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Rate this Artist/Band: Nine Inch Nails



24 members have voted

  1. 1. Rate them!

    • 1 - They suck.
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10 - One of my favorites!
  2. 2. Best Album?

    • Pretty Hate Machine
    • Broken
    • The Downward Spiral
    • The Fragile
    • With Teeth
    • Year Zero
    • Ghost I-IV
    • The Slip
  3. 3. Best Remix Album?

    • Fixed
    • Further Down The Spiral
    • Things Falling Apart
    • Year Zero Remixed

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Since I love the concept of rating an artist/band,I'm going to contribute to it and will start off with a personal favorite of mine : Nine Inch Nails.Although they are not the kind of music I normally listen to (most of the time Punk/Hardcore/Ska/Oi stuff,but not only)I really love the band and "The Downward Spiral" is in fact my favorite album of all time.I just can't describe how I feel about that tune.My least favorite is probably With Teeth,I still think it's good,but the others are much better imo.

Favorite Remix album would be "Further Down The Spiral" don't listen to the others that much.

Overall I would rate them as 9/10,although they are awesome,they don't deserve a 10 in my book.

Anyway let the discussion begin!

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I think Trent Reznor is a really awesome guy who has great ideas about and for the music industry.

... which makes me wish I didn't find the music he makes to be so overwhelmingly stupid. Oh, well.

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I have really tried hard to get into Nine Inch Nails because as Go Go said Reznor he does have some fantastic ideas. I've listened to three of their albums. The first I heard was "With Teeth" which I heard as it was released. I thought it was pretty good so I picked up "Year Zero" which I was less impressed with. Shortly after I noticed "The Downward Spiral" was by far NIN's most celebrated work I listened to it but I simply could not get into it.

I gave them 6/10.

With Teeth is best album.

Not heard any remixes.

Oh and my favourite song is either "Sunspots" or "Head Like A Hole".

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NIN gets a 9 from me. I'm not the biggest fan of his music always, but the guy is overflowing with ideas. He is this generations visionary, innovating and constantly reinventing not only his music, but the music business itself. I think that his music is an aquired taste, but he does manage to balance some pop elements into his music which makes it all the more interesting.

I voted With Teeth their best.

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Do you even have to ask? They're my favorite band, hands (head) down. :shifty:

I think my favorite album is probably "The Fragile", and my favorite remix album is "Further Down The Spiral". When I'm not about to leave the house, I'll give a better answer. For now, this will have to do.

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I voted for this awhile ago but never got around to posting in it but they're probably my favorite band with the only band that could be close is Mastodon. I became a fan relatively late but I'm still a huge fan.

I voted for "Year Zero" as best album but that could almost easily be replaced by "The Fragile" but "Year Zero" is just a complete album, in my eyes. It gets a bad rap because it has an obvious political message in it but at the same time, it's more than just a political album which is why I enjoy it. Plus the whole marketing behind the release was hands down, one of the most creative things anybody's ever done.

If nothing else, Trent Reznor is a mad genius that knows what he's doing in the music business. It'll be interesting to see what he does if the rumored/apparently eventual, NIN hiatus ends up happening and what he'll do after (assuming) he takes a bit of a break. Because if you look at it, the guy's pretty much been making music almost nonstop for 4 years now.

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This may sound like a weird comment, but I like them in theory, not so much in execution. I want to get into them more than I am, but whenever I throw on a CD, it only seems a few songs in before I'm hankering for something else.

Not voted yet, but I'm guessing that'd put them at probably a 5, with the Downward Spiral being my own personal favourite album out of the 4 I've heard.

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