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EWB's Top 50 Singers of All Time: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Tracy Jordan better be on the list. :@

I had a werewolf bar mitzvah avatar at DL when it was cool GoGo! I think it's still there.

Hahahaha, I got into 30 Rock late so I only saw the Werewolf Bar Mitzvah episode, like... a month ago and I'm still about three episodes behind. I blame my former irrational dislike of Tina Fey (I'm not sure why but I think it was because of her and Amy Poehler's awful Update stint and also her obnoxious comments that I only sort of recall about The Daily Show and the Colbert Report).

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lol, Conor Oberst.

I'm looking forward to Fred Durst at #1 at this rate.

Fuck off, nothing wrong with Connor Oberst. :angry:

Edited by Cloudy
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Now listen, this ain't no make believe.

43. Jim Morrison (11 points, 3 ballots)


42. Whitney Houston (12 points, 2 ballots)


39. Mariah Carey (13 pts, 2 ballots)

39. Robert Smith (13 pts, 2 ballots)


39. Nat King Cole (13 pts, 2 ballots)

38. Matt Bellamy (13 points, 4 ballots)


35. Annie Lennox (14 pts, 2 ballots)

35. Tina Turner (14 pts, 2 ballots)

35. Ray Charles (14 pts, 2 ballots)

NEXT TIME: 33 to the five-way tie for 25th place! Featuring a couple of people I have never heard of before in my life! Thanks, EWB.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Starts with the Lizard King, followed by the girl who didn't accept Serge Gainsbourg's generous offer of a fucking on live TV, goes through a few people I either haven't heard of or don't care about (sorry NKC fans), winds up with the overrated Annie Lennox, the I-never-got-into Tina Turner, and the criminally low Ray Charles.

That seems about right.

And now I want to watch Ray again.

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Annie above Mariah AND Whitney? Good god :shifty:

That said, nice to see those two make the list, surprised people voted for them too.

Whitney's got a great voice, Mariah's is good but too warbley for my taste but Annie Lennox has a magnificent voice so shame on you for your foolhardy comment :angry:

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I'd place Annie Lennox above Whitney and Mariah any day. Both are great singers and influencial, but they lack that something that Lennox that makes her voice just so amazing.

I'm actually surprised at how interesting the list is. Besides the obvious WTF choice like Connor Oberst, Axl Rose or Matt Bellamy (I swear, everyone on EWB has a freaking hard-on for Muse and will vote them for anything they can possibly...), it's surprisingly really accurate. I mean, I'm not a fan of everyone on the list (Charles, Houston, Carey) but they all definitely probably deserve a place near the top 50 from a more objective sense.

Edited by PunkRockPete
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I personally think Mariah Carey is an awful singer. Sure, she can hit a note so high that it sounds like a dolphin stuck in a bear trap, but all of her recent work has been Pro-Tool'd out the ass and she just sounds like every other digitized diva that pollutes today's airwaves.

Whitney's a fantastic singer (well... was), but I'd still place Lennox above her due to personal preference.

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I so hope Amy Lee wins this >___>

tiarnantman, is that you? :angry:

Honestly, I'd be quite surprised if Mariah can even sing a lot of her old material anymore. For some reason, I just get the feeling that she's done some things to damage her voice. Hell, Whitney too, for that matter.

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Alright, alright, let's do this, then.

33. Chris Isaak (15 pts, 2 ballots)


33. Robert Plant (15 pts, 2 ballots)


31. Alicia Keys (15 pts, 3 ballots)

31. Björk (15 pts, 3 ballots)

30. Christina Aguilera (15 pts, 4 ballots. And man, that Youtube video, wow and damn.)

25. Sharon del Adel (16 pts, 2 ballots)

25. Stephin Merritt (16 pts, 2 ballots)


25. Billy Corgan (16 pts, 2 ballots)


25. Buddy Holly (16 pts, 2 ballots)


25. Ella Fitzgerald (16 pts, 2 ballots)

NEXT TIME: A bunch of singers who aren't as good as Ella Fitzgerald. Dammit, EWB.

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