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Big Red Fury

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  • 1 month later...

Last night's (in the UK) episode was fucking amazing, seriously, all faith I had in the show has been completely rewarded from that. I've never not found it entertaining, but it looked like it was starting to suffer from a slowing plot pace (which I still insist is a problem in American TV as a whole and not the show, the seasons are just a few episodes too long for shows like this). Can't wait to see how Dm being alive and Dyson being dead will affect the potential flashes we saw, since that day seemed to be the biggest point of divergence.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Yeah, completely agree. The last episode was the first one in a very long time (maybe since the first) that I've legitimately liked without any WTF? qualities.

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Does this mean Goyer has a seven year plan for the 2016 date? Is it more likely they'll try and do a time jump? Or it's not really all that relevant.

Loving the show, though Frost was such an interesting characters. It's really picked up, the last ep being a real high point.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Mr. Potato Head

So I'm back to enjoying this show, although I think I just had an element of Mark's flashforward spoiled by reading a plot summary on Wikipedia >_<

A little curious how they can effectively wrap everything up though, with only three episodes left. My guess is that they want a second season, which imo would be a horrible mistake. This would have been a great movie, but stretching it out for a full TV series got a little thin at times. If you want something of Sawyer's on TV, the Hominids series would be a much better choice for an adaptation.

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What's the chance of Flash Forward getting a second season? It's strangely one of my favourite things on TV; I love it.

As close to zero as you can possibly get. I think it's picked up brilliantly over the last few episodes, but it's been doomed from day one really. Poor ratings and the stars searching for new roles in different shows is a huge indication they wont see a season two.

That all said, I guess there's always hope. As I said, it's picked up brilliantly over the last few episodes. I really don't know how they're going to wrap everything up so quickly if they do, but I also don't see where they could continue to go in a full new season without dragging things along.

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Michael Ausiello is reporting that ABC’s FlashForward, Romantically Challenged, Better Off Ted and Scrubs have all been canceled.

That would fall into the no surprise, somewhat surprising (at least to us), no kidding and no kidding categories.

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Yeah that doesn't surprise me much. I only watched up until two episodes before the massive break, and probably only watched that far because it was a good way to waste time. I did enjoy it mostly but there were a few times every episode I couldn't look past the awful dialogue, the whole BECAUSE I WAS LOADED OK??!?!?!? thing being the worst.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Things have really picked up lately though, last week's and last night's episodes were legitimately good.

No way they could sustain a second season though.

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Things have really picked up lately though, last week's and last night's episodes were legitimately good.

No way they could sustain a second season though.

Are you saying that due to ratings or being able to come up with a new storyline? I feel that a lot of mystery shows are cemented in their second season with their ability to come up with a new story. Most of the time, it is completely different from what the first season was dealing with. I would assume that the following seasons of FlashForward would develop the motive of the group creating the blackouts and exploring what their plan after figuring out the future is. It's not like they would keep having a blackout to start each season and then spend the rest of the season building up to what they saw in it.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head


This first season was a mess because they were trying to stretch the storyline out over 22 episodes and it really didn't work. Trying to do that again, without a blackout, without the jumps through time, without all the characters meeting each other? No way they can do a good job of that. Your idea's not bad, except that I think we're going to get all the answers in the last couple episodes anyhow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, the finale.

Well, I think it was the finale. It's kind of weird watching a finale that ends with a cliffhanger, knowing you'll never see how it ends. It was a pretty cool episode, although I hated that Olivia and Lloyd really did get together. The whole storyline with the dad looking for his daughter in Iraq (or Afghanistan?) seems a bit useless now. Why was there a helicopter hovering in front of the building in the end when Mark was running with a crazy face towards the window? You'd think knowing there is going to be another black-out, people would just stay on the ground. Being in a helicopter in the air = automatic dead or horrible injuries. I would go inside somewhere and just lie on the floor. Anyway, shame the show has been canceled, but I get it.

Edit: What happened to the lady in Hong Kong? Her flash forward lied about Demetri? Why didn't Demetri have a flash forward then?

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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Guest Mr. Potato Head

The lady in Hong Kong was working for Frost, and was lying to him to get things to unfold the way Frost wanted. Was Demetri wearing the ring at 10:00? If he was, that could explain his lack of a flashforward...depending how the science works, it could stop people from being affected on either end maybe?

You'd think that knowing the show wasn't coming back, they'd have at least tried to give the sense of wrapping up the plot rather than adding a hundred more questions.

Completely agree that the Aaron in Afghanistan plot seems completely useless now (my guess is that it would have been revealed Jericho was behind the blackout, tying those in), but what about Bryce and Keiko for side plots that seemed entirely irrelevant?

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I watched the first five or six episodes and was bored bored bored. After the break and the firing of the first two show runners, I decided I woul wait to see if the show was cancelled and if I heard they ended the show on a cliffhanger or not. Had they not ended on a cliffhanger, I might have picked up the season DVD this summer on Netflix and watched it, but knowing that nothing is going to be resolved, I see no point now. The writing was on the wall in November and again after the break when the ratings were so low the show was getting beaten by The Vampire Diaries on the CW. They had adequate time to wrap things up and give a solid and satisfying ending to the show. Poorly done from day one.

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I actually thought it was a really good finale, apart from the obvious cliff hanger left at the end. I'd really love to see this show somehow picked up in the future or even some sort of special made, because there's still so many questions. They've still left it with us not even knowing who caused the black out, so surely they've put out the possibility of some sort of follow up in the future.

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