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NFL 2009


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I'm up by 23 points even with Andre Johnson sucking and two of my benched players putting up double figures - for some reason, whoever "Case of the Mundys" belongs to (I want to say rocksta), he started Stefan Logan at the flex position over Tiny Darren - and have Welkah. Admittedly, he's packing LT and TO, but a 23-point margin is pretty hefty.

That's me.

I forgot to bench Logan by Thursday night so I was hoping to get a punt return TD.

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Urlacher done for the year, Devin Hester as their best WR, and a shaky O-Line. Looks like I, and many others, far overstated Cutler's impact in the Windy City.

Aaron Rodgers on the other hand, so glad I have him and Flacco on my fantasy team. I feel pretty good against ROC, Moss more or less offsets him having Brady, and I'm fairly confident the SD defense will offset if not surpass Fred Jackson's impact. Still can't be too confident. Should have started Henderson instead of Breaston, forgot to make that change.

Edited by damshow
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Adam Schefter believes Derrick Brooks will/should be signed in Chicago.

Update: Herm Edwards suggests that if they sign him he should play his familiar weakside position and move Briggs to middle.

Update @ 6:45pm - Bears told Brooks they are not going to sign him... yet. They are going to go with some of their younger corp (and lose) first. They did sign Tim Shaw however. [/facepalm]

Edited by ACCBiggz
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So close! Damn, if it wasn't for Leodis McKelvin, Buffalo would have probably pulled out the victory. Still, this game was a good one if your a Bills fan. The offence looked much better then it did in the preseason. Fred Jackson was very good. Hopefully Posluzny isn't too hurt because the Buffalo defence needs him to be effective.

Brady looked to be 100% after the first half and Moss was a monster out there!

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Ladies and gents... this is why you do not play prevent with that much time left against great offenses. Absolutely terrible defensive play calling to end the game as the Oakland Raiders SHOULD have won this game. They were the better team. Especially considering the shafting they got in the first half.

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Poor McKelvin One thing is to fuck up like he did on monday night. And Then have the final score painted on the front lawn GEEZ! Those Bill fans are serious

And by the way. After his awful performances recently jake delhome tried to kill himself but the bullet got intercepted. < Poor taste i know. But DAMN does he throw picks or what ? :P

Edited by mikevandam
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