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So over the past few months I have gotten into Karaoke heavily. I go out about 3 times a week to do it, Sunday, Friday and Wensday. I'm actually not half bad. I do a lot of country music and lots of stuff from the 70's and 80s. Usually, if I'm drunk I have the KJ pick my songs for me which gets really interesting and has led to such classics as...


In The Navy

I touch myself

I want your Sex

Love me Tender

Bat out of Hell

I'm headed out tonight and I'm looking for suggestions...so far on my list for the evening is

The Night the Drove old Dixie Down by the Band

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I love a bit of karaoke and try to get out to it as often as possible.

I generally go for any Blur, Elastica, Clash, Kinks, Franz Ferdinand, Kaiser Chiefs and then also "Are You Gonna Be My Girl", "What's My Age Again?", "Date With The Night" and also managed to belt out some "Born Slippy" by Underworld at one place in Japan which was magnificent.

However my signature piece is "Common People" by Pulp.

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Thursdays in Northumbria SU is Karaoke night. I was going most weeks, but rarely ever singing. I've sang 3 times: Don't Stop Believing by Journey, Total Eclipse Of The Heart by Bonnie Tyler, and Poison by Alice Cooper. It wasn't a good experience for those listening. For Total Eclipse of the Heart I was singing with someone in a hardcore metal band and he actually started in his screamo voice by accident, that lead to us being booed heavily :(.

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I've been to Karaoke a couple of times. They're always good fun. I tend to enjoy singing songs with a higher range as I find it funny and I can actually hit that type of octave. I've sung Love Today - Mika in front of a random crowd and nailed a performance of Paradise City by Guns N Roses which got me applause at the end from my friends sitting around me. One guy was just staring at me for the last 2 minutes of the song and when I finished his words were "That was Epic". Good times.

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I've always been up for karaoke but most of my mates are too scared to try it. Almost did it at uni but we went up too late and the bloke said karaoke had finished for the night :(

We were gonna bust out "Give A Little Respect" by Erasure. I like to think I could've handled it.

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We have a 'rockeoke' at one bar in the city every Wednesday night. It's got a decent selection of stuff on it, and one dude who goes does Axl better than Axl.

I've not got up the courage to go solo yet, but me and some mates have been known to butcher Europe's The Final Countdown, Fuel & Enter Sandman by Metallica, as well as Life on Mars by Bowie.

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I did "New York, New York" with some fit lass a couple of weekends back...I have no idea who she is...I hate the song...but she just shoved a mic in my face, so fuck it, I did it. :shifty: We were awesome. :D Seriously...people who claim to be GREAT at karaoke are cunts...you're not meant to be fucking good...it's meant to be shittily fabulous!!

Karaoke in small doses is brilliant, lots of pubs in the area used to do it like once a week (always on weekends too) and you couldn't escape it, but now, every once in a while it's good fun.

Stuff I've busted out in the past (always with someone else...you can't karaoke on your own :shifty:);

"Can't Stand Me Now" by The Libertines

"Mr Blue Sky" by ELO

"Cold As Ice" by Foreigner

"Every You, Every Me" by Placebo

"That's Entertainment" by The Jam

"Starbucks" by A

"Come On Eileen" by Dexy's Midnight Runners

Libertines and "Come On Eileen" were easily the most fun..."Mr Blue Sky" was a total shambles from what I remember. :shifty:

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I've done 'Truly Madly Deeply' by Savage Garden, 'Hero' by Chad Kroeger, 'Love Is All Around' by Wet Wet Wet, one with a backing band when I did 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', plus a couple when I went up to Liverpool, 'Save Tonight' by Eagle Eye Cherry and 'Common People' by Pulp.

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I've done 'Truly Madly Deeply' by Savage Garden, 'Hero' by Chad Kroeger, 'Love Is All Around' by Wet Wet Wet, 'Save Tonight' by Eagle Eye Cherry

You have no soul :P You Cruel Cruel Man (Y)

I have done it in the past. Mostly when I'm drunk and want to inflict as much emotional damage on people as humanly possible.

In which case it's reach for the power ballads. "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" and "More Than Words" are my weapons of mass destruction.

I freely admit I can't sing, but at that stage I'm so plastered I really don't care

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