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AMC's "The Walking Dead"


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Here's who I see not making out out of the season finale.

1)Hershel and his entire remaining family, minus Maggie.

I think that, and one from "the group"

The groups taken a hit recently, I think anymore and they'd be biting off more than they have to at this point. Hershel dying would be dramatic and sad enough. I can especially see him sacrificing himself with some sort of "last stand" that allows the group to slip out the back.

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Here's who I see not making out out of the season finale.

1)Hershel and his entire remaining family, minus Maggie.

I think that, and one from "the group"

The groups taken a hit recently, I think anymore and they'd be biting off more than they have to at this point. Hershel dying would be dramatic and sad enough. I can especially see him sacrificing himself with some sort of "last stand" that allows the group to slip out the back.

I think the teaser for the episode pretty much foreshadowed exactly that about Hershel .... but I think that Carol might go as well and Maggie surviving and going with them for "numbers" etc

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I quite enjoyed that episode. Very well-done subversion of how things play out in the comics, good mix of stuff that happens later in the series and what happened in the comics during that particular scene. Also, I wonder how long it's going to take for someone to put that Shane/Daryl/T-Dog/Andrea vs. zombies in a field scene on Youtube set to the Geto Boys song that was in Office Space.

Not that long:

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It's the trees.



You got it.

As far as the death pool goes I'm going with Beth and Jimmy. That Jimmy kid is hardly ever seen.

Also, Tyreese was a great character in the book, but I don't know if he'll make an appearance in the show. The hammer was his zombie killing weapon of choice. Just like Rick used to use the hatchet a lot. They replaced the hatchet in the show with a knife though.

I think Theodore or T-Dog is going to stick around for a while longer. With the deaths of Dale and Shane they'll be more time for him to really shine. He's been pushed to the background this season but that's what happens when you have a huge ensemble cast.

Edited by Don Ready Slacker
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Just watched the trailer for the finale.. where the fuck do that many zombies come from!? I mean WOW.

Good episode.. I miss Shane. Not overly keen on the way he went out, but he needed to go for the journey to continue. The character just became the most interesting on the show, which really couldn't be allowed to continue.

The finale is going to be immense.. Carol, Herschel, most of his family.. all doomed. Saw a shot in one of the trailers of Maggie screaming in a car with walkers hands all over the windshield.. hope she doesn't die.

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Just watched the trailer for the finale.. where the fuck do that many zombies come from!? I mean WOW.

IIRC, in the "Dale" episode they mentioned some cattle ran away and in the last one they mention something about "with the cattle on the loose, we might as well ring the dinner bell", so I'm guessing the walkers were attracted by the cattle, and then by the sound of the shot at the end of the episode.

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I think Carol is safe. There are just so many more places her character can go as her relationship with Darryl takes off. I'm looking forward to the cliche scene of her riding on the back of his motorcycle.

That could work both ways; with Carol gone, Daryl would feel even more detached from the group, and feel more inclined to leave when/if they find Merle; it would be the character's growth put to the test. I'm obviously not saying this will happen, I'm just saying it also could happen.

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