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What console should I get?


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So with my upcoming tax return I'm planning on getting a console.

I've been leaning towards PS3 because I had a 360 awhile ago but it crapped out after like months. But I was wondering how many others have had problems with it as well because I may look into getting that since it's a little cheaper than the PS3.

So what console should I get?

Edited by Johnny Quid
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If your 360 "crapped out" after a few months then it would be free to repair under the warranty, not to mention you get 3 years for red ring coverage.

The main thing to look at is the games available for each system. There's a lot that's for both, but each have their exclusives and you may find there's many more you prefer for one console over the other.

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360 is better for online games, that's for sure.

I won't argue that 360 doesn't have a few more online games, but you can't really say either console is better latley for online, because we both have a fuckton of online games now. :\

Also don't you have to pay for Live? Don't get me wrong, I would love to have a 360 just to play games like Gears online (and in general) but I find that I'm perfectly happy with the PS3 for online. Resistance 2, MGS4, LBP, Burnout Paradise and once it's out, Killzone 2.

My opinion is obviously the PS3, but that's just because to me, the PS3's games are the ones that I want more and all the ones I'm looking forward to are cross platform anyway. It was Metal Gear Solid 4 which sealed the deal for me though and if you're a fan of Metal Gear, then you will not regret buying the PS3 even if MGS4 is the only game you buy. Also a few games like Dead Rising 2 will be seeing a cross platform release.

Also the Blueray is luuusssshhhh.

Edited by Mr. TKz
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Meh, I'd say there's more people but I wouldn't say it's any smarter. We're both surrounded by 12 year olds and morons online anyway, so there's not really any difference. :P

I'm just glad that on most of the games I play, no one uses a mic. (Apart from one or two on Resistance, but you can easily mute them.)

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Well to be fair, I usually play in the 60 team deathmatches, so I think if even half the people had mics it'd be a massive clusterfuck. :P I think having a mic on MGO would be fucking helpful though, seeing as it's one of those games where if you don't play as a team, you'll be assraped before you leave your base.

EDIT: Also, a very slight arguement for the 360 is that you can get those nifty lil' gamertag things. :)

Edited by Mr. TKz
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