, Hitch isn't that bad a film :shifty:

Lost Boys followed by 30 Days of Night would be good too......nothing like a double bill of vampire movies

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Caddyshack followed by Happy Gillmore. Two golf related comedy's simply work together lol

Ermmmmm The Condemned and Battle Royale would be another one, similar plot lines one western, one eastern which is better!!!

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Forcing anyone to watch The Condemned is just bad news.

My double bill would be the "Classic Slashers", with Halloween followed by Friday The 13th or A Nightmare On Elm Street followed by Black Christmas.

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The Godfather followed by Goodfellas is always fun if you've got nothing to do for a while. The classic spin on Mafia life followed by the more glamourous side and ultimately the downfall. Plus after seeing Brando and Pacino talking about honour, who doesn't wanna see Pesci stab the shit into somebody with a kitchen knife.

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