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Shows You Only Got Into Years After They Were First Shown

Farmer Reil

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NCIS, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Dr House and also the new Battlestar Galactica which is pretty easy viewing.

Oh and Third Watch I think it's called. Watched a couple from about half way through during some reruns and thought it was meh...Then saw an entire episode from the start where Bosco responds to a call and finds this guy with blood on his hand and the entire episode takes place in this one alleyway with the guy getting weirder and weirder and Bosco getting angrier and the plot thickening and it was frankly magnificent.

Apparantly the episode is called "A Call For Help" and it's season 5 episode 12.

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The West Wing and Lost. I never watched the West Wing once when it was on the air and just watched the whole series over the past 4 months or so. Good show, I'm sad that I'm actually finished with it.

I watched three seasons of LOST in three weeks last year to catch for Season 4 and now am hooked on that show. God bless TV on DVDs.

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Buffy - I remember I caught the first few episodes and thought it was alright, but then stopped watching it. Years later I caught an episode late at night on TV, which turned out to be the final episode. I went and got all the boxsets, watched it all, and started kicking myself for missing the awesomeness of it.

Scrubs - I saw it on sale for $25 Season 1. Brought it, watched it all, and immediately went and got Season 2. By the time I finished that, it was 2 weeks before Season 3 was released, so I had two whole weeks to wait to see what would happen to Cox. I was hooked and haven't stopped watching.

HIMYM, TaaHM, NCIS, Friends...the list goes on and on. I might catch an episode here or there on TV, but I mainly decide if I love a TV show based on when its DVD is released, and how much I love the DVD, and thats usually years afterwards.

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This week I watched Heroes from season 1 up to where they are now in season three. Ah, the wonders of no longer working 18 hour campaign days.

Similarly, over Thanksgiving break when the Election wrapped up I watched Arrested Development in its entirety despite never watching it whilst on air.

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Certainly The West Wing. Even after I'd picked up the season one boxset (pre-owned for £10) on a whim, it took me weeks to actually get round to being bothering to try watching it. >_>

Edited by stokeriño
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I'd never really watched Arrested Development when it was airing.

And then I just got more into House last year and is now one of my favorite shows.

Oh, and The Sopranos. I still have yet to watch a lot of the episodes (been meaning too) but the ones I have seen are damn good.

And then Mad Men, I suppose. I just watched both seasons in the past month or so.

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I watched a couple of episodes of Scrubs years back and never got into it until it started showing on TV here, Went put and got the seasons 1-5 boxset, Tacked season 6 on two xmas's back and it's one of my favorite shows ever.

I also used to watch NCIS religiously, But then the network fucked around putting season 3 on and I didn't go back to it forever and lost touch with the storylines, So I had to go back and get seaosn 3 and 4 on DVD, At this very moment it is still the reigning champion of my favorite TV shows.

Ace, Pretty much forced me to go out and start watching HIMYM and I thank him every day for doing so, My god is that show Legen... (Come on, Did you not see this coming? Seriously Dude?) ...dary. :shifty:

Also, I try to catch Hogans Heroes any time I get the chance, But I have to rely on the TV to bring me it.

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Will & Grace


The Drew Carey Show

Suddenly Susan

Funnily enough these are all shows on the new channel on Foxtel called 111 Hits which is comprised of Top sitcoms so I have been catching up on all of these. Will & Grace is definitley a favourite to watch with my girl and Drew Carey Show is a good show that I've always liked.

Also Seinfeld to an extent but not really

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The West Wing. I've literally only just finished Season one. I got into Firefuly a good two years after that was first shown as well.

Oh, and Peep Show. When I watched the first episode of the first series, they were on series three or four. And Blackadder, but I was about three when that ended, so I kinda had to get into late!

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The Sopranos was the big one for me. By the time I started watching that, they were in season 5 or 6 or the break between the two. I forget what exactly.

Two and a Half Men I didn't start watching until it hit syndication, but that's a good one.

Could also say Sleeper Cell, I didn't find out about that one until the end of the first season came out on DVD. Haven't seen the second one yet though.

And Scrubs, I didn't start watching until a year or two ago, rarely do now. But it is good.

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