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New Rammstein 'comes' out

Crybaby Bunting

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I can't actually link to the video that has 'came' out but I'm sure a brief search will be enough to find it.

Mein Gott, that was one weird video and that combined with the other song that leaked assures me that this album will be awesome. It's shocking, it's morally ambiguous it's... CLASSIC RAMMSTEIN :D

Yeah, and as an aside, don't watch that video if you're under 18. Only naughty people do that ¬_¬

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Uhhh... Yeah, cool? I guess it's okay to try and shock people, but... I dunno. Was that really necessary? I don't think I need to see that again.

Besides, the song itself was pretty bad, Rammstein can do so much better. The other song from the new album I've heard, which is the title track "Liebe ist für alle da", is much better.

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Rosenrot was in 2005, wasn't it? Saying that, it was just Reise, Reise part two, so...yeah.

The thing with comparing this to Amerika is the fact that at least Amerika had something resembling a social commentary. This is just Rammstein trying to be edgy and it's not really worked for them. Still, Rammlied is muuuuch better.

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Let's look at it this way.

Brokencyde, "Freaxxx"...whether you like it or not, it has a good beat to it, the backing is catchy as hell...this...it's not, it's absolute dross. Plus Brokencyde has the plus factor of being unintentionally HILARIOUS (the video), whereas this...it's a little awkward once you actually get past the novelty factor.

Seriously, as songs they're both complete 'shit on the shoe' level as far as writing, execution and a concept as a whole go. And honestly the only difference I have between the two is 'IT'S RAMMSTEIN THEY CAN DO THINGS LIKE THIS!! HAHA AREN'T THEY SO FUNNY!!'

Edited by YI
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