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Disney's New Company


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I think it is Boom Comics who recently acquired the rights to do comics based on Disney characters. I think this will interesting as well. One would think that Disney and Marvel would want to do those through Marvel, keep the money in house and all. This will be interesting to watch for the remainder of this year and into next to see how so many things play out.

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I'm hoping that, at some point within the next week, we'll hear two major announcements:

1. Joe Quesada is fired as Marvel's EIC.

I have no idea why he'd be fired. There's a very strong argument that after Stan Lee himself, Joe has been the most successful EIC Marvel has ever had. He doesn't even have a New Universe fiasco under his reign like Shooter did. Marvel's growth in the past few years has been explosive, and don't forget that he inherited the creative keys to the kingdom with it on the brink of bankruptcy.

I think it pretty likely he'll retire sometime soon, as that has been bandied about for a while now, so he can concentrate on writing and drawing again. It'd be a hell of a way to go out.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I think it is Boom Comics who recently acquired the rights to do comics based on Disney characters. I think this will interesting as well. One would think that Disney and Marvel would want to do those through Marvel, keep the money in house and all. This will be interesting to watch for the remainder of this year and into next to see how so many things play out.

Yep, Boom! has been putting out Disney-based comics for a few months now - The Incredibles, Cars, a few I can't think of offhand, and my personal favourite, Toy Story.

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Universal claims that they are the only theme parks that are allowed to use the characters east of the Mississippi in the US and that the characters will remain a part of the Orlando Park. If this is true, and if the contract they have is binding after the sale, then that would mean that Disney World will not feature them but that Disney Land will. Also it means that even though Disney owns them their direct competitor will be using what they own to sell tickets. That is amusing.

Universal will be using them to sell tickets, but they'll have to turn right around and give portions of that money to Disney.

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I hope Disney revives the X-Babies.

EDIT: Nikki Finke has some very detailed coverage (as always) of the Marvel-Disney deal. In the latest update, she included this little nugget of knowledge that's pretty cool.

One more thing. I've learned that, for the past 2 months, (Disney CEO & President) Iger has been reading the new Marvel Encyclopedia to soak up the backstories of all the Marvel characters and comics.
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Rueters got the following comment from Stan Lee:

To me, becoming ‘Disneyfied’ is not a bad thing. I mean look at movies like ‘Pirates of the Caribbean… Disney knows how to do movies. They know how to do colorful characters and I think the fans, if they think about it, they’re going to love it.

I think his Disney based line of super-heroes is called POW. So, whether he wanted to be or not Stan is back with Marvel.

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Okay, for the Marvel characters in KH:3 - I imagine if work has already started on the installment in Kingdom Hearts after 358/2, Square Enix might not have time to program in an additional level called "Earth-616". It'd be awesome to see, with multiple allies available (I'm all for Captain America - Bucky or Steve Rogers, take your pick - or somebody in the Fantastic Four), but I figure they're going to stick strictly with characters clearly under the Disney banner. We're more likely to see stuff like Sky High or something.

Still, it does resolve licensing issues for the shows on Disney XD quite nicely. Good buy by Disney, but does this mean that Universal will try to buy Dark Horse or something?

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I've been hearing people complaining on this for a long damn time (well, ever since the topic came up I guess) but really, it's not going to be that bad of a thing. I guess I am late to the party on saying that but I don't see Marvel being touched in any significant way.. especially not one that is going to hurt them. Eh, if it happens I guess I can apologize but I just don't see it.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I think there will be an eventual attempt at another Marvel Kids line or something, and some other Disneified Marvel...but the core of the company won't change, this new stuff will be *additional* to what we already like.

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Disney owns Miramax, they put out Kill Bill and alot of Kevin Smith films.

Crazy thought with that statement as I was going to mention Kevin Smith earlier... we all know he is a huge comic book fan and so forth, anyone think we'll see a Kevin Smith written/directed Marvel flick in the future?

I could see that actually happening if Green Hornet turns out well.

Edited by Gene Kiniski
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I think there will be an eventual attempt at another Marvel Kids line or something, and some other Disneified Marvel...but the core of the company won't change, this new stuff will be *additional* to what we already like.


Kids line? Pfft. I sincerely doubt it. :shifty:

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