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Metal Gear Rising


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So we 360 guys DO get Metal Gear but in a new game.. staring Raiden. And possibly Big Boss, since his face is plastered all over that page that as up ages ago... people have been talking about playing as a switchoff between the two at different time periods.. buut.. anyways. No details yet.

LOS ANGELES--As a game developer, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima can usually be relied upon to do something unexpected. So with rumors flying that his PlayStation 3-exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots would be announced for the Xbox 360 at Microsoft's E3 2009 media briefing, the developer stayed true to form.

Appearing onstage at the media briefing, Kojima told the audience he was indeed bringing the Metal Gear Solid series to the Xbox 360, but in an all-new game. Titled Metal Gear Solid Rising, Kojima's new project won't star Solid Snake. Instead, it will apparently star another of the franchise's famous faces. According to the tagline, "Lightning bolt action… Raiden is back!" Unfortunately, details about Metal Gear Solid Rising will have to wait for another day.

"I can't say more now," Kojima said, "but I can promise you that it will be a completely new experience."

For more from the show, check out GameSpot's complete coverage of E3 2009.

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If this is 360 exclusive, or if PS3 doesn't get another MGS game, I'll be very pissed off. Hell I quite PO'd now. If so, I'll, I'll... well do nothing, except be more pissed off inside and tell Xbox fanboys who post around saying that they have Halo that Halo is shit. <_<

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They are promising a "completely new experience"...I'm thinkin a jrpg. Pre-MGS4 raiden was already pretty feminine looking so he'd fit the final fantasy style jrpg hero mold.

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They are promising a "completely new experience"...I'm thinkin a jrpg. Pre-MGS4 raiden was already pretty feminine looking so he'd fit the final fantasy style jrpg hero mold.

No, no, no a million times no. It's going to be the total opposite of that in fact, instead of the classic "Tactical Espionage Action" tagline that goes along with the other games, it's being subtitled as "Lightning Bolt Action"

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Maybe it'll be a trading card ga...oh wait..nevermind...

Maybe a street racer? Metal Gear Tourismo?

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  • 2 years later...

I was truly hyped for this game when it was teased at last year's E3

But the new trailer showed last night disappointed as it looked like it was no longer a stylized action adventure game and now looks like a Male-onetta. Any now there's new news that even the plot of the game is changing. It will no longer take place in between MGS 2 and MGS4

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Not surprised in the least by this.

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I was fine with the idea of the game being more action, less sneak but with an option for it... which is what I remember reading it was supposed to be. But this looks awful, nothing of Metal Gear seems to have survived. No interesting story from what I can see, nothing innovative at all. The slow down time to hack up people thing seemed pretty cool in the gameplay trailer released ages ago, but why the fuck wouldn't those 6 or 7 slashes before do the exact same thing?

I think it really lost me when the giant robot had a sword and Raiden picked it up. I mean, Metal Gear isn't exactly strictly realistic when it comes to giant robots, but why the fuck would a giant robot need a sword? That's just too far. >_>

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All of your replies match my concerns exactly.

My gripe isn't even with the game being centered around Raiden. Since they changed the title from Solid to Rising I took it as a cue that we were going into a new direction, just how the style completely changed from Metal Gear to Solid, I would expect the same with a title dropping the Solid moniker. My issue is that they're now going to completely ignore what happened in-between Sons Of Liberty and Guns of Patriots.

I don't mind a hack and slash game if it was as stylized as the trailer lead everyone to believe originally, however take away that style stick Raiden into DMC, and give us a story that is only going to further make of mess of this franchise's lineage doesn't excite me at all.

Who knows maybe they'll make a great game that catches us all by surprise, but my hopes are low.

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