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He's fucking giving advice on stocks on a financial network.

Thug, you're a smart guy, obviously you aren't going to follow his bullshit. But there are legions of people who are fucking stupid and see this guy on the main financial network on cable, giving financial advise and they follow it. Yes its stupid and they are stupid for following it. But there's a giant gap between the type of comedy Jon Stewart does and the type of comedy Jim Cramer does, which is routed in real financial situations he's giving advice on.

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I'm not disputing any of that, especially with me being a smart guy. >_>

I just think Jon Stewart is taking the easy way out and finding an easy, blabbering, incoherent, apologetic scapegoat in Cramer.

Ok, back to your regularly scheduled Daily Show circle-jerking. I'll probably rejoin in a week.

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I am on mobile right now and can't post the link but if you go over to Mad Money's website CNBC talks about him as "one of wall street's most respected snd successful money managers". They go on to say Cramer's one goal is to "make you money"

If you watched the show at all he's been attacking the whole network since the Santelli thing. Cramer was just sitting across him today. Cramer is going to go strangle Santelli for cancelling on Stewart last week.

Edited by sahyder1
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I'm not disputing any of that, especially with me being a smart guy. >_>

I just think Jon Stewart is taking the easy way out and finding an easy, blabbering, incoherent, apologetic scapegoat in Cramer.

Ok, back to your regularly scheduled Daily Show circle-jerking. I'll probably rejoin in a week.

Again, Stewart didn't set out to make Cramer a scapegoat. IIRC, he didn't even address Cramer in the first rant. But Cramer got himself involved, so Stewart struck back, and now they finished it on The Daily Show.

It wasn't like Stewart set out to make an example out of Cramer from the beginning.

And Stewart is exactly right. CNBC is a financial NEWS network. It is their responsibility to play the watchdog role that those of us in the media take seriously. If they know something like that was going on, it is their responsibility to report it.

And even if Cramer is hosting an "entertainment show" he is still in the position to reveal what he knows to the public.

He and CNBC failed the public by neglecting their duty as a watchdog by not calling the financial industry out for their shenanigans.

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And even if Cramer is hosting an "entertainment show" he is still in the position to reveal what he knows to the public.

Not to belabor the point, but this is the exact argument that Jon Stewart dances around whenever he's under attack for not being hard hitting enough with his guests.

And to sahyder: I have been following what Jon Stewart has been doing in his attacks on CNBC. I have no problem with that. CNBC has no business promoting Cramer to be God, but when are we going to start putting some responsibility on the pure IDIOCY of the viewers who take it all in? I don't like Stewart picking on Cramer when what Cramer does is entertainment, just like the Daily Show.

I personally think Mad Money is completely frivolous and not to be taken seriously. Just watch the show for five minutes and anyone with a brain should know that it's all theatrics and if there's any truth, it's been dumbed down and dressed up to such an extent that people should not trust it blindly. Now, if you disagree with me on the responsibilities of Cramer and whether or not its entertainment, then I'm going to have to stop here.

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Jon Stewart is the host of a fake news show! He was the one guy that questioned during the Gaza invasion earlier this year as to why no American journalist or politician ever questions Israel. This is nothing new for Stewart. Stewart has been bringing to light stiff for years but it is not his job. What Stewart says on the Comedy Channel doesn't lose money for other people. Cramer is on the 2nd biggest finance related network on the country behind Bloomberg. He gives fraudulent advice that costs real people real money.

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Stop looking at the channel in whole and just focus on that ridiculous program. It's not supposed to be hard-hitting and serious. Anyone who takes their advice from Cramer should know what they're getting into. CNBC is wrong for promoting Cramer's words like it's gospel, but that's about it. If Cramer starts proclaiming himself to be some kind of watchdog (for some goddamn reason, he started to tonight on TDS), then he assumes full responsibility. But I just take it that he's a loud entertainer showboating for ratings. It's absurd to think he has as much blame as Jon Stewart is making it seem like he does.

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Stop looking at the channel in whole and just focus on that ridiculous program. It's not supposed to be hard-hitting and serious. Anyone who takes their advice from Cramer should know what they're getting into. CNBC is wrong for promoting Cramer's words like it's gospel, but that's about it. If Cramer starts proclaiming himself to be some kind of watchdog (for some goddamn reason, he started to tonight on TDS), then he assumes full responsibility. But I just take it that he's a loud entertainer showboating for ratings. It's absurd to think he has as much blame as Jon Stewart is making it seem like he does.

CNBC takes him seriously as a financial guru. Just look at the way they hype the show up. Go read their description of his show. He's been all over the NBC networks this week taking shots at Stewart. He deserved everything he got tonight and then some.

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And even if Cramer is hosting an "entertainment show" he is still in the position to reveal what he knows to the public.

Not to belabor the point, but this is the exact argument that Jon Stewart dances around whenever he's under attack for not being hard hitting enough with his guests.

Well, there's a difference between asking your guests tough questions and doing actual investigative/watchdog journalism.

Now you can argue that it's not Cramer's job, but if his whole deal is that he's supposed to be giving financial advice, maybe he should be using his knowledge to advise the public about shady doings.

Stop looking at the channel in whole and just focus on that ridiculous program. It's not supposed to be hard-hitting and serious. Anyone who takes their advice from Cramer should know what they're getting into. CNBC is wrong for promoting Cramer's words like it's gospel, but that's about it. If Cramer starts proclaiming himself to be some kind of watchdog (for some goddamn reason, he started to tonight on TDS), then he assumes full responsibility. But I just take it that he's a loud entertainer showboating for ratings. It's absurd to think he has as much blame as Jon Stewart is making it seem like he does.

I don't know, the footage of Cramer on that webcast was pretty damning. He clearly knows more than he reveals on his show. And while you have a point that maybe the point of his show isn't to do hard-hitting investigative journalism, it is CNBC's responsibility to do that.

And if Cramer knows what's happening and if he really cares about it affecting people he needs to fight to get the story out there and he needs to push his bosses at CNBC to cover these issues.

Also, Stewart's remark about Cramer taking finance exec's words at face value was a good point too. Cramer worked with these people, he should know better.

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In Thug's defense, Stewart said himself that it's unfortunate that Cramer had to become the face for this whole ordeal when it's not just him, but CNBC and financial networks as a whole. It's the same thing he does with regular media, it wasn't just Tucker Carlson, it was all of the 24 hour news networks and their ridiculous pundits.

I understand the point Thug was trying to make, Mad Money is an attempt to make boring financial bullshit entertaining, but Jim Cramer is NOT an entertainer. Giving him a free pass is like giving one to Sean Hannity... sure, neither are presenting journalism, but the things they say are taken as true by many people and they can do damage. In terms of entertainers, Cramer is something of the anti-Stewart; Jon Stewart presents a comedy show with news elements whereas Cramer is presenting a financial show with entertainment elements.

With that said, this feud was not about Cramer in the first place, it was about Rick Santelli and CNBC as a whole, Cramer just happened to be the one to speak out because Jon Stewart ran a clip of his infamous Bear Stearns debacle and he tried to save face; if Cramer would've kept his mouth shut, this never would've blown up like it has. Cramer tried saying it was out of context, then Stewart showed it in proper context and him telling people to buy Bear Stearns in three separate clips.

As for the interview tonight, that was just a complete evisceration. I can guarantee you'll never see another "In Cramer We Trust" promo on CNBC and he'll be lucky if Mad Money stays on the air. I can't see how anyone can ever take the guy seriously again and I'd honestly feel bad for the guy if it weren't for those videos of him explaining how to nearly break the law. That was absolutely disgusting and this is the kind of shit that needs to be exposed by the media so people can have a better understanding of how we got into this economic mess. Of course, the mainstream media assumes their audience is made up of functioning retards (which it is), so all this would go way over their head, but when I read these nimrod Republicans blaming it all on Obama (who's been in office for 50 days), while this kind of shit is going on behind the scenes on Wall Street, it makes me nauseous.

Edited by Zero
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Any word yet on whether Cramer has cancelled his scheduled Morning Joe appearance yet? This is going to me a rough day for Cramer. TDS turned him into "Kramer" from Seinfeld. This is going to be all over the news in the morning. It is already spreading like wildfire.

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Cramer honestly looked like a kicked puppy on the Daily Show, especially after those clips were aired. It became entirely too uncomfortable to watch after a certain point, and I get the distinct impression that Mad Money could go the way of Crossfire as a result of this.

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Any other Canadians up late? Give it a shot I guess it'll be down within minutes.

Did you ever know that you're my hero?
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Cramer... yeah, I don't think he's really catching what Stewart is saying, and that clip Stewart played was just totally damaging. Did Cramer really say "You can show that on TV now?" John Stewart is right, "I do want what you're saying, but you're not doing what you're saying." Cramer's defense of "Isn't it hypothetically better for me to hypothetically expose this stuff?" would be fine if he did actually expose any of it, instead of trying to shirk away and hide from it.

I give his show about 4 more days.

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Any word yet on whether Cramer has cancelled his scheduled Morning Joe appearance yet?

Doubtful... Scarborough would be devastated to miss out on an opportunity to attack Jon Stewart. He'll have Cramer's back, saying Stewart wouldn't even let him talk, it was an ambush, he's cherry picking, he's just a comedian, etc.

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Any word yet on whether Cramer has cancelled his scheduled Morning Joe appearance yet?

Doubtful... Scarborough would be devastated to miss out on an opportunity to attack Jon Stewart. He'll have Cramer's back, saying Stewart wouldn't even let him talk, it was an ambush, he's cherry picking, he's just a comedian, etc.

They already tried going that route the other day on Morning Joe. Surely someone higher up at NBC will step in and pull the plug and cut their losses.

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