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Gaming Pet Peeves


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The fact that QUICK-TIME EVENTS have not been mentioned yet is criminal. Quick-time events can suck a fucking DICK.

This is more-so a pet peeve of the 'evolution' I suppose of the gaming industry and storytelling within games, but I fucking HATE when games have karma systems (eg: Fable 2, Fallout 3, Infamous, etc.) and your actions have NO barring on the story whatsoever. You could be a hundred times worse than Hitler, or a patron fucking saint, and the story still plays out the same. So, karma systems that are only superficial and really have no impact upon a game's narrative is damned annoying. Fable 2 and Fable were very much guilty of this.

Edited by Thou Shalt Always Will
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Games that use the wrong control scheme for confirm/cancel. Every damn time I pick up one of these I spend the first 10 hours of gameplay unexpectedly skipping entire lines of text and canceling out of windows I wanted to select something in because they've swapped the cancel and confirm norms (A confirm, B cancel!)

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Yeah there should be like a standard for controls that's like law or something.

For PS3: X for continue, O for back. Start for pause menu. In recent years I've played a ton of games that've swapped them about.

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Any achievement that is basically CLOCK IN 100 HOURS PLAYING THIS GAME or PLAY THIS STAGE 1000000 TIMES.

Fuck you, no.

That annoys me simply because if a game had such longevity, surely the designers could come up with a more interesting trophy? <_<

Yea...the "popular" one in past Madden games was like "Complete 30+ years of franchise mode"...

Its like..wtf..by that time, the salary cap is SO high you can't actually spend enough..no original players left..its just plain boring

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No Football Manager hate yet?

Mine would have to be lower quality (and a lot of the time, lower league) teams turning into world beaters for the game you play them. Ade Akinbiyi isn't that good, so why has he scored 2 in 10 minutes?!

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Related to that, shitty players you release on a free later knocking you out of cup competitions ¬_¬

Cutscenes you can't skip, and scripted scenes, is definitely a pet peeve of mine.

RPGs where level 1 is impossibly hard due to how crap you are, but level 20 is a piece of piss because you shit on everyone else. Some RPGs don't ever get playtested, I swear. Also, offline RPGs with Postman quests. "Go here and talk to him/deliver this/collect this insignificant object for a meal I'm cooking" quests are fine in World of Warcraft where you're trying to make me explore the world and lead me on to the next quest hub... not so great in Infinite RANDOM BATTLE Undiscovery.

Characters whose entire and solitary purpose in the entire game is to get in the way and cause bugs, crashes and to get you stuck in places. This includes any follower ever in any Half-Life game with the obvious exception of Alyx, most followers in Fallout 3, etc.

Any PC game that requires you to have the CD in the drive to play.

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The second one being when you first encounter a character in an RPG when you're at level 5 or so and he's 20 times stronger (10+ levels higher) than you are when the computer controls him. He then (reluctantly) joins your party at the same level as you because of some random event that negates the fact he was Jesuslike just 10 minutes earlier <_<

Beatrix from FF 9 is a prime example of this. Impossibly hard to beat when you face her, then shes on your team and nowhere near as strong as she was.

What i hate, and GTA is the prime suspect for this. Having to follow someone around in your car, but having to be so far behind that you cant see where there going. Besides, how the hell would he know im following him anyway?

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No Football Manager hate yet?

Mine would have to be lower quality (and a lot of the time, lower league) teams turning into world beaters for the game you play them. Ade Akinbiyi isn't that good, so why has he scored 2 in 10 minutes?!

When the commentator says 'That looked like a dubious decision' so you complain when the press asks you about it, and then it turns out you're wrong and the FA charges you with a touchline ban. That always pisses me off especially since when you are right, the FA just stays silent and does nothing. Well, at least it's realistic in that sense :shifty: . Bare in mind I'm still on FM07 and it might have changed since.

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but in things like GTAIV, with the tiny absurd pidgeons, fuck that.

I have not goon for that yet (well i am still on the first island ;-) ) but how hard are they to get as soon as you use a guid?! - Becaus it cannot possibley be as hard as killing all the Frogs in MGS3 - some of em are almost imposible. (like wen you are driving on the motorcycle)

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I just thought of two more related to RPGs,

1) Multistage boss fights where you can't save until after you've beaten all 2+ forms of the boss.

2) The Shin Megami Tensei rule where it's Game Over if the main character dies, even if you have someone/an item who can resurrect him in your party. This is especially irksome when certain enemies have 1 shot death abilities, or gain "1 more" attack if they hit your elemental weakness.

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Games, that aren't MMORPGs, where you get a super-awesome weapon of ultimate doom and destruction... as a reward for an epic battle right near the end. Thanks, but that would've been a whole lot more useful, say, five minutes ago... and now I have bugger all opportunity to use it.

Also, games like Dungeon Siege (which despite this is still one of my favourite games), in which there are such a huge number of health potions freely available, it's almost impossible to suck enough to run out of them. Merick could probably win a fight bare-handed with the number of potions you have by the time you reach him, especially since they refill health instantly as soon as you use it (though the drinking animation takes a while, so if it's a really hardcore enemy you;ll probably just lose all the newly restored HP by the time you can attack again).

Also, games with crafting systems that use reagents such that by the time you've found all the materials required for the breastplate, you've levelled five times and found a better one anyway (WoW, I'm lookin' atchoo). And games at the other end of the scale (Infinite Undiscovery), where the crafting system is so easy that you basically just trade time for money. In IU in particular, there are several vendors where you can buy a huge stack of two ingredients, make them into items right there and then (and can set it to carry on doing so automatically until the reagents run out), then sell it to the very same vendor for a massive profit...

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Playing a quest in Fallout 3 where I need to find this girl's brother or whatever and traveling back to Megaton real quick for some more supplies and seeing her dead at the bottom of the stairs with people just walking past her corpse and having there be no reason for it and I wasted an hour

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Also, games with crafting systems that use reagents such that by the time you've found all the materials required for the breastplate, you've levelled five times and found a better one anyway (WoW, I'm lookin' atchoo).

Ugh, yeah. I'm glad crafting seems a little easier in WOTLK. In BC, I remember there was this breastplate - Breastplate of Kings - that I must've spent forever getting the mats together to make, and then.. new, better gear is released. Awesome.

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Ugh I hate owning a Japanese PSP but playing English games.

English PSP is X to advance and O to go back.

Japanese PSP is O to advance and X to go back.

I've been playing Pirates again recently so it's English game and I'm clicking through the menus with X then have to enter a name so it goes to the name entry which of course is Japanese software and so I keep pressing X and it keeps exiting. Grr. So I get used to it and enter everything with O then press O again on the data entry menu and it cuts back to the top menu again and data is lost. GRAWR!

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Games where cut scenes cannot be skipped (especially annoying when you've played the game through once before).

This. This, this, a thousand times this. I'M LOOKING AT YOU, SUIKODEN V!

Um. Games where your main character looks like some kinda metrosexual and doesn't talk. I'M LOOKING AT YOU, SUIKODEN V!

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