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College Football 2009 Season thread~!


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Going into yesterday Miami/VT/GT all sat with one loss in the ACC and tied with each other at the top of the division. VT already has two losses on the season, so GT/Miami is who needed to be worried about in the ACC.

A one loss BCS team is who is going to screw either TCU/Boise out of the second "non BCS" spot in the BCS Bowls. Had VT gone through and you had one loss GT and Miami sitting there, TCU/Boise gets hosed by either of the one loss ACC teams. VT already has two losses on the season so them getting the auto spot would be irrelevent to TCU/Boise. The "at large" bids are what need to be whittled down. One loss Miami going down whittles away another one of the teams that could take it. Now, we want GT to go through because a two loss VT team won't make it past an undefeated Boise/TCU.

Outside of that, Miami was 10th in the first BCS standings, ahead of both GT/VT. That's what matters. Any one loss BCS school in the top 15 of the first standings are who they need to have go down. Being tenth, Miami was easily one that could have jumped the lower rated of the two at the end of the year.

Now GT is in the driver's seat, and that's what they need to happen at this point.

Yes, Miami losing helps them both out.

Moving on though, going from the first BCS rankings:

Texas will gain a spot. The games that Bama/UF played were shit, against weaker opponents (on paper) than Mizzou. The top three will still be Bama/Texas/UF but I see Bama/Texas flipping. Cincy might catch Boise but it may take one more week. Iowa might actually lose ground to one loss USC. I'm hoping though, that TCU jumps USC but I highly doubt it.

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Going into yesterday Miami/VT/GT all sat with one loss in the ACC and tied with each other at the top of the division. VT already has two losses on the season, so GT/Miami is who needed to be worried about in the ACC.

Except that overall record doesn't matter. GT/VT were still ahead of Miami, VT by way of tie-breaker in head to head.

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Yes, I know ... which meant that VT would go, and A ONE LOSS MIAMI would have been there for the BCS to take in an at large capacity.

NOW, if one loss GT goes through, it's fine because VT AND MIAMI HAVE TWO LOSSES ... which means they won't be ahead of undefeated TCU/Boise.

THAT is the overall record that matters, and that I'm talking about.

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I was just refuting:

Miami winning the ACC with one loss is no good for either of them.

By saying they were not in a position to even win the ACC due to two teams being ahead of them. Nothing more. And I've already added that Miami wouldn't jump Boise or TCU. As for a bowl game selecting them over one - possible, not sure how likely if by season end both are undefeated. Boise travels well, has BCS history, and if both undefeated probably top 5 teams while Miami sits back some. So if they were selected over anyone it would be TCU who could jump Boise potentially to take the top mid-major spot.

As you all know I support the BCS, but I do think this is the only rule that needs to change. Bowl committees won't agree, but the power to select the teams needs to go to BCS rankings and not: "If Notre Dame is in the top 10 they are automatically eligible to be selected over anyone else" which they will. Even with all of that it comes down to an individual bowl committee selecting an at-large team that they like which I disagree with. It should also be a rule that even if you win your conference you should have to be in the top 10-12, which conferences won't agree to either, but in theory it'd prevent us from having the Wake Forest's, VT last season, etc. from playing in big bowl games they don't deserve to be playing.

Regardless, not worth arguing/discussing about at this juncture.

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It should also be a rule that even if you win your conference you should have to be in the top 10-12, which conferences won't agree to either, but in theory it'd prevent us from having the Wake Forest's, VT last season, etc. from playing in big bowl games they don't deserve to be playing.

Actually, that rule exists.

From the BCS website:

The champion of Conference USA, the Mid-American Conference, the Mountain West Conference, the Sun Belt Conference, or the Western Athletic Conference will earn an automatic berth in a BCS bowl game if either:

A. Such team is ranked in the top 12 of the final BCS Standings, or,

B. Such team is ranked in the top 16 of the final BCS Standings and its ranking in the final BCS Standings is higher than that of a champion of a conference that has an annual automatic berth in one of the BCS bowls.

No more than one such team from Conference USA, the Mid-American Conference, the Mountain West Conference, the Sun Belt Conference, and the Western Athletic Conference shall earn an automatic berth in any year. (Note: a second team may be eligible for at-large eligibility as noted below.) If two or more teams from those conferences satisfy the provisions for an automatic berth, then the team with the highest finish in the final BCS Standings will receive the automatic berth, and the remaining team or teams will be considered for at-large selection if it meets the criteria.

However, that "considered" means shafted but you know ...

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Again... which is crap. Because VT didn't deserve its bid last year, Wake didn't when they won. VT was #19 last year and got the ACC bid, Cincinnati #12 somewhat respectable I suppose. My point remains, I don't know why you feel you must repeat that little bit about the actual written "rule" which isn't enforced because it's not even a hard rule, it's just saying the bowl has the right not to choose you if you aren't in the top 16 which is far too high to begin with, and it was proven last year it doesn't work as the ACC champion Hokies got the bid being #19.

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Again... which is crap. Because VT didn't deserve its bid last year, Wake didn't when they won. VT was #19 last year and got the ACC bid, Cincinnati #12 somewhat respectable I suppose. My point remains, I don't know why you feel you must repeat that little bit about the actual written "rule" which isn't enforced because it's not even a hard rule, it's just saying the bowl has the right not to choose you if you aren't in the top 16 which is far too high to begin with, and it was proven last year it doesn't work as the ACC champion Hokies got the bid being #19.

Wow, what crawled up your ass and died.

You know how this bullshit works just as I do. You said they should have a rule. Well, they do have a rule but it just isn't right. I'm the last person to defend the BCS in any form, but I also understand that they've put something in place that covers what you're talking about. Enforced or not, it's there.

And funny how one year proves that conjecture doesn't work, but you'll say that multiple years of the BCS not working doesn't prove that it doesn't work (cited: past discussions on BCS topic).

Hell, when I stated the rule I even said that "considered" meant shafted. I was pretty clear that I know it's hokie. That doesn't however, remove the fact that they've put it in writing to cover their ass.

What you're talking about, is the automatic bids. Those won't be fucked with because you're fucking with the BCS conferences themselves. The automatic bids are set, regardless of how shitty the team coming out of the BCS conference is. The only thing negotiable is the at large bids. And, they've put in a clause for that (which again, is crap, but there).

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Well, they arrested someone in the Jasper Howard killing the other day. Some Hartford ghetto scum, why am I not surprised by this?

Too bad people can't just argue anymore and settle their differences. Too bad people can't just end beef with a good ol fashioned fist fight and end it. Nope, it's now 'someone's gotta die' shit - hence what we had in Storrs last week.

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Well, they arrested someone in the Jasper Howard killing the other day. Some Hartford ghetto scum, why am I not surprised by this?

Too bad people can't just argue anymore and settle their differences. Too bad people can't just end beef with a good ol fashioned fist fight and end it. Nope, it's now 'someone's gotta die' shit - hence what we had in Storrs last week.

What's sadder is that the stereotype of Connecticut residents seems to belie that this really shouldn't happen there in the first place. You expect to find out about a tragic death in maybe a place like Oxford, since Mississippi is a state that has the stereotypes of poor people, racist rednecks, and ghetto children, but not in a place like Storrs where it seems like a suburban playground.

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Well, they arrested someone in the Jasper Howard killing the other day. Some Hartford ghetto scum, why am I not surprised by this?

Too bad people can't just argue anymore and settle their differences. Too bad people can't just end beef with a good ol fashioned fist fight and end it. Nope, it's now 'someone's gotta die' shit - hence what we had in Storrs last week.

What's sadder is that the stereotype of Connecticut residents seems to belie that this really shouldn't happen there in the first place. You expect to find out about a tragic death in maybe a place like Oxford, since Mississippi is a state that has the stereotypes of poor people, racist rednecks, and ghetto children, but not in a place like Storrs where it seems like a suburban playground.

Trust me, that stereotype is true - but only in certain parts of the state. Especially to the south and west, or in suburban Hartford.

Hartford proper meanwhile is definitely not a part of it. High poverty, high minority population (40% black, 40% hispanic), high crime, high in murders. Just general lack of regard for human life among anyone under 40.

The northeastern part, where Storrs is, doesn't have a lot of money. But it's very quiet and tucked away in the hills.

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The Vols' black jerseys tonight are SA-WHEET!! Hope they keep them as alternate jerseys like some teams have instead of just doing this for Halloween home games, but I doubt it.

For anyone not watching, they're black jerseys with an orange # that has a white outline, and no names on the back.

Spurrier may be eating some crow after this game.

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