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Now That's What I Call A Music Thread: 2009


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"Dream Homes" by Dear Landlord...fuck me, up there with The Cut Ups, Propagandhi and the Transit EP as the best punk-rock releases of the year. Very Lawrence Arms/off With Their Heads/Banner Pilot sounding...fucking brilliant.

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Self-titled AWS EP will be out soon. 5-tracks, one apparently called "Every Great Story Has A Shower Scene"......if that's true, that's up there with "Jaws 3, People 0" as an epic song title.

Also, PBC will release "The Summer Of George EP" this month, it's 2 songs from their forthcoming Sophomore album ("Living Saints", which is epic, and "Boxes") and a B-side.

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Transferring the rest of my music to my new PC...man, I've been listening to a fabulous array of stuff today; "Infiltrate.Destroy.Rebuild" by CKY, "Like A Virgin" by Madonna, "Chimeras" by John Zorn, "The Get Down Syndrome" by Sorry No Ferrari, "The Album That Turns Girls Into Sluts" by The Dean Malenkos, "Putting Two & Two Together" by Scallywagon, "Scary World Theory" by Lali Puna...stuff that's been 'locked' aside on my external harddrive for an eternity...glorious.

"Word of Mouth" by Jaco Pastorius, "Allophone" by Addison Groove Project, "Rise And Shine" by pmx, "Keep Laughing" by Rich Kids On LSD and "Jatun" by Jatun...man, I have some gems back here.

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The Lucksmiths last ever London gigs start tomorrow :(

On the off-chance that any of you can make it, it's at the Luminaire in Kilburn. Support by Gary Olson of The Ladybug Transistor "and friends"...the friends rumoured to be The Lucksmiths acting as his backing band.

Then the next night they're playing at the Scala. I'm still gutted I can't go.

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So fucking gutted still...it's not as bad in the morning like, but fuck me...so annoyed. There's some rare shit in there which I've lost (which it's highly likely I wont be able to track down again), and there's going to be so much I'll just forget (there's so many bands I LIKE and forget about, Metronomy being a recent example, who were on an early gaylist and I loved "Pip Paine (Pay The £5000 You Owe)", but downloaded their recent album, without realising it was the same band/I'd heard them before).

Thankfully "a big YES and a small no" survived...as I've literally never seen that again after I downloaded it.

This has perked me up;



21 - Kasbah, Coventry (14+)

22 - Joiners, Southampton (14+)

23 - Phoenix, Exeter (14+)

24 - The Gate, Cardiff (14+)

26 - Deaf Institute, Manchester (14+)

27 - University, Newcastle (14+)

28 - Garage, London (14+)

29 - Zodiac, Oxford (14+)

30 - Cockpit, Leeds (14+)

31 - King Tut's, Glasgow (18+)

NEWCY UNI!!! :D We're getting all the good shit at the minute, The Cribs, Frank Turner/Fake Problems and now Los Campesinos! Only £9 too...fuck...I wish I had more money, I could so blow everything I have on gig tickets...better not sellout or anything (depends on which room it's in).

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Fake Problems are playing the Uni? Cheers for that heads-up.

Aye, only a support slot for Frank Turner...FUCK ME!!! IT'S IN THE BASEMENT!!! EPIC!!! Saw Finch in the basement late last year, was seriously one of the most fucking mental gigs I've been to (the 'action' was consolidated, only like a mini-pit, but the 8/9 of us really going for it...was crazy).

Not sure whether to pick up a ticket to be on the safe side...not sure if Turner's popularity is really going to spike that much...but only like a 250-300 capacity...hmmmm...I'm gonna spend far too much on gigs. :( I need to watch my money...think I kind of agreed to go see New Found Glory at Academy 2 (which again, would be pretty crazy) when drunk on Thursday too. :shifty:

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Followed a link to these just now, really, really, really enjoying them;


Get a big No Trigger, Strung Out, Rufio, Swellers vibe from them...their other band is FUCKING SHIT though.

Also, in re-acquiring the Lights EP I've also got a bunch of her demos (most are AWFUL like) and the original version of her tune with The Tremulance, with the boner inducing lyrics of "You're sizing me up/You're making me blush/I'm not pretty enough/I'm drunk as fuck"...it's like Norah Jones singing "Sucker" on Peeping Tom (although NOWHERE NEAR that level of fucking hotness, seriously THAT is the best thing Mike Patton ever did, getting Norah Jones to sing that song)...have a cute/innocent girl say fuck in a hot accent, and it's the sexiest thing ever.

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NEW RAISED FIST!!! Album out in September (seriously can this year (on paper) get any better?);


New song, "Friends & Traitors"...EPIC! Really picking up where "Sound Of The Republic" left off...I love the singer's voice, really sets them apart from a lot of other hardcore bands. Gutted their Europe tour doesn't include the UK though. :( The Number 12 Looks Like You are here playing with Your Demise in September though...nowhere near me, but I might be tempted with Leeds or London depending on my financial situation.

Seriously, this tune is fucking rocking...full on headbang with headphones going on here haha. Going to give "Sound Of The Republic" a blast too - "Nation Of Incomplete", "Hertz Island Escapades", "Killing It", "Perfectly Broken"...it's been ages since I've listened to it, yet I still remember the awesome tunes without looking at the tracklist...what an album.

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Man, listening to the Bim mini-album and "A Loving Side" (why didn't they put this on? It's possibly their best song, one of their best 2 at least...and it's only 6-tracks, a 7th wouldn't have hurt)...holy fuck, forgot how gorgeous/amazing they are (and it's probably only been a couple of months since I gave it a play). The random key change in "A Loving Side" is absolutely fabulous...I do adore random key changes. Seriously, if you haven't already checked them out, do it. Gorgeous pop/trip-hop stuff, the blokes vocals are absolutely outstanding. The songs are so gorgeous (bit of a Dredg feeling with the chord progressions etc). Fans of Imogen Heap, Kate Bush, Martina Topley-Bird etc really get on them. The girl's gorgeous as well, which always helps (:shifty:);





As far as animated videos go though, it's no Lost On Campus;


The bit where he rides a tiger still fucking cracks me up.

Oh wait no, "156" by Mew...that's brilliant, with the elephant...fuck...hahaha, oh man, I need more videos like these;


Also, Twilight Sad are headlining NARC Fest this year...I couldn't convince anybody to go to Evo Unsigned (I went to Defiance, Ohio...then came back to town and got fucking mortal...anyway) but I'll try again for this. Line-up's pretty awesome. The School, Spokes, Acrobatic Society, d_rradio, Soundtracks For A B-Movie and Trev Gibb all on at various places during the day.....they're dicks for using Tyne Bar though, cos it's a bit of a fucking trek from the rest of it. Seriously, if the suns out, can't be that difficult to convince people to go have an all day session, hear some free bands? Can it? To be fair, if I can't convince anybody, I'm not going to be that gutted. I can live without seeing Trev Gibb or Soundtracks For A B-Movie...I've seen Spokes, Acrobatic Society and d_rradio before (d_rradio twice) and while I'd really like to see The School and Twilight Sad (and they're out of towners, from Wales and Scotland respectively) there'll probably be chances to see them in the future...but fuck me...IT'S FREE!!!!

On the subject of Twilight Sad. Frightened Rabbit are taking them an We Were Promised Jetpacks on a US tour in September. I was a bit late on the Frightened Rabbit love (only got into them a few months back) but "The Midnight Organ Fight" is one hell of an album, and euphemism. And "These Four Walls" by We Were Promised Jetpacks is one of my favourite releases of the year so far. Americans, if they're coming near you, check them out.

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Oh man, I really, really need to go see Jack's Mannequin. :( Even his unreleased songs are epic ("Katie" and just found out about "Hey Hey Hey, We're All Going To Die" and "Dear Jack"...well I always 'knew' about "Dear Jack", but he's started playing it live)...in a perfect world "Dear Jack" would have replaced "La La Lie" on "Everything In Transit" and "Hey Hey Hey..." would replace "Orphans" on "The Glass Passenger" , which is just fucking BAAAAD!

- Hey Hey Hey, We're All Going To Die

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0J7X92SctQ - Dear Jack

...man, I need to hit one of these dates up...a short set at Leeds is so not going to be enough. :(

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