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Nightmare on Elm Street Reboot


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...As rumored - Jackie Earl Hayley!

Updated: Casting is now 100% official. Back in February the boys over at Latino Review had broke the news first that Jackie Earle Haley (watch a clip of him from Watchmen beyond the break) was in fact locked down as your new Freddy Krueger. While at the time they were wrong in the fact that it was a done deal, this afternoon Bloody-Disgusting learned exclusively that Haley is now locked and loaded to pull over that grimy red and green sweater, strap on the infamous razor glove and tip his fedora as the brand-spanking-new Freddy Krueger! Expect an official announcement as early as next week. Shooting begins under the watch of Samuel Bayer at the end of the month in Chicago on A Nightmare on Elm Street, New Line Cinema's reboot of the infamous franchise created by Wes Craven that followed Krueger, a serial child killer murdered by angry parents, who returns with a burnt face and a razor glove to terrorize teens in their dreams. Don't fall asleep on April 16, 2010.

Jackie Earle Haley was our choice for Freddy in our A Nightmare on Elm Street casting call, which you can read here. What do you guys think? Watch the video below to hear Haley talk as Rorschach is Watchmen. Thanks to B-D reader 'icenemesis' for the link to the video!

I think that's a perfect casting. Now all we need is a good movie.

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Some guy put up a video review of the script a little while back. You can find a link to it at DreadCentral.

Sounds like they have a pretty good idea of what the movie should be. So, between that, and the casting, I'm pumped. Of course, ideas can be great, but if they don't make the transition to the screen very well, we could end up with a total piece of shit.

I'm pretty excited about this. I think they've done a tremendous job with the horror remakes recently. Halloween was awesome, and the second one looks like it's shaping up well. Friday the 13th looks pretty good, but I haven't seen it yet.

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That's excellent casting. But the Nightmare series went downhill after the fourth one (and really, 2 and 3 were nothing special), the last two were fucking atrocious.

Can't the same be said for pretty much every horror franchise? And I liked New Nightmare a lot and I've made my love for Freddy vs. Jason well known... sure the original movies were mostly just cash-ins, but that's just the way business was done back then. I'm not getting my hopes up for this movie or anything, but I think it'll definitely be better than "The Dream Child."

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That's excellent casting. But the Nightmare series went downhill after the fourth one (and really, 2 and 3 were nothing special), the last two were fucking atrocious.

Can't the same be said for pretty much every horror franchise? And I liked New Nightmare a lot and I've made my love for Freddy vs. Jason well known... sure the original movies were mostly just cash-ins, but that's just the way business was done back then. I'm not getting my hopes up for this movie or anything, but I think it'll definitely be better than "The Dream Child."

I don't get the hate for the middle-films. Sure, they weren't cinematic masterpieces... and they strayed pretty far from Craven's original visions for the character... but they were fun.

That said, I'm really happy that they're taking a more serious route with the reboot of the franchise. The concept of Freddy Krueger is potentially terrifying, and removing most, if not all of, the humor in the character is a good way to go. Dark, sick, twisted and perverse humor has its' place in the new series, and I do hope they explore that... but I don't want to see the new Freddy playing video games or starring in drugged out music videos.

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It's going to be good, I hope at least. People talk about how bad the later Friday\Nightmare movies were but come on, if you're seriously going to say that I don't think you really understand the films all that much. They were just.. fun, and I'm happy that they're rebooting both because well, they were running out of things to do keeping with the same rough timeline. It's time to start it all anew.

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How is that hate for the "middle films"? I said downhill after the fourth, not the fourth is a steaming pile of shit that should be avoided at all costs. They weren't amazing or anything, but I certainly don't hate them. As far as I remember because it was years ago and I was drunk and tired when I saw them, 5 and 6 are giant bags of wank.

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I love the original movies. I don't get the hate for the wise cracking Freddy either. Sure, the movies weren't that scary, but they were quite fun to watch. I loved the added comedic bits, so I'm probably the only one hoping they keep the humor of Freddy's one liners in it to a certain point.

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I love the original movies. I don't get the hate for the wise cracking Freddy either. Sure, the movies weren't that scary, but they were quite fun to watch. I loved the added comedic bits, so I'm probably the only one hoping they keep the humor of Freddy's one liners in it to a certain point.

While I am a fan of the wise-cracks and one liners... as a horror movie fan, I look at what's coming out these days, and they're either cookie-cutter stuff, Grudge type films, or they employ the "Funny Bad Guy" technique.

There's a place for that, but the general idea of Freddy has the potential to be terrifying. There aren't very many legitimately scary films these days. There's a lot of gory films, but there aren't a lot that are truly unnerving. I want to feel uncomfortable, watching this film. Dreams, and Krueger, and a more serious approach should be able to do that.

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I have never seen a movie that has terrified me. Disgusted me, yes. But an honest to god scary movie, nope. That's probably why I love the wise cracking bad guy formula. If you can't be terrifying, then at least give me something to chuckle at, which Freddy does. I still laugh everytime I think of the image from FvsJ when he plays pinball with Jason. EUGH! Tilt!

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Loved them all apart from one (Cant remember what one it actually was, getting late on in the series where Freddie seems to barely even be seen for the majority of the movie). Either way, this is fucking Freddie for Christ sake, it's always going to be awesome to me. People said the same stuff about Halloween and Friday The 13th when they remade them and for me, one of them was fantastic and the other was damn good. I don't see why this will be any different really. Really looking forward to see what they can do with this, some disgusting killings would be great to see. Freddie seems to take disgusting to an entire different level, so hopefully they stick to that in this one, rather than taking a softer approach.

And when young, I was shit scared of this. And despite now growing up, the entire point of it all is still spot on fucking scary. Don't get me wrong, looking back some of it was hilarious in a good way, but I don't think it lacks the scary factor. You fall asleep and then...die in a fucking sadistic way in your dreams, if that doesn't come across as scary, I don't know what will.

Edited by Dirty Johnny 27
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The idea is scary as hell... but the original series, Freddy Krueger came across as a pretty cool guy. I know they wanted a marketable villain, which is why he was written that way... but he's a child molestor who's turned into a dream demon... the audience shouldn't want to hang out with him.

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