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Fable 2


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Mainly went through the storyline my first go around, probably why it didn't take that long to finish. Being a little more thorough this time through.

I good sir sacrificed my sleep to play the story. I did most of the sidequests as well so I am just rolling on through, trying to buy up all the propertys. Maxed out all the jobs too so Mr. Ruckus, I recommend Bartending to get all that extra money. Long streaks at max job level = shit ton of gold.

My roommate beat the game day 2.......yes, he is a geek and a virgin.

He and I are in the same boat good sir. Seriously though, anybody needs any help let me know. Message me on Live or whatever, if I ain't playing Rock Band 2, I am on Fable 2 and would be more than happy to switch. Doing jobs all day and banging my virtual wife for the umptenth time gets old after a while. <_<

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Got the game earlier, I'm enjoying it.

One question, I married a lass to see what the wedding scene was like, I go away for a short bit come back, and she's mad at me for something. On the bar with "how she feels about me", the slider is at the top at the like end, but at the bottom end there's what looks like a face with a cross through it and I've tried everything to get rid of it, but it won't go away.... any idea how to stop her irrational hate of me?

EDIT - Or is that just a marker to show when she WILL hate me and there's actually nothing wrong?

Anyway, not played much, I'm still doing quests to get the abbot to let me help him or whatever.

Edited by timmayy Aaron XXIV
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How do you get someone to divorce you? I was mocking and teasing my husband until I got past the ring with the slash through it...but nothign....so I hit him.....apparently I hit him one too many times.

Take him to see your wife and give her all the attention and flirtation and stuff. Eventually he'll leave the village after a few days and when he's back to his original village and you visit him he'll probably want a divorce.

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Got the game earlier, I'm enjoying it.

One question, I married a lass to see what the wedding scene was like, I go away for a short bit come back, and she's mad at me for something. On the bar with "how she feels about me", the slider is at the top at the like end, but at the bottom end there's what looks like a face with a cross through it and I've tried everything to get rid of it, but it won't go away.... any idea how to stop her irrational hate of me?

EDIT - Or is that just a marker to show when she WILL hate me and there's actually nothing wrong?

Anyway, not played much, I'm still doing quests to get the abbot to let me help him or whatever.

It means that basically you've been away too long adventuring.

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OK, how do I get rid of it?

Also, how do I get her to sleep with me? The relationship thing says she wants more sex, I've used follow and led her to the bed but I just get the option to rest.

And wow, I'm on a message board asking how to get a computer character to have sex with my computer character.....

Edited by timmayy Aaron XXIV
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Several of us at Destructoid have been messing around in the magical world of Fable II as of late and we’ve been experiencing a few bugs here and there. But according to a report from X3F, there is a bigger, nastier bug than merely freezing when initiating a flourish against a wall. This bug could force you to have to restart your game completely.

The bug revolves around a main story quest called “Monk’s Quest,” where players are sent to the Temple of Light to take care of a task for the Abbot. If players leave the region while the Abbot is talking about the finer points of the task, then they will be unable to complete the quest. Considering that this is a main story quest, this is a very bad thing.

Lionhead is aware of the problem and has advised players to finish the conversation before heading back out into the wilderness. They are also currently working on a fix, but be careful in the meantime.

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It's simple, go back to him, and then he'll say "Oh, there you are. Now where was I?" I've done that numerous time, where I skip the conversation(on my second playthrough), and have to go back to talk to the quest giver. At least I hope that's all it takes, but I've done that numerous times and haven't had to restart my game.

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I'm getting a little bit bugged down with trying to make gold (as I have little) and keeping the missus happy, I haven't had much time for much questing. Still liking this game though.

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I just listened to them blather on until they were done so I could see how the characters reacted more to the story. Plus sometimes you get some bits of comedy gold out of the deal as well so sometimes it worth it to hear them talk about whatever.

And as for your gold problem timmayy, I set up shop in Bowerstone for a few hours and just did all the jobs that came through. I did blacksmithing first as it was always available to me generally, but bartending is far and away the best way to get some money going. That and investing in real estate. The gypsey camp is all pretty cheap (In the Bower Lake region) and the stalls in Bowerstone Market can help you rake in enough to keep the missus happy for a while.

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They generally only ask for 20g and then tack on an extra 10g for every kid you two manage to squeeze out. Granted I have had so much unprotected sex in this its amazing I haven't gotten VD or syhilas yet.

On that note though, I'll be running the Crucible a lot today for all that sweet sweet gold so if anybody wants to tag team it, drop me a message through LIVE if I am on.

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