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Fable 2


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Just bought this today after you guys all made it sound so fun in this thread. I am not dissapointed, done a few missions (up to the abott bit) and Im in the process of earning enough money to make myself look not like an idiot. I have yet to get laid though :( Even though its awesome that my dog found a treasure chest containing a condom in the Hobbe's cave of all places.

Also he found me a 'dig site', I used the spade and its a freaking pie! Who's going to eat a pie they found in the ground? Well I did, cos I needed health. But still, disgusting.

Having muchos fun though (Y)

Edited by nEW wORLd AveNGEd
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I tried sleeping with a woman I talked to in a bar, but she wanted to wait until we were married, so I went home and gave the wife one instead.

Anyhow, trying to earn the cash to move out of the damn gypsy camp.

Still great fun. Great, great fun.

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I rented this from LoveFilm.com yesterday and am having a blast with it. I wanted to be as Pure/Heroic as possible but I bought 2 homes, moved my wife into one, then moved her into the other so I could rent the first one out only to find out that for some odd reason my first home is locked in "marital home" mode, even now after a divorce I can't sell/rent. Anyway since I wasn't making any money from that I decided to jack up all store/rent prices 20-25% 1500 every 5 minutes ain't too shabby!

How do you lose weight? I ate 2 steaks and my guy is looking tubby but I can't figure out how to shed the pounds.

Fable one was an interesting game but this has took all the elements from Fable and improved upon them so much, it's not quite as high as Obliv on my RPG games but the further I'm getting, the more I love this game. I hope to God nothing bad ever happens to Wade Wilson(My dog) I love him!

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Celery sticks is the best way to go. If you move one of the thumbsticks to the left when you are purchasing food or items, it gives you stats on everything. One of this is fatness, and things such as pies and steaks are +10%. Celery is anywhere from -5% to -10%, which means you lose your fatness.

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Scars come from dying in battle

Correct sir, I have my fair share of them as well but I am completely ranged guy so once they get up close to me I am quite screwed so two tons of rolling begins to occur. Resurection Vials stop this from happening though so when you die you don't get the scars or the exp penalty.

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I've only actually died once though and I'm at the good end of "shade of grey", so I guess you do get scars randomly when your enemies hit and you don't get blocked.

Edited by timmayy Aaron XXIV
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I have now been married twice. The first wife was going to divorce me so I killed her, but then child services took my baby girl. So I got married again to have another kid. I have had a baby the first time getting down with each of my two wives. We have done it a hell of a lot of times, and I've cheated on her with several ladies, and haven't seen a birth happen again. Is there something that prevents you from having kids out of wedlock or having more than one baby at a time? And how long does the baby stay a baby?

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I'm just up to the second Hero quest, with two wives. Well, one actually. The other accidentally, brutally cut off her own head whilst shaving her legs. :shifty:

The first time I allowed Friend Orbs on, I was randomly given five hundred thousand gold, which was a pleasant surprise. Now I own all of the Gypsy Camp, Bowerstone Market, Old Town, and Oakfield. So highly doubtful that it was anyone here or reading this, but... damn... thanks. I try to avoid Bowerstone as much as I can now, because I get mobbed by my fans (read: THE WHOLE TOWN) either asking for an autograph or a wedding ring (the adults, too). I've had to restart a few times because they mobbed me into a corner...

Did anything come of that "We Put The Glitch In Pub Games. All Cheaters Will Pay" thing?

Also, is the "Cliff Diver" achievement like a viral one? I got it while co-op'ing with Ruki, and neither of us went near a cliff, let alone jumped off one...

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I think it is just glitched, that if you play co-op for a bit, it will unlock. Same thign happened to Fitzy/LL.

Also, with your big payday, you should share the wealth :shifty:

Bowerstone is the place that gets my money, it's a 4-5 star economy, while Oakfield is 2-3.

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I don't know if they are glitched or not, but the achievements are definitely a bit weird. I just unlocked one after booting up the game, whilst still on the loading screen >_>

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