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NCAA Footbal 09 Season Thread


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Amazing recruiter or not, Tennessee would be making a mistake to hire Kiffin. They need a HEAD COACH ! See Chuck Amato in regards to the Lane Kiffin discussion. Amato is a great recruiter but couldn't run the entire team. I don't think Kiffin can either and it isn't because of his age.

The Vols need to go after someone that can run the whole show as the Head Coach, much like Fulmer did when he got to Tennesse. Personally, I think they screwed the pooch with Cutcliffe as he'd have been the perfect person for the job. It's got to be back to basics for Tennessee in order to do it right.

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Amazing recruiter or not, Tennessee would be making a mistake to hire Kiffin. They need a HEAD COACH ! See Chuck Amato in regards to the Lane Kiffin discussion. Amato is a great recruiter but couldn't run the entire team. I don't think Kiffin can either and it isn't because of his age.

The Vols need to go after someone that can run the whole show as the Head Coach, much like Fulmer did when he got to Tennesse. Personally, I think they screwed the pooch with Cutcliffe as he'd have been the perfect person for the job. It's got to be back to basics for Tennessee in order to do it right.

Oh, they definitely screwed the pooch regarding Cutcliffe. A couple years ago a lot of people - myself included - believed Fulmer would be out in a few years and that Cutcliffe was a lock to be his successor. You can't really judge him by how he did at Ole Miss, but he's definitely already proven at Duke that he's a damn good head coach.

My father thinks the Vols need to fire both Rick Clawson and John Chavis. I kind of see where he's coming from with Clawson because he hasn't been impressive as an offensive coordinator, lack of good talent nonwithstanding, but Chavis I'm kind of on the bubble about. He's proven in the past that he's a good defensive coordinator, but most of the defensive talent just isn't there. However, when you take into account that he recruited some of the defensive players who have been lousy.....

If Kiffin is the next head coach, I expect he'll be gone after 2 to 3 years.

You can have a good head coach who is a lousy recruiter - you can always have the coordinators do the bulk of the recruiting - but you CANNOT have a lousy head coach who is a good recruiter unless you actually want to lose games.

People have talked up Kiffin because he was with USC (So Cal, not South Carolina) as a coordinator before he went to coach the Raiders, but are forgetting that USC didn't win the National Championship while he was there.

I've heard several candidates mentioned for the UT job, and the only candidate I thought was a worse choice than Kiffin (and I'd accept arguments to the contrary, frankly) was Skip Holtz.

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I'm curious as to why you think Skip Holtz would be either worse, or a bid idea in general. In all honesty I think ECU is the type of school that has a "ceiling" in terms of the level of team he could build there. I point to the fact that they were able to beat WVU/VT in consecutive weeks as a record of his ability, and not what's happened the rest of the season. They had ONE significant injury on defense and it tanked that unit. That isn't indicative of Holtz's ability as a coach but rather the lack of depth on the team. ECU will always be able to get a few top flight guys if they have a good coach but they'd never be able to maintain and build a "top teir" roster with any real depth.

I would like to see what he could do at a school with no "ceiling" and limitless resources like Tennessee. I also think they'd give him the time to build considering what he's done at ECU. I personally would like it if nothing more than to see him with a "program." But I certainly believe he'd be no worse than Kiffin.

I agree with your dad as well. They need to revamp the entire staff. While Fulmer was the big man (no pun intended) his attitude of late has permiated throughout the program. There's dissention, complacent attitudes, and just a down right rotten core there now. A facelift would be ideal I think.

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I just think Skip Holtz would be a bad idea in general. I'd also have to go choke out some news reporters if they started dropping Lou Holtz's name a lot like they did Archie Manning's when Peyton played here. I hated Archie Manning for a long time when Peyton was here because his name got dropped a lot and they talked him up way too much. Wouldn't have been a problem if a. Archie had actually played for Tennessee in college or b. had actually been a good QB in the NFL (had almost 50 more Ints than TDs when he retired from the NFL).

Skip Holtz might very well do great as the Vols' head coach if they hired him, but I'd rather he stay with ECU....which is one of the worst named universities in the country.

My problem with Skip Holtz coaching the Vols may have something to do with the fact that I hate his father. Lou Holtz was dirty when he coached Minnesota, probably was when he coached Notre Dame, and was an excuse making crybaby when he coached South Carolina.

Edited by GhostMachine
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First off, I agree with Httk that Cutcliff was the ideal choice but I don't get all the hate on Kiffin. Is it his fault that Al Davis is nutsfuck, and crazy? I personally like Kiffin, and he is someone I hoped would be in the running for the Notre Dame job.

Also Ed Ogeron may be an awful head coach, but he is a HELL of a recruiter... and ya know, they aren't bringing him to be the head coach so what does that have to do with anything?

I love this move by Tennessee, actually. Lets face it, Tennessee is no Texas, California, Florida, or Pennsylvia. There isn't a TON of talent inside the state, so being a great recruiter is something you NEED at a program like Tennessee. The combination of Kiffin/Ogeron is something that may bring in a shit-ton of recruits over the next few years, and set up Tennessee for a nice run. I hope it works out for them.

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wow, big balls to Petrino and Arkansas. under a minute left down by six 4th and 1 from like the 20 something ..... he calls the fade to the endzone and they get it ....

<_< there's a nice pass break up by the ump too though

Yeah, Florida is not liking this at all .... LOL

and even bigger ups for Les Miles for letting Colt David try a 63yd FG to even try and win it .... just as good of a chance as a hail mary

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and here it is

all I have to say is LOL at "phil fulmer appreciation day" considering they'll probably get raped by 20 points ... although that'd be fitting

also LOL at Monte if he joins his son ... why in God's name would you leave TB to go there ? Ugh, and they're reportedly going to pay him more than 2 mill a year ? just wow Vols, just wow ....

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Triple Post FTW ~!

Yeah, so rivalry week owns all sorts of fucking ass.

GT has scored 23 straight points to open the 2nd half and take a 35 - 28 lead on UGA. They've done it by literally running right up their ass.

UVA stopped VT on 4th and a nut hair on the goal line to keep the game tied, and then you've got Clemson showing up and blowing South Carolina out of the water (a SC team that has only been out of one game all year).

and uh, NCST is looking to beat two teams in a row that they had no business beating this year.

EDIT - Ok, a fourth post would just be retarded. Holy shit Kansas/Mizzou ... the whole second half was nuts

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Triple Post FTW ~!

Yeah, so rivalry week owns all sorts of fucking ass.

GT has scored 23 straight points to open the 2nd half and take a 35 - 28 lead on UGA. They've done it by literally running right up their ass.

UVA stopped VT on 4th and a nut hair on the goal line to keep the game tied, and then you've got Clemson showing up and blowing South Carolina out of the water (a SC team that has only been out of one game all year).

and uh, NCST is looking to beat two teams in a row that they had no business beating this year.

EDIT - Ok, a fourth post would just be retarded. Holy shit Kansas/Mizzou ... the whole second half was nuts

The Mizzou-Kansas game was horrendous for me, just a complete rollercoaster of emotion. My heart sank right to the floor when Meir caught that final touchdown pass, only for it to even lower on that final imcompletion of Missouri's. Still, a damn good game.

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Apparently nobody knows how to play defense in the Civil War... over 1000 yards total offense combined. Just over five minutes remaining and USC to the Rose Bowl is up 51-38. :(

EDIT: USC in the Rose Bowl is now up 58-38

EDIT 2: Make that 65

EDIT 3: Fuck Ohio State.

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I would LOVE to see Utah and Boise State in the Fiesta Bowl. Put the two undefeated teams from non-BCS conferences in a game together, and I'm willing to bet it'd be one of, if not the most, exciting bowl games of the season.

EDIT: And my God, I hate Bob Stoops. Go ahead, you douche, politic your way into the championship like you did when USC handed you your ass in a hat.

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Not exactly true ... ask 'em about how much money Boise DIDN'T make them in the Fiesta Bowl two years ago.

Oh, and Utah IS IN THE BCS. The BCS has no choice. Boise has qualified, but will likely get the shaft. What helps Boise is that only two of the Big 12 schools can get in.

Not likely to happen but USC still has a chance to lose, and if 'Bama beats UF, then they might get a second loss. If either SC/UF lose again the BCS can't merit them getting in before an undefeated Boise St team. Oh, and FUCK NO for putting Boise/Utah in the same BCS Bowl. That's horseshit. That would be the ultimate slap in the face. That would be about the only way I could hate the BCS more than I already do.

The good news for Boise is that USC is now all but locked into the Rose Bowl. If that happens, then there's an extra slot open (as opposed to the Beavers going to the Rose Bowl and USC being an at large).

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Oh, and FUCK NO for putting Boise/Utah in the same BCS Bowl. That's horseshit. That would be the ultimate slap in the face. That would be about the only way I could hate the BCS more than I already do.

I understand completely where you are coming from with that, but I'm thinking more of a "Hell of a Game"/Excitement factor more than I am of them saying "Oh, well we'll just put these two smaller schools in a game together to make them think they achieved something". So I see what you mean, but I'd still love to see them play each other.

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I was hoping the Beavers would make the Rose Bowl. I don't think they could have won it this year though. Got smoked by Penn State already. On top of that they squeaked past Arizona, blew it against Utah, lost to Stanford, and got their teeth kicked in by Oregon. Could have been a little better.

Maybe next year with the Rodgers brothers healthy... can make a good run. And hopefully OSU gets a good matchup in the whatever bowl they get.

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My BCS predictions as of what happened last night

National Title: SEC Winner vs OU/Texas (Mizzou has no chance right?)

Fiesta: Utah vs whoever gets the shaft between OU/Texas

Sugar: SEC #2 vs Ohio State (why god why?)


Rose: Penn St. vs USC (barring a UCLA miricle)

So yeah, but I would rather see Bosie in the Sugar instead of OSU getting torched by another SEC team

Oh, and Myron Rolle accepted the Rhodes Scholarship, so the NFL has to wait

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